Light Amidst the Darkness

A weary traveler Struggling through the darkness Buffeted by storms Seeking shelter An exhausted traveler Lost, confused, and alone Searching for a place to rest An end to toil amidst the immortal night Through the darkness A sudden light appears Twinkling in the distance Nearly vanquished by the storm Feeble light Striving to penetrate the Heavy darkness And reach the weary traveler Only half believing The traveler sees the light Amidst the darkness Not knowing what to make of it Slowly, haltingly, he follows Drawn unexplainably towards the light The only visible sign amidst the monotony Of darkness and storm The traveler follows Knowing no where else to go Silently hoping for the unspoken promise Of shelter from the stormy night Tirelessly, he follows Slowly nearing the half-imagined shelter Not completely believing The promise of salvation Through his perseverance He reaches the source of the light Ad opens the door, surprised To find himself at home

I Found My Way Home