Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 12:47:53 -0700
Subject: Memetic and Metal
Seem to be having a lot of lag time on list commands suddenly since
I went back and looked up that Native American stroy I'd mentioned some
time ago, about why metal was not used by Naative Americans. It is one
I've never totally undestood.
It is in "Indian Legends from the Northern Rockies"
by Ella C. Clark, p 155-160, "Why the Indian Had No Metal Tools". It is
a Kutenai story.
Not something I'm certain of but some of the Motifs remind me almost of
Memetics discussion.
And come to think of it, Memetics and Metal seems like an interesting
topic. Industrialist or Post industrialist metal memes maybe?
Or even the elements of this story in a context unto itself also. It is
Not a Motif I find very often, this may be the only one I've ever seen,
in fact I do think it is...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 17:23:23 -0700
Subject: Time and the Heart...
! It's so quiet! So we all have a life after all! Cool!
Time, that's a good question. The concessions between linear and
non-linear time may be the only thing that allows persons to be with
their soul mates
if anything can besides love. If we do not get a headache that requires
immediate tender loving care :-) from fathoming the unfathomable...
There Was the last episode of Star Trek NG, ...maybe those ideas are
valid regarding soul mates?
Perhaps only the tribe who doesn't try to figure out beginnings and
endings of creation and the universe and says it is beyond mortal mind,
know truly what soul-mates are... I have forgotten their name, and where
I found them, I wish we heard from them more, they are quite refreshing.
I wish I knew more about them.
And then there is choice... a usually well-respected power in creation.
Love *is quite a mystery* is it not?
I know plants that are timeless in their being, I think, all of the
first ferns and palms bearing the icons of fish, Ginko biloba, the
living fossil looking like a brain and a fish tail and being used as an
herb to promote mental acuity, since probably before there were alot of
brains running around on land, and a Birthwort that looks like a bird,
before there were birds, and Orchids that look like many things, perhaps
before those things were ordained into being. Can you imagine a creature
waiting around a hundred million years to be helpful to us like that? Or
*a Creator* so far ahead of the game?
Maybe love is the best answer to these "timeless" questions.
PS: Thanks
for the wonderful joke. It IS wonderful what we can
Choose to do, within ourselves, isn't it? It is indeed a great magic,
this Free Will of ours... "As a man thinkest in his heart, so is he"...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 18:45:36 -0700
Subject: OH: Of Elixirs...
Oh, like I'm a real alchemist! Ha!
FWIW, I thought I would re-capitualte about some literary references.
There is one in Indries Shah, "Oriental Magic" where in the Orient, a
magic formula is written on a peice of parchment and fed to a silver
fish. The silverfish is then supposed to turn rainbow colors, and that
is the elixir, more or less... (index: Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)
used in longevity spell, pg. 172.) It is warned that it may take months
to find a suitable silverfish which will produce the color change. It
only says several, and does not specify..but it is not necssarily
entirely literal either.
I'd not be shocked, many health-minded human have for a long time
thought spiders to be pharmacologists of considerable timing, the US
Pharmacopaiea has listed medicinal uses for thier webs in the past..
IMHO, it has more to do with Insect Biochemisrty and the chemistry of
the ink than anthing else; it is possible that this produces a
compliment of unusual neurotransmitter like things, and those types very
peculiar to the insect kingdom (Wiley-Interscience pubs. "Insect
Biochemistry" series, "Leucodopachrome", anyone? I don't get much in my
diet! ...and I wonder if they ever got it sorted out if Adrenochrome was
in the urine of schizophrenics because it caused the condition, or
helped it?) maybe far more powerful promotors of human growth factor, a
rejuventing agent, than what we normally encounter that is of this
general chemistry, like some of the smart drugs, who are becoming noted
for hGF promoting ability.
There was a picture of a scientist in Time or Life a few years back who
experimented on himself with human growth factor, hGF. The results were
absolutely amazing, though they do not happen Magically overnight, quite…
I suspect personally hGF activity in every herb cited by herbalists as
causing Fertility cycles to be active in women After menopause... It is
a promising sign.
There seems to be alot of circumstantial support at this early stage...
although far too soon to tell I suppose? There are supports from ancient
myth-icons I suppose. I once wondered if the Herb of Gilgamesh could be
real, and something like Eurale ferox (family Gentianaceae) which is
strangely like a lotus or actually, water lillies proper are what the
ancient Egyptians were preoccupied with...
It is hard to overlook the silverfish as a potent lunar symbol also, in
more outright magical terms, especially as we come to an anecdote that
the Comte St. Germaine once made an elixir for a noble person, with the
prescription observing certain phases of the moon and dosage. According
to the story, her maid drinks it by all by accident, and the extreme
results are astounding. Such an agent may have some interaction with the
pineal, which is thought to play a role in fertility and other human
rythms if I have this correctly.
