Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 12:29:00 -0700
Subject: Monkeys With Typewriters, The Next Generation...
Due to an accidental combination of Chaos, Darwinism, and a defect in a
Random Probability Generator, the conversation I've been longing to
particate in ever since I became a netizen is finally occuring, the
other participant being a monkey with a keyboard, whom we shall call,
"Cheetah". In the following transcription, I personally am referred to
as Tarzan.
Cheetah: a I'm little confused, being a monkey. Now when you talk about
materializing somethng, in general, you must mean that the component
atoms do all not rush into the structure at once from where ever they
are acquired, for certainly they would tend to get in one another's way
pending some even more headache-inducting concepts.
Tarzan: Cheetah very right. Cannot make skin of banana first, that no
good. Must start in middle.
Cheetah: Or from one end, and materialize in sequence. And the impetus
is any relatively slow-moving wave that qualifies?
Tarzan: Cheetah very smart. Like dropping stone in water, or Chi masters
make everything look wavy showing off Big-Mojo Juju. Tarzan think all
this very thermal maybe, see roads look wavy and hot tin roof look wavy,
no Chi master.
Cheetah: Any chance that the assembly sequence can be self governed by
secondary targeting particles emanating from the holographic pattern
substrate, and the velocity is proportional to the proximity to he
gravity center of the original object?
Cheetah: I was saying, in the sense that the holographic substrate
may be a pattern induced on a hologram of a black hole, fashioned from
largely any resonant cavity, or at least any having adequate involvement
with the earth's own feilds, are the following criteria even any that we
need to regard as requiring deliberacy, as opposed to fortuitously
If we extrapolate further within the holographic paradigm, would the
ancient practice of applying lime to the ritual cornucopia, the apparent
most visible form of a singularity resonator, an associative memory
method of Invoking some of the gravitic properties within the smaller,
microcosmic hologram of this singularity?
Cheetah: Can we please try to go back and review what the quantum labels
are likely to be in these situations, not barring the
Daneri-Loinger-Prosperi paper referered to in Nick Herbert's highly
commendable book, "Quantum Reality".
Tarzan: Good thing Cheetah no say, Danah Zohar; nice cards, half deck
Woops, Jane is home. Will have to be continued...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 13:40:33 -0700
Subject: Re: Monkeys With Typewriters, The Next Generation, PART TWO.
(Jane is presently unamused with Tarzan for suggesting that humans are
descended from anything as condescending as Cheetah. Nonetheless:)
Cheetah: Now your pre-occupation with the collapse of the wave function
here, if I infer correctly, has to do wit some pedantic procupation that
if everytime you pic a banana off of a tree, another does not
immediately materialize to replace it, is because the function itself
was a wave function Already collapsed by the thermodynamics of a large
body, as is implied by Daneri-Loinger-Prosperi paper?
Tarzan: Uh, yeah...
Cheetah: This seems to have the same underlying implication as the
Egyptain rites of ressurecion according to Manly Palmer Hall, and
ultimately the material by Castaneda in *The Eagle's Gift*, hat thee too
depend on cessaion of the earth's thermodynamic influence. It's a
delicious notion, that, to think maybe the best magic is not in Drawing
down the Moon, per se, as much in utilizing
what may be the inevitale induced counterforce.
Cheetah: So we're implying that the collapse may be neither the wave
function of the auric/etheric blueprint, nor the physical body, but the
third presence that connects them. Still, I wouldn't want to rule outsm
other, more obvius sources of this
Tarzan: Me think This what being sucked off the participant in those
seances to provide *reaity* for intangible spirits... Not gross
matter... Gross matter Gross! Yuk! Not make Tarzan say "Phenomena of
Materialization* from Von Schrenk-Notzing again?
Cheetah: Well, it is a good book, if a bit thick. The significance of
the manifestation of two-dimensional apparitions in it should clue you
into the kind of energy involved, since the introduction of the public
to the likely fractional quantum particles involves two dmensional
Tarzan: Good point for coming from monkey. Like when Jeordi and Rho get
made into ghosts by Klingons. Only backwards? Who need Blavatsky?
