Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 19:50:57 -0700
Subject: Re; OH; Auras and electricity
Sigh, I keep forgetting to throw up Motoyama and his "Chakra Machine"; I
have the paper (from where else, Rex Research); his book, "Theories of
the Chakras" is sitting right in front of me (Hiroshi Motoyama) although
I cannot think what to quote... Much of it is quite common in *Eastern
teachings*, it is an introduction though a good one...
Hmm, heat also antagonizes magnetic feilds, a plastic bag on a dry cool
day can carry millions of volts of static, if negligle amperage; this is
enough to destroy certain computer chips...
The book that introduced me to the chakras many years ago (it is by
Bernard Gunther, "Energy Ecstasy and Your Seven Vital Chakras"; has nice
correspondence tables of chakras to planets endocrines and symbols
amongst lavish illustrations, shows that the energy between two people
can either attract or repel, and this is probably a function of
electrical polarity? Or magnetic polarity? (opposites attract...maybe)
It depends on their state of mind...
I am reminded of Eric Dollard (Borderland Sceince Research Foundation)
and his work persuing Tesla's devices, they demonstrated on a video an
energy from a light bulb, lit without wires using a wireless Tesla
transmitter, that repels live matter and attracts non-living matter,
from the few observations thus far... I've gotten this out of a small
guitar amp one time, out of a 1/4 inch, flat-headed militiary-style
audio plug. (With the round head and the 45* bend) Wonder what this
would show on a Kirlian imager for example, this interesting energy and
Interesting stuff, imho...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 01:09:59 -0700
Subject: Broomstick Boy at it Again...
Did Chroni eat the wrong kind of mushrooms today? (no Chroni was a
mycophile before a botanomancer, really) I am Tlazolteotl, eater of
filth... really loaded on Choclatl (chocolate), *survival ration of the
mighty Aztec warrior*, but yes, the Aztec had a broom-riding goddess
too... Maybe that ought be *Tlazlteatl* to bring out the water idea?
Probably even these wood besoms are bound with the watery withy...
The spirits possess Chroni, and they say (It is standard modern mystic
fare to blame it all on spirits instead of having read six thousand
books. I am "Uncle Pagemaster" had I any fiction...) what they will,
"hear, all are children of Egypt, and receive from we Ancient these
words (standard intro)... I Rob-Ra who art also rubbed raw, speak...
that which is in the Nebris, the broomstick of Tetankhamen, the sacred
blue stuff, do you not suppose it is from the water lily? It is an
Anthocyanin, a visible ion of pigment, it is a bio-flavonoid, a
Flavonoid derivative: (modern libraries have numerous books full...), It
possesses an ionic charge. It Will probably get passed off as a jar
/C\ /O\ /C C\
C C C__C C
l l 1 \C__C/
\C/ \C/
Should read two six membered
carbon rings fused together at left with an oxygen in the lower lowest
position on the ring to the right, connected to another carbon ring on
the right, It is my first e-mail molecule and is and is horrible
compared to the real Tinkertoys...
of it doesn't get eaten by the system...
In the lowly Violet, the electrical charge on the oxygen can be enought
to hold an entire eight atoms of potassium actually (See THE STAR,
Waite's Ryder Tarot?)
It is oxygen that might concern us here, the room temperature soft glass
technique of the Egyptians being imitated by todays scientists in
general science magazines has induction of oxygen into the mineral
structure, perhaps done by the Egyptians with paticle beam or similar
technique and the oxygen values of a plant may that produce unusal
chemical effects in the name of making of using gas to keep itself
If it were simply that the stuff aided in the formation of Cooper pairs
somehow, the idea of the Superconducting Battery would be achieved, and
of course it is not wise to Have your battery run out at *that*
Of course I do not know exactly what a Superconducting Battery is, but I
am also riddled what is in the other ones, Iron in three different
mineral forms???, which you will often see layered in color, in cutaway
drawing of Tets or Djeds almost always from what I've looked at.
The colors of the fates, the Foreboding Goddesses and the cows in the
myth of Glaucos? No lotus, use Mulberries, fruit of Hecate and Artemis?
Not more of that magnetism that they probably use now to simulate
dowsing? Some guy on cable looking for Noah's Ark had one, "Molecular
frequency oscillator"?
Or of an affinity for water, these flower blossom pigments to engage in
the energies of dowsing?
Like Chicory flowers, wilting every day and being well again the next?
So much like the magnetic lettuces in it's mystical ways as well as it's
(can you tell of my disgust with modern ways that now I couldn't get the
lawn mower to run again?
was I that obvious? Grin)
Oh well, just posting to be posting...
Enough chocolate and I'd believe that when Jacob was commanded to
prepare woods for sheep aphrodesiacs in the Bible, it was really to have
him make a broom. I suppose Noah would have been told, but then sheep
can't ride brooms can they? Maybe he'd been trying to ride sheep, and
maybe the preisthoods of Mars and Hercules are closer than we might most
often hear...?
Oops sorry, only Moses can do these, I forgot.
(No really. Even I'd have remembered the other five commandments...)
Oh well, Tis Tuesday, Mar's Day. Sheep jokes and things that go
Your Amiable and Redundant Natural Historian... Naturally... (really,
don't I think real hippies already though of all this in the sixties?)
Flower Power!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 15:36:06 -0700
Subject: Read Me Please
Hi all...
Okay I've done gone and dug out my bound collections of search
engine printouts, which are about five years out of date. If I go
through with this, I suppose you'll think you're on a science list, so
please hang in there! Again I am hoping that science will become magic,
and I am trying to attend the conversion of the two languages as many
others have. So the Magic hopefull will be there...
