Chronos Chronicles

September 1997 Part One

Date: Mon, 1 Sep 1997 17:42:11 -0700
Subject: Holiday Technobabble

Look what's crawled out of the laboratory on labor day...

was going to apologize for being too technical in my posts... but today being labor day, the day we celebrate that jerks who spit out of of passing cars on me on their way to work even before they check my religious affiliation, because I don't Look like a major consumer of office supplies, must accept in their very own little hands that amazing green yecch more sacred that s*x even if it came out of my sweating *sscrack, and can be wrung out to prove it, when I walk into their workplace a few minutes later... and they call me, *Sir*, makes me wanna heave...)(vide *The Magic Christian* wih Ringo and Gene Wilder)

I don't know what I'm celebrating, and I don't know anyway out of it outside beam in the g*dd*m vittles and gettin' their heads right on out. (*just doin' our jobs, ma'am, gotta Eat y'know* yeah yeah)

Okay was this the one? that's Quantum confinement: Host-Guest phase transitions as crude physical and or magical change. The term is applied to/ coined over far more unusual and complicated stuff than making the crud exit your water jug *Presto* in an article in Science , Feb 9, 1990 page 669-etc., but I know of no reason it couldn't and shouldn't be liberally applied to everything that sounds remotely related. Like mustard, and magic, no one who uses it constantly needs to understand it either (I guarantee I don't. But why let a small detail like that stop me?)

So what if Genies are programmable quantum gasses, because they are coupled to the magnetic flux to do the data processing and storage with? Alladin rubs his lamp, I rub a balloon on my head Sounds pretty simple to me.

Hence, my talk isn't near technical enough for the technos, from what I gather...

Just that simple stuff about when they say *Phase transition coils* on Star Trek transporter talk , I think, hmmm, a Thyrseus wand has coils on it, too, hmmm...

Honest, technobabble hasn't grown hair on my palms or made me go blind.

And this kind of material, well... I feel as deeply as possible that Someone has to do it.

Sure, I can think of all kinds of underlying Motivaions for persecution of those involved in the Occult. But I can't think of anything that gives the perpetrators the sense they have enough rope to get away with it in the first place more than the one world of fascination and cooperation with nature being held into two parts of magic and science, it's far too tempting to exploit a double defnition as a double standard. I don't hear of this sort of nonsense happening to people because they're taking chemistry or physics.

I have good faith that many whose work we've gathered to talk about would be doing this is they were writing occult materal today, and others would have *found their bliss there*.

But that's just me.

And who knows, if I keep running into things, maybe I Will excercise my right brain more. D*mn, Lilacs have low branches, don't they? ... Reminds me of a story...

But you know, if there's anything the multimodel approach spoken here ought to show, besides how cool everyone here is, and mutually respectful, is that we may be All making it up as we go along.

Still wishing I could beam in those banquets so we'd all have a little more free time to really dig into it all; hell, I can't even cook.

Happy Labor Day.

Play hard, play safe, and when it's time to go to work, play dead.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 09:44:36 -0700
Subject: Crowley Questions...

Hi all.

Am Greatly enjoying Crowley's work, "The World's Tragedy". Sure enough gotta be yet another set of solutions to the human condition, not a rant against a certain religion. Pretty good, huh?> Some remarkable herbalism in it, of course.

Actually taking time to read a little of "Women of the Golden Dawn", which seems truly marvelous.

Running into the mention of Crowley, I'm gratified to have an account of his difficulties wih the Golden Dawn, but I'm rather surprised at what it entails, and I don't think we're getting the truth (yes, *The* Truth) here. IMHO, it would have set him apart and ahead of the G.D. that they have little appreciation for his own style of expression (many Hermetic symbol phrases no doubt have less sordid alternatives of course), but even that is hard to believe that they wouldn't know their own wisdom if they saw it. So he describes a love affair between two men, instead of *The black swan behold itself in the mirror*, or *The Phoenix rises as Narcissus*, or ...

It's also very difficult to believe that they have a moral problem with Crowleys alleged s*xual activities, as if drawing on verbatim Judeo-Christian ethics but forgetting the rest as it pleases them. That, too, is hard to beleive, that That kind of actual hypocrisy runs so high here. (Necromancy of course is also *immoral* to some traditions, duh.)

