Happy Mask of happiness Held carefully against all that Takes place Fabricated to hide sorrows from The rest of the world Or from Oneself Anger Anger Sometimes cool and calculating Or furious and irrational A carefully formulated mask To keep people away To stay safe within Walls built around a Scarred heart To hide from the world To prevent getting to close to Anyone Cynicism Mask of disillusionment To cover the Bitterness Broken hopes Ended dreams Hiding all the pain And hurt Of years gone by Crazy Thoughts tangles amidst The winding paths of An irrational mind Unreasoning insanity Concealing comprehension From threatening malevolence Or in prevention of contemptuous mockery A mask for the world Refusal to accept the grave plights of Humanity Sad Facade of sorrow Designed for manipulation Seemingly despondent but In reality carefully Calculated To deceive others and win Compassion In this bustling world Which rarely spares a Moment For anyone but its Most significant Inhabitants People hiding behind masks for their own purposes and reasons But eventually they will become the mask Whatever the mask may be a person cannot be something they are not without becoming what they are pretending to be