Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 17:24:42 -0700
Subject: Totem Thingies... (I brake for roadkill, part 215)
Hi All
One more thing on my mind, while I'm gushing...
Okay, up from, my approach to Totemism is basically when X tribe of
indigenous persons tells you quite literally they are descended directly
from a totem pole, period,
1. Believe this
2. Look up abiogenesis, homunculus, ptolemies in the rites of Khem(nu),
etc etc... for related materials.
3. Take Crowely e.a. as literally as possible re: "Magical Child"
4. Speak freely and enthusiastically of any finer points that come to
you with the possible exception of withholding in front of anyone who is
THAT enamored with Dragons. (hee hee, just kidding)
Okay, now, about the subject here:
I've done alot with interpreting the appearances of plants in a given
location or environment, and am easily at the point where if an animal
appears I Do stop to wonder about any possible meanings of the
encounter, and generally have little quarrel with the texts on
Still, most of this has been interpretive of Medical and philosophical
themes and much less the more famliar style of interpretive divination.
I recently visited a website of someone who has a totem/ power animal
for each of the (more than seven) chakras, which was inspiring...
So toward the unusual, has anyone explored this area of communication
with higher facets of self, or explored having Totem Plants as one would
have Totem Animals?
I'd love to hear more...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 19:33:18 -0700
Subject: In General...
Okay okay this is my last one today honest (Zeus' day and I'm either
feeling appropriately genrous or anything running on electricity is My
toy! mine! mine!
Not like I don't plug Louis Spence's (No! Not Again!) Encyclopedia of
Occultism on nearly a daily basis, but I'm actually thinking of posting
a daily interpretation from it... I tend to forget just how much good
stuff really is in there...
Those of us wanna-be-wizards are no doubt collectively titillated by the
reference on *Kabotermannikens* being a probable name for those skulls
wizards and alchemists have in their laboratories that not only talk,
and know everything, but have rilly smart mouths too.
The quant little way it is said is: "According to the Flemish peasants,
little spirits which play tricks on the women of the country,
particularly on those who work in the dairy." Um, okay...
So for those not content with the two "Find-the-
hidden-how-to-clues-in-the-pictures" puzzles in The Encyclopedia of
Witchcraft and Demonology by Rossell Hope Robbins, pages 210 and 242,
and can cite no references off-hand to enchanted oracular buffalo heads
re: Native Americans, there is apparently something very interesting you
can do with milk... ???
Of *witches' milk* ie, previous posts (no not the medical anomalies) I
mentioned a milkmaid chant with a word in it I now think I recognize as
If Inglenooks are made of this often, I promise not to faint. Or maybe
it provides sorbitol in place of lactose? I dunno...
Much enjoyed the fwd on Cat Butterology, in spite of the quackery
(Everyone knows of course that lucky quarks exist only in a state of
composite uncertainty with charmed quarks, manifesting in quantum
chromoynamics as yellow moons, pink hearts, green clovers, etc etc.) but
being a skeptic I think the reason the cat and the harness cannot occupy
the same physical space is because of the butter...
Hence, the mystical powers of butter should never be underestimated. In
fact, if Schroedinger had buttered His cat, Quantum mechanics as we know
it wouldn't even exist...
Live from the dairy farm, where the sacred cows are levitating...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 22:57:18 -0700
Subject: Re: OH Solomon's Wisdom
Hey! I was gonna swear off posting... Alas, is someone talking to Moi?
Dangle a Mango before a starving man, eh? Tsk.
Hmm, I remember someone asked and I weenied out. And no wonder. It's
more something for Madame Blavatsky personally like in *The Secret
Personally, I think writers in those days were uncannily organized
toward deliberately keeping as poor a historical record as possible,
another reason I'd say it's beyond me.
FWIW, it IS one of those Ancient Wisdom things that I keep forgetting to
bring up, I think I saw it last on some PBS or cable program with David
Suzuki, that a considerably ancient burial had funerary adornments.