I've just had to discard an e-mail posted amongst a circle of
friends waiting for Occulthaven to begin, from someone who aspired to
unify magic and Quantum Mechanics but found that another author and A.O.
Spare had beat them to it"... I've yet to find the particular post or
look at the works in question but this is one more thing that may be
pertainent to the present post.
Just a few thoughts..
I've posted previously that I think regarding magic and science
as one are very imporant in issues regarding pagan rights and
persection, because I do know the two languages are comaptable, and I
feel strongly there is are numerous double-standard arising where the
languages are Not interconversing.
Sadly, there is another problem this seems to create and this is
lack of cooperation between ways that have been misnomered as somehow
I have been advised that the ownership of the Sacred stone
Circle, Rollright, is at issue, (and I am considering making a donation
to the relevant cause although I am presently on something of a fixed
Please see the web site:
As I struggle to balance the greater and lesser families and
their needs, I want to lament that this has become simply a pagan issue,
why must we foot the bill for what is valuable to all?, although I am
not rejecting the responsibility over it.
I have been told that scientific studies at Rollright have shown
cancellation of ultrasonics at certain times, and I cannot fathom why
the Physics Department at Oxford or someone has not already pledged one
or two fifths of the total needed to secure the site in the name of
anything but it being restricted or destroyed.
And thus I cannot guess why I shall be put off by not being the
first to unify Quantum Mechanics and Magic, apparently it will still
take a great many more persons to endeavor before there is the semblance
of two supposedly disparate persons in the same boat paddling in
And my introduction to ancient miracles and wonders in general
being "We Are Not the First" by Andrew Tomas (available often and cheap
used. Can't find it? I have a few extra I bet...) To summarize
succinctly, well, "We Are Not the First"...
So, I suppose I have learned to live with not being the first
to do think or suppose anything... but it is comforting to me that then
it is tradition...
And one of the witchiest books I know being "Natural Magic" by
Della Porta, my hero, who Actually Reasoned With The Inquistion,
apparently by taking pains of being conversant between the laguages of
the traditions... There are expressions that demonsrate whatever pagans
do as sufficiently pleasing to a Judeo-Christian god, even in the strict
sense... I have fondest hopes that there is much for many in any amount
of endeavor to practice the reconciliation of any seemingly different
(At any rate, I know it was what Blavatsky and Crowley would
be doing now, had I not had to subject them to ritual cannibalism so
many years ago in order to be as wise as I am (LOL)...)
Boundless thanks for tolerating my ranting...
Blessed Be!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 15:52:18 -0700
Subject: Re: OH: categories and learning
I think human categorization may be both inherent and learned...???
It seems to be that certain universal instincts are with people, it
seems as if all babies ask for "wawa", I dunno...
I think it might be pertainent that the Ephesian image of Artemis of
Ephesos and those like it, was supposed to try to communicate survival
instructions to an intellegence that could not yet form thoughts in
words of any number.
The message again, was "Eat Pine Nuts, Drink Pine Dew, and stay put" if
one was lost or abandoned in the wilderness... Speaking to an instict in
pictures, "Pine nuts are the nest best thing since breast milk"
(At least they are nutritious pacifiers and preclude vast possibility of
random poising) Where grapes are more common her breasts are grapes, and
so on...
So even though the categorical thought is inspired, maybe there is
something already categorical that they were communicating with...
Obviously there are a lot of categories children are apparently born
It is interesting maybe in memetics too ?, if you said these
communications tried to go where there *Was no language vector*
*Normally*, no... ???
Just dutifully plugging *My Goddess*, I guess...
(I do attend her day and night, for she is *LIFE*)
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 18:07:32 -0700
Subject: Re: Toxic Tantra
Ok actually, I was wondering about the dissipation of *tantric* energy
through breath. I had a bit of a time finding anyone who'd even heard of
Annie Sprinkle 'bout the bookshops it may be some time 'till I can catch
up at all...
Is this likely to really be a dissipation of energy, or an
allusory one? Are there other ways in which this energy is commonly
thought to dissipate
besides breath, with it in mind that *energy* is a dodgy subject here
anyway kind of, and whether psychic benefits you mentioned really
consitute a consumption or energy or not being kind of arbitrary...
Er, how far into a relationship in general might you think it
is safe to start opening the heart chakra during such rites? I do not
think I have frightened anyone this way, well, not during the actual
act, but I seem to have gotten ahead of myself a little, once long
ago... Is it supposed to close again afterwards?
Are there any exercises for that? (And why am I so willing to rant and
rave and
flame any affirmative to that question with "Put 'em where the sun don't
(c'mon and do it with me and Sally Struthers and Mac Davis, dude)
-O- . -O-
"what the world needs now, is love sweet…"
Oh never mind !!!!! The server probably ate the musical manucript and I
didn't really want to know did I?
I'll sit here and say *tsk tsk* like an Old Nun, "What makes you little
linear ones so blasted sure the energy doesn't Start at the heart
charkra and proceed up and down, just as when we delve into love and
time, what makes the most sense is that time is always the eternal now
and radiates out to
past and future alike. We just percieve it as otherwise, I don't know
Of course I used to think the purpose of bedsprings and bedknobs was to
harness tantric energy for materialization, and I am sure every knows by
now I am *quite insane*... er, wait, how did breakfast get under the
bed??? er... in fact I still think this… or hell, they can just harness the sound of groaning if you get to be that age…
Fortunately I am not so rigidly institutionalized as Nuns as to admit
that I really don't *know* for certain...
So, Okay, okay, I Do want to know all these things... Please. Sorry for
being so *heliocentric*... (and Latin: I think therefore I am
Chronos Apollonios // ~~Fight World Hunger, Give Seeds, the Gift that Keeps on Giving! The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772/ 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368. Donations accepted include Seeds; write for details.
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