Granted, I could see Al testng their worthiness to recieve Al personally, by testing their gullibility and their willingness to pre-judge (I remember one of Jimmy Page's alleged girlfriends on a talkshow complaining that once she walked into a place meet him and he was sitting with (Gasp!) a twelve year old girl. I don't think she stopped to ask if she was a fan or even his cousin, she seem to have assumed a romantic connation, and, well, Presto! Good bloody riddance. Capricorns can often sidestep process and let their choice of companions run itself in this way).

These qualifications tend to screen out those hasty and self-destructive, and ironaically, adverse in practice to that wonderful Judeo-Christian commandment, *Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness* (I can't bear it much meself, cackle)...

So, uh, I didn't see him do so myself, ok?

But I admit, proudly, I have slept with a great many barn animals myself, often, if that will assist The Work, then, Happy Now? And my very given name in fact Does reflect the fact I am the false Christ personally... ("if you believe this, take a hike, sucker, preying on infants is not in my constitution"...Geez no wonder no one liked Uncle Al! cackle)

Unfortunately, they do tend to obfuscate the process of communication as the rumour and quiet hysteria coalesce... Historians of course have the same things to say about Kallimachos and his whole race at the time, and will try to base it all if need be on two or three little, albeit obviously fictional, epigrams.

I'm a little off on the Chronology of Crowley's career, I'm guessing this is After the O.T.O., and that what the Real problem is is Crowley's demonstated drive toward disclosures. (Perhaps the wheat of the G.D. fills a great less many volumes of lucrative rhetoric than does the chaff?)

Peace! Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 1997 12:34:46 -0700
Subject: In Honor of Ares...

In honor of Ares, the god of Going Boldly Where no One Has Gone Before, or at least doing a passable job faking it, provided he thinks before he acts and avoids the traditional aggressive tendencies...

I'm actually
and the uncanny resemblance between what appear to be man made architectural artifacts at this site on Mars, and Silbury Hill and it's surrounding companions, and etc. And here I thought old Silbury was just an inexplicable attract of Snails... who probably think it's their mother ...

And I recite the following Law of Judy-ism, slightly altered for the occasion: "next time I go looking for intelligent life in the universe, I'll never go looking further than my own backyard".

This is my will, so
Make it so, Number One

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 12:27:50 -0700
Subject: A Journey, Part Two: Drinking Fountains of the Gods...

Previously, I told a story of some old geezer-wizard putzing along and coming to some magic stones that give him food water and clothing... The square one is the drinking fountain, owing that in the plant kingdom, usually square stem=water if you ever get That desperate, you can suck the juice out of some mint...the two had become synonymous.

The energy of dowsing is employed within them, that instead of moving a dowsing rod back and forth, water is moved up out of the ground.

I am wondering, going back to dowsing, while most of my radiesthesia/radionics stuff is at the dry cleaners if the square utility also implies the use of a bridge rectifier to convert the cyclic energies of the heavens that reflect off of underground stuff and create the shifting l-feilds and h-feilds so familiar in that science, to a stable and constant force that allows the utility to be there when you need it, wherever and whyever such a technique might be required in the first place.

Notably, l-feilds and h-feilds Are said to shift; this may relate both to the cyclic/ periodic prosciptions for employing forces in magic and the occult, and it also reminds me a great deal of the various split projections that occur when scientists try to make full color holograms using monochromatic systems.

I am presently taking under consideration whether or not there would be or could be double duty between the bridge rectifier aspect and some use of ring modulators/ phase locked loops. (ring modulators perform strange alterations of harmonics; in music the efect can sometimes be identified by a second pitch inversely higher or lower to the one being played.

This may be consistent with the pre-suposed involvement of reactance, an unusual or even inverted behavior at unsual, ie high, frequencies, that has left tell tale signs of it's technology at ancient stone circle sites (The Glastonbury Hawthornes Attract lightning instead of the usual well-known repulsion, it has been said)

It is worth noting that echo technology is often of a great possibility of involvement in Ancient Magics, and I have personally gotten the Ring Moulator effect in question out of an echo unit and a cheap little synthesizer that was terribly poor in harmonics.

Well, besides disecting a Germanic/Celtic Ouroboros for this study ...,

Can we get Ale to come from the stone?
Ale let you know...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Thu, 4 Sep 1997 22:41:14 -0700
Subject: Giants...

Hiyaz Hiyaz.

