Human Soul.
For a long time the human soul has been associated with the spirit or Holy Spirit which dwells in us. Many questions had been around about the true self or the shape of this Soul but so far ambiguity is at large for example: what is the human Soul and who is this Soul? does it alive or just a thing? Does it have a body or something to lean on etc?
It is helpful to begin by drawing a clear distinction between the mental/non physical world and physical worlds. The physical world is mainly populated by material objects or things that occupy locations in space and have characteristics or properties like having mass, shapes and dimensions such as length, width also depth or volume and so on. This physical world is accessible by every human for observation thus is a public world up to three dimensions. This is the world that we are living in.
In contrast the non-physical world is mainly populated by non material objects and anti-matter objects such as energy, thoughts, laws, radiation, unseen gaseous substance, more lighter and less compact mass objects which vibrates at high frequencies and so on.
These two different worlds actually are separated in terms of its vibration level. The Physical world is at the lower vibration rate thus its matter bonding inside the molecules structure is stronger compare to the non-physical world.
They do interact actively every seconds, changing from one to the other, but we barely noticed this events as we regard them so far as something ordinary. For example the thought is of non-physical world/plane and most of our actions are realization of what were previously considered in our thoughts.
Another example is that food that we eat goes into our stomach, then the digestion organs inside our body somehow change the food into various items, such as blood cell, energy, muscles, flesh and so on.
The human Soul is the result of the Spirit entity dwells in the human corporeal body. The spirit being shall lives in the corporeal body only when there is continuance of the existence of chemical compound reactions in the body, such as availability of energy, radiation, blood flows, etc.
Normally after a person is proclaim to be death, its internal organ or brain still carry some activity but at very minimal level, thus there is some sort of chemical compound activity such as heat dissipated from the body and temperature drops down, then some muscles become tense.
During this period, there is a possibility that a spirit entity might seize the control over the body and thus alive again. But this re seizing of the "dead body" is possible only within a period of maximum 7 hours after the first instant the body is said technically dead.
The possibility that the same spirit being might inhibit the dead-body is no more absolute, also the same for the previous human soul.
Change of personality might have happened at the first time the spirit entity left the flesh. This can be examined from heart attack patients, some might lost their mind or even not aware of their own self just after recovery from the stroke.
Of course the same personality remains also possible after the recuperation moment.
This human body is constituent of liquid (blood, water, urine, etc), solid (organs, skin, etc) and gaseous (energy, gaseous radiation, etc), thus mainly of the physical world.
While the Spirit Entity is of very high frequency non-matter objects close to light vibration plane. This is resemblance of the non-physical objects.
Anything in the Universe vibrates at certain frequency and at particular wavelength. Since whatever existence it shall be, it is the manifestation of the pure basic elementary particles which constantly in motion or vibrates.
Our human body is of matter composition while the Spirit entity is of non-matter forms, when the two to combine there exist a new intermediary plane of substance that is called the Psyche or Soul.
This Humanly soul is a collection of all of the human’s exact copy from moment to moments, in the forms of higher energy plane. The exact copy covers all aspects of the human lives from the physical activity and shapes to the emotional status including the thoughts, acts, alms, chemical compound in the body caused by physical or emotional stresses and so on.
In fact the Human Psyche or Soul is the precise and exact same reflection of the human self. Its characteristic is exact duplication of the entire human self, including intelligence, personality, emotions, body structure, memory and so on.
In simplicity the Human Soul consists of many archives of records, these archives of the human are breakdown into 8 different categories of collective records.
These 8 categories that constituent the human Soul are:
So it is
clear that the human Soul is a collections of exact replicate of
the human plus all of its non-matter and the anti- matter
activities, but the entire records collection is of ether energy
plane/ higher than three dimensional vibration.
Each time the spirit entity dwells in a physical human body, then a new psyche is form and thus added on to the previous one and so becomes more develop Soul or evolutionated Soul.
Some existing religions had clearly admitted such Human Soul evolution by referring it to incarnated Soul or Reincarnation in its belief system. But there are other religions that remain skeptic about this reincarnation issue, although it had been vaguely stressed in some of their biblical verses.
One common acceptance of most religions is that the Human Soul does not extinct when the human dies. Either to follow some evolution path or being rescued to a holy place or transform into other higher self, etc.
Each archives of the human is a collection of data from the beginning of the existence of that human till the last moment of that particular human’s living. The Soul first existence starts when the Spirit entity lives in the human body in as early as inside the womb.
Now which previous human soul to inhabit the new human corporeal body? As the Universe Laws of Karmic and Equilibrium/Fairness Law guarantee that whoever sows shall reaps the exact amount, so then the reincarnated soul shall be matched according to the corporeal body’s role in his journey.
