

Most people had been guided by this special character in their daily life routine when confronted to a dilemma or ambiguity in making an important decision.

Irrespect of the effort prepared thoroughly with careful approach before making the important decision; people still wonder if they really had done the right thing or execute a precise and appropriate decision. This doubt arisen as the person is a hesitate, restless, fear of the unknown one. Generally this particular person has not learn to trust his own conscience.

There is a judgment tool hidden inside us, the judgement of right (good) and wrong (bad). This is the Conscience.

Whenever we apply and decide rightness behavior, rightness thought,and right actions; the conscience will grow stronger.

Consequently the other way is true; that the less thoughtful we are the weaker this conscience messages can be tapped.

The more we rely from the positive dialogue outcome between our brain and this sense of right/wrong; the thicker (stronger) the sediment form in the conscience.

Once sufficient amount of sediment is transform, this deposit will act as an on/off switch board to connect us with our Spirit being and the human soul within.

This deposit gives us ability to receive abstract information or messages from our Spirit being and the Soul entity.

The information might be from external source, out of our body but it is relay by our Spirit to us, via our central nerve system to the brain and its sub-ordinates.

We can also convey request or send message to our spirit being via this sediment while consciously awake.

This special sediment formed is refer as Charisma.

Some people attain other methods to communicate with their own spirit and the Soul. For example through Hypnotism, chanting specific mantras, or inviting exterior spirit entity, or letting himself be possessed by other spiritual being, etc.

People who has developed right thought, right behave, right actions, and live in impeccable life shall be profited from receiving enjoyment and true gratification.

This person is very often regarded as Charismatic person in the society where he lives in.

Example of benefits encompass:

  1. Health in general speaking is not much disoriented
  2. Psyche is respected as mature and well accepted in his milieu
  3. Broad mindedness and easy to adapt to new environments.
  4. More right decisions are made than the wrong one.
  5. Messages conveyed from external source for our safety is less distorted.
  6. Faster to achieve higher level of wisdom.
  7. Can enhance our nature talent and thus develop to the next level quicker.
  8. Other six-sense skills to emerge more rapidly by nature
  9. Able to mingle in any society build-up without being rejected and thus ensure a peaceful life.
Communication between us with the abstract world can be achieve through:
  1. Via our Spirit being in different forms and ways :
    1. Instinct
    2. Hunch
    3. Feeling
    4. Sense of….
  1. Direct exchange dialog with our Spirit being
  1. introduced and connected by our Spirit Being to other people spirit
  1. permitted by our spirit being to dialog with other spirit being
  2. connected by our spirit being with universe arcane knowledge source
  3. With permission from our spirit being to tap just about anything from the universe include esoteric secrets.
  4. Etc.
To transform and give raise to such abilities mentioned above into reality, is recommended to accomplish through the dedication of one's life for the benefit of others; such as good deed, generosity, charity works or Divine grace living.

One should not start a hermitage retreats into the jungle or cloistered inside a grotto in the vigorous and high mountain. But mingle with milieu; participate in society, as we are after all a transcendent society love living creatures.


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