Cheeah: Well, we haven't got it off the paper yet
and I really want to talk about how these spontaneous holograms happen
to end up with the matrix gaps exactly scaled to accomdate the atoms in
question, if we were talking about that dense of a matix. Granted,
there's a serendipitious likelyhood that holograms have some ability
inherent to not get in their own way... Still...
Tarzan: Jane, gotta minute?
Jane: Sounds like dowsing in, proportion out.
Tarzan: Right. What Jane said.
Cheetah: Sure, molecular frequency oscillation, of course. And likely
inherent as well.
Tarzan: And hairy. Like Cheetah.
Cheetah: Still, we are making this sound all too common place if not too
Tarzan: mmhmm, still have to buy banana from "Honest Fred's Fruity
Deals" store...
Cheetah: Sure, initiatve, deliberacy, method, outside of the outright
miraculous. So our criteria of wave function and other parmeters can be
set up by associative memory? You will remember that collective quantum
effects have been associated with atomic-level chorus effects? A bell, a
tripod, and so forth...
Tarzan: Yeah saw it in "Science News". Colored in pictures also.
Cheetah: You color within the lines well for a higher primate, when you're not eating the crayons
Tarzan: Tarzan worship Charlton Heston...
Jane: To be continued...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds;
write for details.
DateDate: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 00:54:57 -0700
Subject: Basil de Besom
After much of my bleedin' hearted Dianic ranting about those naughty
naughty flying ointments and all that (Margot Adler: Don't even handle
the ingreedients at home, let alone try it)...
I'm having this wondering if when Scott Cunningham tells us to drink a
half cup of basil juice before sailing off on our broomsticks, what this
twisted-tongue quote is really implying is that in the event of this
dread emergency actually happening (shreik!) that such a practice may be
antidotal, or at least purgative?
Again, according to Margot and many others, in so many words, given the
context, dizziness or motion sickness might be the least of one's
worries if one is looney enough to try one of those recipies?
Any herbalists seen any citations to this effect elsewhere, and
hopefully any that are more straightforward?
...The closest I come is being a guardian of the observation that
Socrates very likely knew way too many antidotes to Hemlock to have went
that way...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 14:25:18 -0700
Subject: "The Silver Goddess Speaks"...
probably just proving that Digest Mode is a strange and lonely place...
I dunno...
A few weeks ago, I got a peice of Pagan Jewelry
I've heard the availability of this precious stuff, has been quite an
issue in the UK.
I hope to be able to post installments here for feedback and for
*posterity* as soon as the work can be completed and processed.
In the meantime, I've added a rather eccentric looking adornment to the
pendant; a Chinese coin is hung above it on the cord, with the square
center encircling the loop on the pendant. Rather reminds me of the
Ephesian Artemis, but moreso, I have done this for a particular reason,
or, hopefully, like the inspired motivations of the ancients, for a vast
numer of reasons.
In general, the coin wih cardinal markings and a square center may
demonstrate several ideas:
That once again (have recently done this same interpretation with the
stone carving of Oglalala
The idea is reinfolded in that Chopsticks were supposed to have been moe
like wands for purification; indeed, Scott Cunningham in *The Magical
Household* recounts the idea that ivory chopticks in poisoned food were
supposed to turn black to reveal it... (and probably do something about
it as well).
Second, just as it has been discussed that the *Coptic, Masonic*
founding fathers of the United States may have had no intention
whatsoever that currency be used as a basic of exchange, but rather
that it serve as amulets in the fashion of the Shen (= *cartouche*
around President's portrait) and related Egyptian practices (ought to
make you feel secure, eh?), that the Oriental coins, with designs
approaching magic mirrors and so forth, can serve as the prototypes in
the understanding that coinage was originally intended as devices for
securing potable water in adverse circumstances.
(this also ought to make one feel secure in possessing one or two,
something apparently currently working at the subliminal level with most
Coinage is also convenient as storage receptacles for certain magnetic
data loops to serve as the patterns or witnesses in materialing, or
apportioning, without a sample to provide the system with information.
Thus too they will obtain you food, these coins.
Suffice to say, a good deal of Oriental folklore can be invoked to
support this argument, interpretive anthropology in general likewise,
and so forth.
