Circumstances that affect our Tranquility.

Circumstances or things that causes us to act or to react immediately often confront us. Although we had said to ourselves that we would not do or think in that ways, etc.

There are just always something that we want to accomplish, to make sure that it is alright, want to think of something, etc.

What actually is motivating us so that we almost never stop of doing something, never stop of thinking anything, in fact not stopping from feeling, sensing, and wishing this and that.

Has anyone thought of these phenomena of why we never completely stop desiring and messing around?

If we look a bit into detail in searching for clue to any satisfactory answers, then we may find that there are two major things that are actually affects our behavior.

These two are the Sense and the Necessity.

Speaking about the Sense, we may further split them into 3 categories, such as:

  1. Sense of Survival/ Self-Existence Sense.

This particular sense is according to our basic necessity to continue and defend our survival.

  1. Prestige sense.

This sense of prestige or self-values is in accordance to someone perception about his presence in the milieu or in accordance to the standard in a certain community.

  1. Sense of Rights.

This is the self sense of things which perceive can be demanded as his belonging that arisen due to his sense of self-existence and sense of prestige above. Example: priority rights, personal rights, human rights, proprietary rights.

In order to pursue and defend the above senses we have the tendency to disregard the order of urgency or disorder the list of senses above. Example from number 1 (sense of self-existence) becomes number 2, while at certain moments the number 3 (sense of Rights) is the front most important issue in any event.

Most often by adopting disorder of its importance, we ended up with more problems and thus tension or stressful conditions are unavoidable. We are not sure anymore which one of the senses mentioned above should be given priority.

It is important for anyone to establish a clear clarification and classify firmly the urgency to practice one of the senses above ahead of the other one.

We must put them in the right proportion and thus apply accordingly to conform to the milieu. Justify that things are not in conflict, observe the situation and condition where we are going to execute any of the above senses; so that a tense situation will not develop later due to our misallocation of the senses priority.

Necessity, as living creation we are not able to avoid from needing something to fulfill our necessities. But there are necessities that are really unavoidable and becomes a must for us to continue our lives.

Let’s categorize this necessity into :

  1. Absolute necessity.
  2. Necessity that is created and invented.
  3. Necessity that is ideals or desired.

The absolute necessities, which we well know, are eating and drinking. We cannot stop eating or drinking for long time, if we do want to continue our lives then we must consume food and drinks also breath air.

In order to maintain and making sure that the absolute necessities are made available, we invent something else.

These new Created Necessities are to support and to make easier the supply of the basic needs. Example large-scale agriculture, build dams to conserve water supply, etc.

As human also influenced by their sense of prestige and sense of rights; we further go on to look for other ways to preserve our lives. Unfortunately we do not have everything available in that instant moments, so sometimes we just have to have such and such but delay necessities. Such wanting to have certain needs is delayed and becomes our Ideal Necessities.

Again we must be sure of which necessity is more urgent than the other, disarray the order we might face some stressful condition or irreparable damages as consequences. Example in pursuing the created and ideal necessities, sometimes we disregard the importance of our basic necessity to have meal on time. We often find this situation and condition in busy cities in the world. People are rushing to their destination and wishes to accomplish their necessities as quick as possible; thus becomes stressful and forgot to take care of their health by not having proper and decent meals to replenish the energy lost.

The sense of self-existence has instill the need of basic necessities, therefore we must not disregard their influences in our lives. Keep them constantly under our mind that they deserve our attention and noting their affects in our daily activities, so that we control which one of the senses above is more urgent to be implemented compare to the others.

It is very fruitful behavior of not to over emphasizing the importance of the sense of Prestige and the sense of Rights most of the times.

What actually causes us to disturb the order of the senses above?

Well, for one thing we are quite sure, it is the sense of Pleasure and sense of Pain that is responsible for this disorder. Others would be the sense of presumably, apparently or estimation sense, also the five physical senses those are sight, hearing, touching, etc.

These are three categories of senses usually distract us from judging the order of three senses (1 ~3) above plus its necessities (a~c) properly.

Sometimes we are able to judge and implement the order correctly. What are the tools in this event that we used so that we carried out the decision correctly?

This is the judgement tool of Right and Wrong as discussed in Charisma and the guided abstract information received from our Spirit Being through our sense pertinent to hunch, instinct.

The experiences accumulated and stored in our memory system inside our brain, obtained from practicing the Sense and Necessity rightly, in the end will nourish our Human Soul and enhance the Charisma, by then living in tranquility is achieved.

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