Let's show you around town...

The dog park

Of course, since I'm narrating, we'll start with the dog park. We lucked out and bought a home that is two minutes--if that--away from the one and only off-leash dog "exercise area" as it is called here. 

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I'm used to the Florida dog parks where they often had agility type "toys,"  fountains, bathing areas, etc...The dog exercise area in Appleton, is completely fenced in, but it is more like a humongous field with trails, etc... There are no drinking fountains for the dogs or bathing areas, etc...I think I've taken Brutus & Samson there about 4 or 5 times in the 7 weeks we've been here. They seem to enjoy it and spend most of their time sniffing and peeing on things like Samson is doing below. Brutus is the brindle boy with cropped ears in the second picture. 

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Daniel Huntley Elementary

Below you will find a picture of Mike and Max's future public elementary school called Daniel Huntley Elementary. I believe it serves area children from grades K-5. The school is exactly 6 houses away from our home, so it takes about a minute to walk to--which will come in handy during the winter! 

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The school just installed a brand new playground the first week we were here and since it is so close the boys and I go up almost every day to play (it is an open campus arrangement and all neighborhood children/parents can use the playground equipment and check out books in the library, etc...). 

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The mall

Next, we'll take you to the mall. There is only one here in Appleton--it's called the Fox River mall. Again, I was used to a different mall on every corner in south Florida, and now have only one to choose from, but wouldn't you know it--this one has every store I'd ever want to go to, so it's OK! And the good news keeps coming--it only takes 5 minutes to get there from our house. You jump on 41 south and go a few exits and you're there. Great location, great stores, great food court area and restaurants!

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Erb Park

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This is Erb Park. It is located about 2 minutes away from our house and is in a very desirable area of Appleton. The houses are all probably 50 + years old and are beautiful huge English tudor style homes or all brick with the ivy growing up the house--just gorgeous. This is a shot of the park itself, but what you can't see is the park is surrounded on all four sides by these houses.

In addition to the playground equipment, there is a public outdoor swimming pool (it would be to the left in this picture), basketball courts, tennis, etc...Next to the swimming facility, is the middle school Mike & Max will attend -Roosevelt Middle. Check it out below.


Roosevelt Middle

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Isn't this beautiful? This is the middle school for area children grades 6-8. We have two neighbors, fraternal twins, John & Christina, who attend this school.


Peabody Park

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Ok, this picture doesn't even remotely do this park justice at all. Peabody Park is unbelievably gorgeous. They have a cookout area, covered area for picnics, bathrooms, basketball courts and bike trails in addition to the playground equipment. Mike and Max had never seen a "see saw" before coming to Wisconsin, and that's their favorite thing to go on at this park.

You can't tell from the picture, but it's actually down in a valley and there are homes up on the cliff over looking this park. It is also across the street from the Fox River, which is pictured below:


The Fox River

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On the bank of this river (kind of where I stood to take this picture) they have swinging benches for people to sit on that overlook the river. The highway 441 is to the right. We live north of the river and my parents live south of the river, but it only takes 5 minutes to get to each other's homes if you take the highway.



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This is the downtown area of Appleton. Pictured here you can see the City Center which houses some restaurants, city government offices and the children's museum which we haven't gone to yet but are eager to visit soon.  This is the newer section of downtown with the Starbucks and hip salons and boutiques, etc...down the street a little, are the older stores, businesses, ice cream parlors, vintage clothing, and tons of bars. This area is very close to Lawrence University which is a private college and Appleton is full of young college kids. Those of you who know my parents will know that they are already "regulars" at some of the blues clubs and bars (especially the bar called, oddly enough, The Bar).

On Saturdays they have a market arrangement where the streets downtown are closed to traffic and vendors sell veggies, fruit, fresh flowers and arts and crafts, etc...We have gone the last two Saturday mornings with my parents and will probably make it a regular summer thing. Mike and Max love the idea of being able to walk down the middle of the street!

Lawrence University

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This is Lawrence University. The area is breathtaking and very "well to do." Adam read somewhere that it costs $26,000 a year to attend the school! It is a private college and specializes in the arts. They have a children's playhouse/theatre so we are eager to take the boys to experience a play or two.


Paradise Ice Cream

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Ah, our nemesis, Paradise Ice Cream. We have eaten here for dessert no less than a dozen times so far. Unfortunately it is in walking distance from our house and it does not get dark until just after 9 pm here in the summer so we've gone often. The ice cream is very good and Adam and I are convinced we've both gained about 5-10 pounds just from the amount of ice cream we've been eating. Paradise Ice Cream has really amusing names for their flavors--my favorite is called "Fat Elvis." It is banana ice cream with chocolate chips and peanut butter swirls.

Paradise Ice Cream is off of Ballard Ave. on your way to highway 41 (we live close to 41 and 441) so we can't drive past it without Max screaming that he wants some ice cream. Adam's favorite thing about this place is the price--ice cream for all 4 of us is about  $5 compared to the $13 or so we'd spend in Florida!


View from the point in Menasha

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We haven't been here yet, but our really nice neighbor, Frank, who is Frannie & Priscilla's dad, went to Menasha today to take this picture for us because he knew we were putting together some pictures for our friends and relatives to see--which is a classic example of why Wisconsin residents are known for being so friendly and nice. Menasha is another small town in the Fox Valley area and apparently this particular spot affords a beautiful view of the Fox Valley area and Lake Winnebago. 


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