In my tradition (Neo-Greco Self-Styled and Literature-Supported Everything's-an-Allegory and My-Heart-Bleeds-for-the Glory-That-Was-Diana,-er-I- mean,-Artemis Shamanism) Giants is an herbal allegory spun off of the use of Mullein leaves for shoe and sandal inserts, the original *Dr. Scholls* < I Can talk about feet on the *Red-Hot S*x List, can I not?>...

In reality, the leaves get much bigger than the foot, and can be wrapped around with a cord for a boot.

But the standing joke became that before there were men to wear the small leaves, there must have been Giants before men to wear the largest leaves, being up to two or three times the length.

Its not surprising they are in the Bible, which is literally littered with Wormwood expressions, any more than the Wormwood Goddess herself battled giants, known as te Aloids, Otis and Ephialtes which may bear the same root as Nephel-. It may even be the predecesor of the term "felt", since the leaves in question are quite felty.

My personal tradition has it that there was an ongoing debate between what herbs to plant on deserted islands for the use of marooned sailors; Wormwood and Mullein are ueful and very prolifically seeded. I once caused a Mullein to set some three and a half million seeds by unwittingly cropping it off at the base of the stem in hopes I was getting rid of it. Instead, it branched twelve-not two!- new stems with astonishing rapidity.

The standard fare, Dittany of Crete, has alot more literary allegory devoted to it, but sets few seeds and is hard to harvest in the wild for growing out of cliffs beside the sea quite often. Wormwood seed may need cold treatment, and Mullein doesn't flower until it's second year. What trouble in paradise!

(Hmmm. Iasop, Ioseph, Purge me with... Immaculate conception because where did so and so oregano get pink flowers if its father hyssop is blue. Magdalene where the leaves are amygdaloid. Me, Tarzan, heretic with an Attitude: Recieve thee in this fashion the fullness of God's Providence. Ooh, Reverend Tarzan!).)

So the *trinity* (see above paragraph,) Wormwood, Mullein and Dittany, stood undivided, even as the Bible places the Word Wormwood within the exile of St. John. Just to be paying it lip service, were it not echoing a Gnostic/Masonic "secret" which I have revealed here before under the Keyword.

For the moment, I will leave the detailed bits of allegory that surround hese giants to the imagination of other herbalists and Nature Magi, save that if I could not find a jawbone of an ass nor a sling, there is always the Mullein-staff club, replete with pointed seed capsules that I usually have to open with a hammer if they're not completely ripe at the harvest. I may depending on whim use the hammer Mjolnir. Take that! Hee hee hee!

Mullein also recieves the same citation of external journey-tonic: Put some in your shoe before a long journey. Handy, that one.

...Of course, persons of my personal tradition are reputedly taught everything they know by Sheep...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 23:08:08 -0700
Subject: Magic of Oils: Series or Parallel? (!)

Okay, I'm a tough nut to crack, and I'm not getting the magical results promised aromatherapeutically or from the magical bath for what should have been the right oils...

On the other hand, I was sniffing a blend of lavendar, peppermint and bergamot, intended to be aromatherapy for headaches, and while passing it close under my nose, I noticed a strong, detectable magnetic repulsion intensifying the force with which I gently moved it side to side. Maybe rather like dowings rods moving?

I'm not surprised, in retrospect, science tells us lately, I've heard, that the largest biomagnet in the human body is in the tip of the nose.

And all those years I was looking at Egyptian murals (and trying to color inside the lines, Giggle) it never departed that I was seeing a great deal of where the annointments in use were serving as sympathetic carriers or witnesses or whatever your paticular, that I would be sure this Molecular Frequency Oscillation (remember my post on the military's imitation of dowsing rods using this device/ priniciple, employed on a program about a recent search for Noah's Ark?)

Basically one of the ways around actual tuning of remote objects intended to act in circuit as if connected, you annoint them with the same oil. I cannot shake the sense that the ankh was most often connected, when necessary, to the tet (aka djed, what appears to be a wireless, high frequency battery...

Being too much a monkey brain to trust myself to play with this much of Zeus' lighning, I never quite thought I'd see tangible proof... I just dream of cleaning seeds with a static charged feather duster and all that...

...Back to the laboratory to design a few hundred more weird experiments I'll never have the guts to actually perform... so for those more eager than I, best of luck perfuming roadkill

Woops, what exploded? Gotta go...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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