Chronos Chronicles

July 1997 Part Eleven

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 20:21:00 -0700
Subject: Re: OH: A question on memetics

Um, some good questions.

Just to get it said, I should mention that the physics concept of Hidden Heat was one I thought extremely poignant when I heard it, especially after the idea of Hidden Order. Since the observation is derived originally from the lack of *willingness* of mountain snow to melt, I assume a long time ago, priestesses of the Virgin Goddess and priests of the Mountain Gods were the caretakers of these ideas... some serious food for thought, it seemed to me... I've been meaning to bring it up for a while now...

I've sort of been looking more at the ink drop in terms of outward, physical magic rather than conciouness and communication really; that was sort of the thing, say an Ink Drop is your granny, turning the handle and smearing the drop is her getting runover by a steamroller, and turning the handle Back would be rather miraculous. I have not been looking within myself for *That Big Handle up There* very much. I've sort of been stuck on this...

I am really amazed that more complicated stuctures like three color smiley faces or something were not immediately subjected to the process...

I'm really not sure about categorization; memetically, if memes have some kind of actual structure, they may be the instigators indeed of over categorization... Sometimes I have qualms about if they parasitize the body's energies to project themselves into more of a state of structure. The order of such projections is negligable, IMHO, most often, but I seem to think some kind of coherent process is involved, maybe tapping Coherent Biological Excitations? I suspect these arise out of fractional quantum input acting on these systems *like* the input of the Handle; there have been time-reversal (so called) experiments that produce similar effects with other energy inputs than mechanical energy... Some researchers; Rhim, Waugh, Pines, Hartmann and Hahn, often in collaboration.

I think that belief may be very much as you described it; I also think it is possible to grasp the order in a sense of Knowledge also. Regarding this and preconceptions, most of what concerns me most about memes is thier apparent ability to walk in where there are no preconcieved notions, presumably, in some of the examples.

Regarding Tesla and Pascal Jordan on planets spinning in out of nothingness, that's pretty much the gist of it. It is just the Ink Drop experiment again to me. Maybe does take a little time to think through some of the ramifications of that, it certainly challenges the standard cosmology of *the Big Bang* which has become such an institution.

My reference for Tesla is in the quintessential section by John Walker, "The Vortex Arena" in "Anti-Gravity and the Unified Feild" edited by David Hatcher Childress. pages 35-91. He actually speculates that a rotary motion is viable in a circular rain dance in a way Very suggestive of the Ink Drop experiment. pg 44-46 are several especially poignant ones; "Tesla Discusses Ether": This is what he calls this process, starting and stopping ether whirls. It is supposed to be from the New York Times, April 21, 1908 pg 5, col 6: "How the Electrician's Lamp of Alladin May Construct New Worlds". The only fault I find with it is that the focus should probably be on re-arranging atoms rather than creating them... encourages recycling, for one...

I would still have to look for the reference in George Gamow, or find the book actually. The account there is particularly bare-bones, if I remember right. Just positive and negative nothing, and Viola! Creation out of it...

Regarding the inseperability of space/ time and information/ energy, that's a good point. For all I know, in the final analysis, these two seperate expressions, Spacetime and infergy will unify into one? I am being a bit spontaneous about that, though, maybe too much so...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 21:17:30 -0700
Subject: A Fractal Magic Circle?, and Inca Magic

The book "Chaos (Making a New Science)" by James Gleick, contains as one of its colored plates, something that seems to me may be an excellent candidate for a visual representation of the possiblities inherent in the observation and utilization of the cardinal points in magic, entitled "The Complex Boundaries of Newton's Method" A cross is situated between four circles made of much rich alternating or repeating detail reminiscent of the symmetry of the ying yang, perhaps and seem like a place of infinite possibilities? Is such detail how the circle becomes magical? Is such detail how Persian carpets might also be made so?

I feel as if I would be looking at a Magic Circle not so much as a place where all probabilites seem to singularize, as a collection of probability threads, but as if looking through a magnifying lense at the possibilities inherent withing a single thread.

While I am on the subject sort of, or while I am thinking of it, over on "the Magic Squares" I have long suspected the Inca were using magical agriculture techniques. The almost Tarot-like drawings from the Conquest chroniclers, not as entirely incongrous as drawing of molecules and equally-ambigous captions in Friar Sahagan's "Things of New Spain, volume seven.

There is something peculiar in the handle so impossibly flimsily tied to the sacred digging stick, that reminds one of a shape that Tesla aid was ideal as a natural amplifier, which is the same shape as the circular motion associated with creation but as the spinor coherer supposed to unite Relativity and Quantum mechanics... It is also the vortex structure that comes to be associated with fractional quantums and certain traces associated with superconducer surfaces at a microscopic scale. And there seem an odd number of interesting things and inconsistencies. Even though a different modern model is used, there is much still suggesting the gardening tools are magical tools.

Literature on the Inca has also yeilded a picture of a device looking a little like a crowbar in an ~ shape, with some context of calling water out of the ground with it. Perhaps the Aztec "atl atl": was also employed in this manner? I believe "atl" is the word for water as in Quetzacoal maybe. Why, perhaps even the post where is stick the axe from which a witch gets milk in Emile Grillot de Givry's book is that same old rotten posts Alchemists like to get thier vitriol from? Another iron sulfur compound appearing near discussion of magnetic magic like the minerals so interchangale with the atl atl's obsidian inserts in other Mesoamerican Magic such as magic mirrors (Pyrite, Marcasite... Er, does obsidian have any iron in it?)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 11:44:38 -0700
Subject: The Philosophers and Magic

'Tis so quiet again you can hear a pinhead drop. Thus, I am dropping...