While the anthro-apologists were on about the psychological
ramifications of the earliest remains of man's facing up to his own
mortality, I was noticing that the flowers in question may be what the
most accomplished magicians who use herbs might suggest to induce a
ressurection, a pattern that may have continued through the funerary
adornments of Tetankhamen.
I'm also drawn to some of the more speculative comments from John
Anthony West and his immediate group of peers, about how old the
Egyptian civilization may be based on what sounds like it would be the
work of a civilization in it's prime, not in it's early beginnings; the
ideas Budge says the Egyptians had ten thousand years ago living in
mudhuts up and down the Nile are about as sophisticated as they can get
as well.
Outside of meeting a black mirror or time camera you can trust, I have
little else that comes to mind, outside of a now quite lost reference to
the cosmology of a particular, probably aboriginal, people. They weren't
even interested in history in that sense, because their idea of time is
so literally *without beginning or end* they'd probably be happy to tell
you they're quite sure we've been much the way we are here in the
important ways for six billion years and are appropriately unconcerned
with the details of such a history.
I found this quite refreshing compared to the literalist interpretations
of the inevitable cosmologies of other traditions, which may be saying
the same thing in their own way, *Who cares*.
I still think this is interesting personally, but I've little clue. I
wouldn't be surprised if the tree of life and the kaballah were actually
*more African* in origin, and much older, but of course this is so easy
to do offhand it's pretty much formula...
It was one of the things that they threw at West and peers about "show
me a pot shard, show me anything" which was of course preposterous,
since anyone of persuasion of Earth Religion with a bad attitude toward
environmental offenses must already realize it may be that the pinnacle
of a civilization is where they live so biodegradably that there isn't
any evidence. One "maybe they drank out of &$%&$% cocoanuts" is
presently enough to upset the current historical paradigm, that's
Certainly I've seen the stuff about some of the Bible bearing uncanny
resemblance to Hindu texts supposedly seven thousand years old.
Maybe Julian Jaynes' work would be more like it?
I still haven't read it, but his basic premise tempts me often...
(And maybe I should ask about what is sometimes said to b the Book of
Solomon that is supposed to be all of this stuff on The Doctorine of
Signatures (Spence, *Encyclopedia*)???
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 12:37:10 -0700
Subject: Herbal Blurbs
Okay on the serious side (ROFL)
I recently got the book, "American Herbalism: Essays on Herbs &
Herbalism by Memebers of the American Herbalist's Guild" edited by
Michael Tierra.
David Lytle's section on Forgotten and Neglected American Medicinal
Plants (pgs 100-107) promotes some plants that are actaully known and
(Flowery Branch Seed Co. in Flowery Branch Georgia actually has Culver's
Root in umpteen colors, and diligent persuit can locate every specie of
Bleeding Heart (Dicentra) known) but even this work has done nothing
that I know of to create any availablity for
Queen's Root (Stillingia sylvatica,
in spite of the glowing redemption here, similar to the one that Michael
Moore gave to
Turkey Mullein (Eremocarpus setigerus,
a so-called weed of the west coast, mostly Oregon, which is also
apparently unavailable in spite of this publicity.
Fans of Scott Cunningham will recall that Queen's Root is one of those
rare magic herbs which if, I suppose, properly handled, will send it's
smoke in the direction of lost objects. (As off the wall as that sounds,
I've found some very faint but apparent corrobration of this very
widespread in Japanese custom and mythology.) Believe me, I can use all
of these herbs I can get...
Be about happy to toot their horns here, almost had to do a "Save The
Pellitory-of-the-Wall" campaign until a German botanical garden came
through with some Parietaria seeds, which will have to hold me until the
Royal Horticultural Society decides exactly how many species there are,
anyway; no doubt more useful than their antics like renaming Coleus,
"Solenostemon scuttelariodes" and certain of our sacred Artemisias,
"Seriphidium". Yeesh!
Anyone gets a chance to bug your local herbpersons, ask, ask, ask, and
ask some more... (demand produces supply, theoretically) and if you find
any, I'd sure love to know!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger,
Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o
Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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