For example, the to be born baby of a family having certain role in their life will influenced the baby’s future career and way of life as well as the baby’s structural matter body, the DNA and RNA also the inherited emotional states, etc.
Thus it is clear that the new to be born baby’s future life as human already had been limited in many ways before the baby is born.
Not to mention that from the early age of the baby till 4 years old live, the baby just have to follow his/her parents guidance, such as in type of milk to drink, food, milieu, education, language, etc.
Some religions had admitted this predestine life as Original Sin. Actually this type of Original Sin is not limited to the current parents influences, but must add up the human-soul past archives or Soul’s previous collection of experiences (Sin and alms, etc).
Can the human Soul lives eternally? Well to answer this question we must have some physics knowledge, that is the profound theory of time.
It has been accepted nowadays that distance travel equals to speed or acceleration times time, that is Distance = Speed x Time. And from this equation we can elaborate that time itself is equals to Distance divided by the speed or Time = Distance / Speed.
Now we know that human soul is of higher vibration or ether being compare to the human three dimensional aspects; Which means that soul’s plane is of at least gaseous substance, thus its speed of vibration is high and that means higher frequency.
High frequency translates to higher amount of vibrations per-second or per-minutes or per-hour; this is speed or acceleration.
It is quite clear that our corporeal body speed of travelling is less than the ether life forms.
We may now submit that keeping the same three-dimensional distance fixed, then the time of Soul and Human is different; that is our time is bigger than the Soul time scheme.
Suppose that speed of Soul is 10 vibrations per-second and our corporeal world is of 5 vibrations per-second. Let the Distance denoted in 10 units. Then Soul Time = 10 units divided by 10 equals to 1 unit per-second, while the Human Time = 10 divided by 5 equals to 2 unit per-second.
By analogy, this shows that we need to spend two units while the Soul only one. For our 150 years of life it takes 75 years for the soul to accomplish the same journey.
If we reverse the case, soul 100 years means we had to spend 200 years of human life. From several hypnotic experiments, the soul plane travelling time is found to be about one fifth of human time. Which means that for a soul life span of 1000 years (soul plane year) per existence translate to about 5000 years (earth human year) of human single existence.
As we are aware that no human life ever existed to live for more than 250 years, then obviously one human existence of 250 years is related to 50 years of the soul time that is 50/1000 years of soul-cycle or equals to 5 percent of their life span.
This is the relativity in time that the super genius Einstein had stated in his theory that time is relative and can be calculated.
A 250 years of our living time is only 5 percent of the soul’s life span seems to be endless; that is why some people accept the eternity concept, that soul is eternal.
Yet, if we compare our life span to the Earth, which expands to about several millions of years is even meaningless. But we can say that Earth life span is eternal; which is not true.
Scientists already worried that there is a probability, that our planet can be hit by unknown Comet emerging from other Solar system or other Galaxy. Our globe might just lie in the path of some comet’s trajectory.
From several articles describe previously (the Universe, Big-Bang/Black-Holes and basic elementary origin particles), we can agree that everything is always moving/vibrating and transforming into other existences. Thus anything will have their specific rate of vibration, which illustrate that they too have their own time-scale, and that they too can be considered as living.
We may now say that anything, no exception, is always transforming into other forms at certain moment in their relative life span.
,B>The Human Soul is alive and must continue its journey until its time to diminish into other forms; before that, they have to become part of another new human soul as Human soul was constructed of the eight-archives mentioned above.
This is what the soul is; it needs provision of human body to continue its proper path. Otherwise the human soul will have difficulties to adjust into their soul-plane of existence.
Any sin (negative energy) committed by the human self is mirror part of the human soul, so this impurity of energy becomes a burden for them to function properly in their world. Some are so highly polluted that they have to stay close and attached to living human body to offer some good deeds. In terms this will reduce their negative energy as alms is of positive frequency energy to cancel out some of its bad energy.
Until this is cleared to certain level that they are able to reside in their own world that is soul plane. Or they might have to reincarnate soon when a fetus is match to their criteria.
As human soul possesses conscience, thought, and others archives that become integrated as the soul identity, then the soul is alive, have intelligence, have conscience, have the look-like of human body which the soul ever be part of it, etc.
When the human soul is part of a living human, it is usually called or related as the psyche or the mental of a human. But when the human dies, the psyche is called the human soul or just refers to as Soul.
The spirit that most people claimed that they had talk to or seen as human in ether form is actually not the spirit which dwells in us. The spirit entity is like a white light, sometimes we can not see any shape at all but only lights.
It is the human soul that they see or communicate with. There are many types of spirit-beings in the Universe; some of them still maintain their living amongst us.(see Abstract World).