I haven't become a Great Scholar of these things, and yet I was quite taken with Tyson in his Llewellyn abridgement of Agrippa, where he speaks about how incredibly modern and Quantum is some of the work of the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus. So I piddle around with them a little, there indeed not only some remarkable views but also some that would seem to facilite magic and open up more ways of approaching the same phenomena, although these remain to be inferred from the remains and probably the contextual deadpan.

It could be as amusing to hear them discuss this stuff without talking about how they beamed in breakfast, as it is to hear Plato talking about how he's not sure if the children should be taught reverence to the Gods or literalism regarding the stories (but of course, giggle).

Being that I think the society in question was a lot more tightly knit then they are given credit for, these may walk very closely with the mythology too.

Those who have the time might find any of this work amusing and thought-provoking, those who have less might find Empedocles, Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, and possibly Anaximander and Anaximenes. I should have quite a large cow that nowdays they seem to take a back seat to Zeno and his silly paradox and, Xena too...

These might be some of the more direct glimpses into what they were thinking when they were making the magic.

It seems to me the Roman poet, Lucretius, has insights with remarkable potential to be turned into magic, such as his "idols"... I think their systems begin to individualize when a view is applied for intents and purposes, *as if* and not *as*.

It is interesting where all an idea like the swerve of the atom as an expression of free will, or the Nous of Anaxagoras might take one... If I'm not mistaken, this idea looks like it may be born a little more out of plant signatures and materialization than an actual belief in such a principle per se. Hildegarde of Bingen also observed a Nous, and they seem at times to approach that critical point between self and *out there* which has been spoken of on this list.

At any rate, my curiousity was also piqued by reading that the view of the Hermetic Philosophers who practiced Palingenics shared a view of things with the Epicureans...

Anixamane's (and others) "felting" re: cloud formation wants to remind me of everything form *woolgathering* to the Golden Fleece... and what's wrong with that?

Just thinking out loud... COGITO ERGO COGITUM

May you *poof* *Le beuf* onto the table. (Well not the whole cow... In a tanning vat? Really? Thank you, Aristophanes. How the old f*rts can burn so bright in one's twenty-nozzled lamp...ah, Methane...)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 17:55:12 -0700
Subject: Re: OH: OOBE and daily practice

I swear sometimes I must forget we are on the same planet where we still expect bodies and walls and locks and does to contain and confine one another when it suits our purposes! (honey! The baby teleported out of the crib again, and axe murder x is out of prison again!) And this coming from a man who doesn't even want to concern himself with OBE unless he is able eventually to pull his body behind him through the subtle planes to the place he has scouted to astrally... and is just so sure that's half of the whole point...

Oh, and whether or not the Pentagon would be pleased to think I was out of body and into their files, being a naturally curious mind. I may know otherwise, but...

Anyway, I believe that few if any ever do get out of body, but that they walk around in a dream like recreation of the world outside. There is no end to how precise or how real or how convincing it can actually be. Or how altered in stategic ways.

This may be in trouble the minute someone mentions ghosts. Any ideas from anyone on how to resolve that? I maintain that some persons desirous of remaining incarnate when they perish, do manage to affix themselves to places they lived... And yet I think of what is astral if unfriendly like the temptations and taunting visions of St. Anthony. Like quoting Star Trek, "the bullets do not exist".

I believe that little bells and noises, commonly reported in any detailed work on meditation that I've seen, may be distractions (we have been promised a parade of distractions from our "empty monkey heads", or to be serious, our own minds, in the East), warning the unprepared, the honest --do you really want to go OBE if you're one of those people who deep down believes that you Don't go anywhere really?--, the hasty, and even the determined (even my lowiest of computers has the brain to ask ask "Are Your Sure" once before it throws out my mail.) Each person would have to look honestly at the situation for themselves IMHO, and be observant of such things.

Of course I am just pulling my 2-cent guess out of thin air...

And as Rumi says, "The mystery does not get clearer by repeating the question" (uh, poetically of course)

More reseach! :-)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 18:30:59 -0700
Subject: Re: OH : faster than light

Aw, :-) my greatest heroes were nerds and geeks, :-) and I'm even a rebellious punk. (ssshhh!) He who shakes the paradigms, or graps it firmly first, even, my friend, kicks butt, dude! Cool!

Um, sorta what I was getting into with the how many planets in the Relativity thought-experiment was the unpaired magentic pole work of Howard Wachpress, who's already turned this into one of the most reasonable desins for actual spaceships that I've ever seen next to maybe Alan Holt's NASA papers on feild resonance propulsion (I'm pretty sure he was in NASA's journal; I get or got, *all* my good science from Rex Research as reprints)...

It looks like this methods has been used in countless magic artifacts, and practices, so I though it was time to take it to science. I'm tempted to wonder what the DeBroglie slit-experiment will do if you go higher than two; could it possibly start showing wave-particle determinance based on the number of actual openings, or resonators in an interferometer? Whether they are odd or even so that some semblance of polar disparity is achieved? Or there in the more subtle mirror worlds, where it might be a symmetrical number of poles that causes the magicakally significant effects, and where disparity of poles is conversely highly stable and undynamic? (I have been reading TIpler in "Dimension of Healing" Krippner, ea, I think, as he challenges a too-broad assignment of the Hermetic Axiom, "As above, so below". I have daydreams of Gold in the subtle worlds being quite fiery stuff, as if calling it down as a voilent fulminate were exactly that, calling the property down into this realm... and that is just the tip of the iceberg...)

Heck, you could even do this and the smiley-face-in-the-glycerine form of the Bohm ink drop experiment at home, or the Ion Dumitrescu, put hole in a leaf and observe the aura studies.

Mind you I haven't done any at home either... but the possibilites are endless! If none of these don't work out the way I'd like to think they will, that doesn't mean that something wasn't in the way, or that they aren't supposed to be helped to work as such... of course...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.

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