Such proscriptions are also found in many places including the use of
Eupatorium specie for coloring textiles by the Huastec Maya (Janis B.
Alcorn, "Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany" and anyone who has a Moon Sign book
or two probably has some ideas already; Calcium's physical behavior was
cited as a key physical indicator of the influences of Astrology in "The
Scientific Basis of Astrology" by Michel Jaquelin Calcium shows up in a Great many magics involving time,
and other things. It is almost as if it is just not temporally stable
and that his is adventageous if one learns how to live in harony with
the fact...
Anyway, the symbol set, Moon, Rainbow, Regeneration is found in Jimmy
Page's vignette in "The Song Remains the Same" (Led Zeppelin movie) I do
not know if he was concious of this, or if this contains any information
that the two preceeding citations do not, but it is a compelling
recurrance at any rate. Perhaps it also illuminates the Hermit and
especially Crowley's version in his Thoth Tarot.
Of silverfish, I suppose one cannot disregard the Salamander ie
Chameleon, the rainbow as an endocrine and also Quantum symbol, a
temporal symbol, and so on; nor does it wax outlandish that there may be
a neurochemical/ rejuvenative rational with the near-absurd Egyptian
fascination with the Scarab, as a medicine source rather than a food?
Perhaps this will quiet the Ethiopian jokes?
It this medicine of life therefore the message of every NDE with a
rainbow in it? Don't they all have rainbows? Or the Iris (rainbow) of
Or even the Egyptian lotus, *symbol of immortality*
It looks like they harnessed the *sacred* blue pigment substance as a
source of significant electrical power, to say the least... Or the same
bio-flavonoid stuffs in the Pomegranate the Mulberry
or the Pine, and the Grecian legends which accompany them... Perhaps
this blue stuff is the blue stuff of Palingenics, ie ressurrection from
ashes and otherwise, and can be taken also from the sacred (Rosicrucian)
Rose... Pynogenol, more prevalent in health food stores, is another,
hailing from both the Pine and the Dionysian grape...
Or a Japanese pine, in Magic giving Immortality, in *reality*, yeilding
a promising medicine for HIV. I guess I have posted on this subject
before, I did forward "How to Walk on Water"? The actual journal
reference for this would be there.
Praise Artemis-Ameratsu, and Artemis-Silverfish!
The ossification {Calcinato} of the thyroids is perhaps another issue
that might concern aspiring Elixir-Alchemists...
Powerful recurring symbols may have been asociated with the thyroids,
and the thyroid chakra such as winged beings, chalices and even the Holy
Grail. Perhaps much remains to be re-discovered there, and may explain
why certain races took to Christendom so easily. At one time, I am told,
in Greece, the Angels shared a place in culture with the Broucolacai, or
Vampires, the more preposterous way of lookng at the same thing.
The thyroids are shaped suggestively of the wings of angels, and are the
endocrine of the chakra concerned with ethics and morality, and peace.
To have them impaired is to have these things impaired, to be lacking in
expression of spirit, and life, to be as if "drained" of them, from what
I have been led to believe...
I will not trouble anyone with the complexities of trying to identify
the Hindu *Soma* this day...
The longest and happiest lives to all.
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 18:54:22 -0700
Subject: Re: [Bohm] A question on memetics
Sort of the Heavyweights I think of are the Ancient Egyptians, Einstien
I am still convinced the problems with memetics are very much like that,
people encounter them and cannot make sense of them, and try to make the
best of it with whatever they have the vocabulary to imagine, but cannot
see the Hidden Order... and can make some various serious mistakes in
the process... for some at times, the only voluntary part may be to
sweat out the symbolism... Perhaps that is turning a handle in the mind?
Or an equivalent process? Maybe I am onto promoting Ilya Prigogyne's
ideas again?
Again, I seem kind of new at this...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 19:08:44 -0700
Subject: Re: A question on memetics
Well, those Are sort of contrived human classifications, really. Maybe
there are some questions in between about whether certain *disordered*
systems see other *disordered* systems As order or not? If order and
disorder were in cases the Only two states applicalbe, life and magic
might get alot easier? And Memetics?
There seem to be some difficult questions about memes taking hold where
the body is actually trying to spare energy and the brain may
over-categorize things.
Um, I Am a little fuzzy on information exactly as it appears in this
area; I know I was having trouble last time I dug into it deeply about
the point where Tesla and Pascal Jordan had these cosmologies of planets
spinning into being made out of positive nothing and negative nothing,
(I just wanted a pop-tart, the present planet is good) it sort of
challenged my idea of energy, and so I kept seeing "Infergy"
(Information + Energy) theory, where the two were not really totally
seperable. Even which one might be *Dominant* in a given situation? And
this may pertain in memetics also? The diference between understanding
and misunderstanding, or the certain levels of energy needed to induce a
more ordered states of conciousness?
Hope I am any help here; I have yet to brush up on this stuff as I
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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