(I always go back to the *oh-so-horrible* Roman Empire allowing citizens
to pay taxes in the Spearmint they wanted to get rid of anyway bcause it
was taking over he yard as it will do... One cannot think on this
I am currently wondering which of Nikola Tesla's inventions it is
closest to to actually thread a few of these square holed coins over a
chopstick. (C'est tres "Jetsons"!)
Hopefully all this will come as some minute balm to those who, like
myself, are basically culture-shocked beyond repair with revulsion at
the almighty dollar, the Protestant Work Ethic, and anything else so
sweepingly synonymous with the passing and obscuring of the Old Ways in
For those determined that a few words will suffice to them, a door may
be opened that when we tire of our readings of the Elixir formulae in
Idries Shah's "Oriental Magic", we can re-read it as a statment about an
even more fundamental Elixir, if need be, once again, water... Had it
ridden a rainbow, in a single Quantum jump, even those legends yet
Fight the Good Fight!
(What else is there?)
For it is...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 17:01:30 -0700
Subject: Re: Developing Psychic Powers/ Magic Mirrors...
Okay, so I've already thrown a bizillion posts on this subject of Magic
Mirrors into the Occulthaven archives... including some relevant patent
(The last name for the Vatican scientist with his own version, the *time
camera* goes by last name of Ernetti, if one is much interested in
researching. Nice picture of Jesus they got, looks just like me!
But I did promise that someday I would post the two references from
Lewis Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism (*still under $20 new*) when and
if I ever found them... being I have virtually no experience at actually
making and using magic mirrors to find lost references TO magic
And all this talk about magic screwing up computers surely underscores
that a superior form of communication is to be desired...
I have actually located neither, but a third one on ceremonial method
which demonstrates the same effect: pg 98 under ceremonial magic. A
circle and a triangle with the cardinal points assigned the letters
a,e,a,j. It is again not likely that the letters have significance but
constitutes magneitc cavities, whose even poles position to uneven ones
as either the triangle or the circle are induced as odd-poled systems.
(I'm still very tempted to stock up on old magnetic ink for my magic)
The New Worlds catalog from Llewellyn arrived today, and I sure hope
Tyson's "Scrying for Beginners" is a retitling of the book I have by
Tyson, "How to Make and Use a Magic Mirror", for as bleak and evasive as
it is, it is still a marvelous, incomparable collection of historical
references (Tyson makes no claim as to having heard of these *magnet*
thingies--of course). The cover shows a mirror design using the 12
astrological glyphs against a nine sided port around a mirror.
Regarding developing psychic powers, I'm hazarding no guesses at present
as to why the magic mirror school was developed, nor so well developed,
if the use of one's own facilities was so satisfactory.
But I can't find Cunningham's "Magical Aromatherapy" on the Llewellyn
list anymore,
so I'm repeating one of those gems from it, that Rue can be used
aromatherapeutically as an off switch for psychic powers, outside of a
preposterous and possibly dangerous extrapolation on the belief that
ammonia destroys magic...(apparently from another of Cunningham's books?)
It's been troubling to me that there seems such a single minded
insistency in the hoardes of herbs cited for developing psychic powers,
like them or not, and this being the only off switch per se I know of...
Although we might also explore that they are constantly on, and it is
simply the object of their focus that is in question, or the polarity of
the circumstances one seems attracted to or tuned into to.
If this were to prove true, any of the herbs for luck, hunting, probably
love, and foods like bananas, walnuts, beets, and amaranth that aid or
replentish neurotransmitters may take any of the *spookiness*
out of it...
FWIW, those fundies that I've heard go on about how sure they are that
Satan lives at addess 666, east or west, on virtually every street and
the likes of it, sound much like they have exhausted this type of body
chemicals, in order to conjugate others with which to opiate their
All this magnetism and still no Feng-Shui, outside of I am convinced the
south side of the house does not preserve plants through the winter
because it's frost free. Try again...
Makes me think I'll leave the migraines to the mirror, if there were
anything I needed to know that bad.
(Aren't Capricorn-anythings just so d*mn conservative you can't stand
it? Hee hee hee...
A spirit touches my arm, a chill is felt, and Chroni
Oh well, *back to* the office...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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