The Very Essence of All Creations.

Why it is commonly said as OmniPotent, OmniScience, OmniPresence and OmniOne?

Well let us begin this way, Human has philosophy and belief in several teachings that described the five elements or norms of phenomena, which influences their existence in the Universe. i.e. Earth, Water, Fire, Wood, Metal.

Nowadays, the we recognize them in different terms such as Solid, Liquid, Gas, Energy, etc. The chemical reaction out of those solid, Liquid, Gas and Energy has created another thing that is organism or a new chemical compound. All of that happened as the energy presents as catalyst to any manifestation, but at the same time a new type of energy shall be made available. It is this energy consumed or produced that is used to be referred as Fire Sign.

We also learned that Solid forms are constructed from different molecule combination. The combination can create several other molecular chemical compounds or organism, such as organ, cells, table, ice cubes, etc.

The liquid form is combination of several different molecules but vibrate at higher frequency than solid form. When we heat the solid form at critical temperature, then after the temperature is reached, the molecules binding will break apart and organizes itself into a recognizable pattern of liquid form.

Then we know that when this temperature is further increases, the liquid form shall disintegrate and thus changed to gaseous forms. In this state, molecules are of one variety, example Nitrogen gas, Hydrogen gas, etc.

Manipulating the heat supply to the gaseous forms, we know that the ATOM is the foundation of molecule.

The next step after breaking the atomic binding, it is revealed that the existence of finer atoms which we shall refer as SUB-ATOMIC particles. Example, proton, neutron, ion, muons, neutrinos, quark and leptons, etc.

Continuing one level higher, we found the particles we shall be named as ORIGIN MATTER, at this stage, all forms of manifestations and characteristics are same but it still comprises of smaller units plus energy within its existence.

Energy is supplement for matter as well as a side product; they are available and created in most instants there is the present of matter from low to high frequency vibration.

Energy are available when there is a changing in matter frequency, example being heated and also available when we alter the matter composition, example atomic reactions, or when any alteration of location/space, example hydro waterfall energy.

Vise versa energy is responsible for the existence of those three types of processes above. Energy is terms as particles aligned, focused and vibrate at certain level of frequency.

The last stage is breaking apart the Origin Matters at very critical high temperature, what happens is that the energy escape and become or transform back to its original status and form. That is the basic particles. While the particles remained within the origin matter return to its basic pristine shape, that is the basic intrinsic particle.

At this level, we have the common basic pristine particles that are unbreakable further, they have same characteristics, same form, where differentiation of particles is no longer possible.

These particles are common, same quality, same characteristics, same shape, unique, present everywhere in all manifestations in the Universe, it is the basic ingredients and spare parts of energy, of Origin matter, of Sub-Atomic, of Atoms, of molecules, of Liquid forms, of Solid materials, of any organism living or non-living things.

Scientist/Spiritualist called these pristine particles in several names:

The manifestation of elementary basic particles from its origin pristine state till the solid forms take seven steps of formation processes.

These formation steps are:

All manifestations and creations in the Universe are in these categories structural format or norms of manifestation. Some Galaxies or others Solar systems might have only one or two of the formation steps of manifestations. In our Solar System, we know that we have liquid form, Solid, Atomic, Sub-atomic manifestations, but in our Globe, the Earth has all these transformations. Human is one of the collective provisions of the seven steps of manifestations. Within the human there exist all of these seven transformation level, we have the solid level (skin, internal organs, etc), Liquid in form of bloods, urine, also Atomic, molecules level, sub-atomic (chemical reactions within our body), Energy, Soul and Spirit entity who dwells in the human body are of light (Sub-atomic and Origin matters) level, etc.

Some old saying uttered that Human is said to be one of the most complex living being in the Universe, which is quite true as described above.

Now we have learned the evidence of these seven manifestation steps also presents in the Human; this also serves a tool to understand the behavior of the Human at later stage in other chapter.

It is now understood that the Origin Basic Particles are in all manifestations, it presents in other forms but in different quantity from one manifestation to the others manifestation.

There more its concentration within one existence, the higher the mass of that creation will be. Thus more strong its inherited properties contain in that creation.

We can find that they present in the Planet, Sun, moon, meteorites, cosmic dust, gravitational pull, magnetic field, black-hole, stone, dust, water, energy, z-particles, muons, light carrier, bossons, forces, etc. Then it is known to be present in every where, every place and space, thus it is often equated as Omni Present.

Since all Basic Origin Particles are exactly same in property, size, form, characteristics then it is also known as Omni One.

As of from the same container of Basic Origin Particles, although some of its parts participate in other creations, it shall known about their whereabouts, their new manifestation states and their new environment, their new existence, their others counter parts, in fact from each steps of manifestation (seven steps), they are interconnected and become a cycle with energy as one of its ‘fuel’ to return to its previous existence. With this information about its manifestations, it is linked to each other constantly, Thus it is known also as Omni Scient.

We know that this Basic Origin Particles are the Sole-Player, absolute in all creations in the Universe, a kind of monopolistic authority given that they are Omni Present and Omni Scient in the Universe, it is so unique and capable thus it is regarded as Omni Potent.

We know that anything the human created as well as those Natures have created direct or indirect has its unique pattern, thus specific properties or follow certain criteria of characteristics. Example, when we were asked to describe a tiger, we might started with huge 4 legs animal with sharp teeth and claws, living in jungle, feeding in the dawn and resting in day time, shiny eyes, eat flesh, has a big roar sound, etc. These are some of the tiger’s properties, when it is so specific and becomes its fundamental properties; we often refer it as the tiger behavior or characteristics.

