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Max LOVES the swings at any park, but is pictured here at Peabody. He's getting so big so fast! He is loving it here and always asks if we are going to go back to our "new house" whenever we leave to run an errand or go off to do something. He loves the house and even after 7 weeks of being here, still runs all over the house squealing with joy.



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This picture was also taken this morning when we were playing up at Huntley Elementary School's playground. Mike is very excited to go to school--Adam and I just are not sure if he can go this fall or fall 2004.

Mike is happy here--really, he is...he just hates getting his picture taken!

8-23-03 Mike learned how to ride a "two wheeler" today! He practiced all day long and can now turn, stop and ride all by himself without the training wheels. He is really proud of himself for not giving up--and we are too!!


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The first picture is of Max, Priscilla, Mike and Frannie sitting on our front steps enjoying a popsicle one hot day last week. The second is of Mike, Priscilla (age 5) and Frannie (age 8). Priscilla & Frannie's dad lives in the house next door (to the right) and the girls are there for 9 weeks in the summer. John & Christina, their step-siblings, live next door all year round. All 4 kids really took to each other right away and everyone likes to carry Max around! He loves the attention!  The kids ride their bikes up and down the sidewalk (Adam got Mike a big boy bike with training wheels) and Max "rides" his big wheel or they play soccer in our front yard. 

There aren't very many children Mike & Max's age in our neighborhood but we have met some nice parents and kids at the various parks around town. Mike & Max sure miss their friends back in Florida. If you are reading this, please send us an e-mail! We'd love to hear from you!


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