I Found My Way Home
I was making my way down the path of life one day And I got sidetracked on a detour I ended up hopelessly lost I looked to you for guidance Until I realized It was your foolishness That got me lost in the first place I knew then that I must find my way again All by myself I wanted to go home More than anything But I couldn't even find the path Hopelessly lost, I wandered Searching For the path that would lead me home Along the way, I lost my knowledge Of the true path And became even more hopelessly lost One day I met a wise man Who showed me that the path home Was within myself all along All I had to do was find my way Within my own heart I followed the wise man's advice It took a while But slowly and surely I regained the knowledge that I had lost And my path became clear once again No longer lost and confused, I followed the path No longer lost, I found my way home.