The latest....


This page will hold pictures and descriptions of the latest news from Appleton, WI!

We have been busy since my last entry on Sept. 1, 2003 on the around town in Appleton page! I think we started off with a bat caper--Adam and I were watching tv in bed and saw a bat flying around inside our house. Of course we completely freaked out and after huge drama, I went next door the next afternoon and asked our nice neighbor Kurt if he'd help us capture the bat safely to return him to the outdoors. He came over bravely, with a fishing net and got the little bat out safely.

We had a bat company come out to the house later in the week and "bat proof" our house. Apparently there is evidence of them in our attic so they put up some type of device that allows them to leave the house but can't get back in. They said that in late August, early September lots of baby bats are trying to leave the house and sometimes get lost and don't know their way out like the parents do. They found a tiny opening in our laundry room that a bat could get into from the attic so we are hoping the problem has been fixed!!

Here are some pictures of our house with the fall decorations up.

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Boxer Bash

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I attended the Green Acres Boxer Rescue of Wisconsin's 3rd Annual Boxer Bash on Sept. 13 in DePere, Wisconsin which is near Green Bay (about 20 minutes away). It was an extremely well organized indoor event and went very well. GABR raised over $6,000 towards their Boxer Rescue efforts! They had a silent auction and one of the guest speakers was the one and only Charlotte Gotz who is on Animal Planet's Boxer Breed All About It video with her seeing eye dog, Casey. Casey has since passed away, so Charlotte was there with her new seeing eye Boxer, Ali who is a stunning Flashy Brindle girl. She gave a great speech about this wonderful breed's service to her and rescue efforts in general. I was honored to get to speak with her and her husband.


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Another guest speaker from Paws 4 Fun dog training, gave a demonstration on proper relations between dogs and children. It was very informative and fun to watch. Her dog was a very well behaved and trained Weimeraner.


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Another pic of Charlotte speaking to the crowd about her seeing eye Boxer, Ali.

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This was the group of people sitting and listening to the guest speakers. The other side of the building had food vendors, the auction and other tables with things for sale, etc...

Back to Little Farmer Orchard

We went back to the Little Farmer Orchard to pick out some pumpkins on September 27. This time it was FREEZING out--we all had our winter coats on! My parents came along  (no Brutus) and we ate warm peach muffins, hot cider, picked pumpkins, looked at some crafts and fed the farm animals. It was too cold for a hayride! Enjoy some pictures below:

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Mike & Max lost in a sea of pumpkins!

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Mike & Max love to ride the big boy trikes around the play area at Little Farmer!



Thomas the Tank Engine

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The next day, September 14, 2003, we drove back to Green Bay first thing in the morning (cold, rainy) to ride on the real Thomas the Tank Engine train and visit their train museum. The boys had never been on a train, so they were beyond excited. We went around a long track twice and then you get to have your picture taken with Thomas. This is Adam with Mike and Max.


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This is a picture of a Thomas character named Sir Topham Hatt with Max and dad.

Hattie's Surprise 30th Birthday Party

I HATE  surprises, but Adam and my parents really pulled one over on me this year for my 30th birthday. I thought my mom and I were going antiquing, but when I got to my mom's house to pick her up they told me to go in the backyard to see her new flowers she planted, I rounded the corner and found tons of family members were waiting on the deck to say surprise! I was very happy to see everyone in the same place and was really surprised! We took a family picture below. My oldest friend from Wisconsin and her husband were also there but not in the picture--they were taking it! It was a fantastic day!

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Here are a few pictures of Mike and Max at Snyder Park with grandma & grandpa that I just had developed.

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Here are some pictures of Mike and Max swimming at Sunset Beach in Kimberly, Wisconsin. It is a man made beach/lake with slides in the water and a playground on the "beach." We went three times this summer and the boys had a blast each time.

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Mom went a little nuts this fall and signed Mike and Max up for a few too many activities. Mike has his first little pre-school type class for 45 minutes on Tuesday mornings called Wee Learners. Parents are not allowed in and have to wait in the waiting room. We can watch through a glass window and Mike is doing so well. The teacher reads a story and then they either sing a song or play a game and then do an arts and crafts project. Mike feels so grown up and it is good practice for Kindergarten next fall.

Mike also took a soccer and basketball class and is pictured here on the last day with his team and coaches Tyler and Jerry. (Mike is the fourth child from the left in the front row with long sleeve navy shirt and red sweatpants)

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We also go to family story time at the Appleton library and a "make it and take it" crafts class. We purchased a Yearly Family Pass for the Children's Museum downtown and have gone there several times. It is such a neat place. Pictures will be developed soon. Mike & Max are enrolled in science classes there on Wednesdays and Thursdays and love it.


I am thrilled to announce that my oldest childhood friend Tracey and her husband Brad, welcomed their first baby on August 31. Maya is adorable and will be the future wife of one of my boys if I have any say in the matter! I went to Milwaukee on Sept. 14 to visit the baby and her parents and am so happy that I can be here to watch her grow up. Tracey and I have been friends for 20 years! 

On a sad note, my grandmother Doris Bub, passed away a day after her birthday from complications of Alzheimer's disease. I am sad that she is gone but very grateful that we were here in Wisconsin to be with her.

Thanks for visiting and reading about what's new with us here. Keep checking back for additional pictures--especially some new ones of the fall leaves!

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