Another example, humans face on newspaper, looks like several thousands or millions dot, plotted on a piece of paper and arrange in certain configuration. Actually it is only small dots and meaningless if we look at one particular tiny dot, but once we view the collection of the dots as a whole, on a coarse scale, does the human face image emerge. The image is not a property of any individual tiny dot here, but as the property of the collection of tiny dots. From this face image, one may starts to comments about the owner, a person, for example the person whose face was like that is of this behavior, of that height, of that ethnic race, of certain particular level of intelligence level, etc. In this pattern of dots, the way they are put together, has specific information encoded within the molecular structures.

Likewise, the tiny dot as individual dot, also reflects the constituent molecule or atoms that comprise its existence. If we kept to spell out by conversion from atoms back to the Origin Basic Particles, we learned that each steps of manifestation (seven level) indeed has certain specific information/properties encoded within. It is this inherited property which can assist us to differentiate each of the creation properly, also to trace back to its nature pristine state. The specific properties are the characteristics of any creation.

We may derive that every creation or manifestation has its own essence characteristics or certain standard behaviors.

This fact of finding also implies that the Origin Basic Particles also have its unique characteristics.

What are they and what names had been awarded to these Origins Basic Particles’ properties/characteristics?

These particles are always revolving, evolving, transforming, vibrating, maintaining orderliness, maintaining its existence, conforming, equilibrium, duality, etc. These are some of the pristine properties of the origin Basic Particles that we knew, of course there are many more to be discussed such as attract-repel-expand-extinct-cause-effect.

When it transforms into other manifestation, then obviously the new manifestation shall has tendency to reflect the hereditary characteristics. The influences exerted in the new form depend on the quantity of Origin Basic Particles participation in this new form, the more the particles are represented, the stronger its characteristics heritage in the new manifestation.

When it is into a new form of creation, it has orderliness to follow, such as when, where, what and to be or not to be as discussed in the nature creation procedures, as such that it shall return to its essence shape.

Whatever been constructed will be disintegrated, attracted shall be repelled, this is part of the duality behavior of the Origin Basic Particles, but since there are other characteristics such as conformity to survival, orderliness, evolution as well as vibrating, then the duality is balanced at equilibrium.

Throughout many centuries ago, much erudition had admitted the existence of these regularity norms and thus gave nickname to these properties of the Basic Origin Particles as Nature Laws or refers to as The Universe Laws.

Amongst the Universe Laws, there are the Cause-Effect Law and the Equilibrium Law which are very influential in our religious teachings, where it was known as Those who sows (seeds) shall reaps (harvest), and Live in Peace and Harmony with each others (Equilibrium).

We had said that the Equilibrium law governs and regulates our lives continuously through its subordinate affects such as Cause/Effect Law. Equilibrium will prevail whenever a condition/solution/situation that is acceptable and satisfactory to parties involved is available in any event; Hence fairness is guaranteed when equilibrium appears.

Mankind has asked and doubted through several generations whether Supreme Fairness exists or not? Since their difficulties, pains and suffering that they experienced seems to be endless and no justice for those treated them cruelly.

It is in reality that most people are given or had chances to indulge and to satisfy themselves almost without boundaries (Merciful); Whatever mankind wanted always can be reached and obtained as long as in accordance to nature’s laws (Caringful); irrespect of what the human had done/sin, there are always chance and ways to recuperate and to improve by living impeccably or doing alms works (Lovingful). Above all, these guarantee that the Laws are fair, not any creation is loved/cared more than the others are. The Resonance and the Cause/Effect Law further enhance the issue of Fair treatments to All.

The Cause/Effect Law means that any action shall incur reaction as the consequences, while the resonance is related to likeness, example positive action attracts positive reaction or negative behavior causes in negative reactions as the fruit.

If larger amount of Origin Basic Particles were found as spare parts in one manifestation, the larger its affect in that particular existence, thus larger its mass. This is the way things happened in the Universe, Strong inflicts upon weaker, but the weaker will be the strong one, once it joins the strong and then be confronted to something stronger, and so on.

In Human, we have certain amount of Origin Basic Particles; hence we have also the duality quality within us, for example rational-irrational, positive emotional values (love, care, humble, etc)-negative emotions (hate, jealous, etc). We also have the judgement tool within/near to our heart chakra known as the Conscience (equilibrium), and also subconscious-conscious and the semi-conscious brain in the head, as well as the seven level of Origin Basic Particles manifestations within us, example corporeal body with its complicated and sophisticated nerve systems with five main organs with their inter related functions (liquid, solid, gas, energy, etc) plus the Soul in the etheric form (non-matter form), the Spirit Entity that dwells in us ( Light being/Origin Matter) and not the last the combination of the mortal body with Soul plus the Spirit Entity which give birth to us, the Self/Psyche.

It seems that we might be the most complicated life being ever created, since all of the seven stages of manifestation are present in one human. Hence it is not a mistake but accept with humbleness, when we heard or read that Human is the most loved creation on Earth if we compare our constructions to other living beings that ever existed on Earth.

We live on Earth to develop our consciousness, awareness and understanding of the specific aspects of laws of Nature and the Universe. What we think we “know” on Earth is just a tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge.

The entire Universe is one organism. It's one Being, one consciousness, one Self, that manifests itself into this varied universe.

Everything in the Universe happens for a reason or some reasons !. 

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