Chronos Chronicles

January 1998 Part Six

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 05:33:13 -0800
Subject: Disjointed Tangetial Genius de Jeur


I can think of absolutely nothing to rant about, but, hey, why let that stop me? Today, let's use a magic mirror as a beam splitter and see what happens!

Actually was some slightly nice stuff tonite on the USA-Tesla list about time reversing photon experiments...

I ought to resurrect the notion that Astrology also served as a set of technical ideas. Maybe sometimes ideas get acted out as pychodrama by some who don't realize that (what in the h is one supposed to do with repressed omniscience anyway, this and a theory that information like energy and matter cannot be destroyed only altered, and don't it make you just up and wanna believe Eliphas Levi about how people usually process far memory? The same sort of indirectness present in many other facets of life...) but to be magickaly useful, we (watch me work) can do things like say, Cancer? That sign is self-contained, serves as a model of a regauging system that can't lose energy, probably a current/feild (cf Ouroboros) model as well (cf Superconductors, stone circles & accompanying phenomena-levitation etc).

The funny part was when I noticed that the eyes on that damned crab were a good expression of the "photon splitting" part of what the Tesla list discussed, one eye looking backwards like that backtracking photon.

Cancer also being the sign too insecure to live without a replicator (giggle, just helping the moonsign book stereotype me here) it's also near-perfect appropros that this backtracking photon unit sounds like the stuff in a method of loading a feild matrix with matter, only ionized atoms "backtrack" the photon's trajectory. (A flash of light, and poof) Not the *cleanest* method mayhaps but one we may be most close to in *bona fide* reearch.

So what, is the notorious thing about Cancers and Libras exacerbating one another's worries of scarcity merely the way the stars remind us that this type of system is intrinsic to the scales as replicators? (cf Egyptian motifs.

So there you have it, the macrocosm and microcosm are so tightly knit that you can get enlightment out of a trip to the zoo, and anything serves as a segue into anything else in the mind of a master.

Now, if the zookeepers will just give me some matches to go with my banana...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


(Digest 51)

Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 18:21:07 -0800
Subject: Re: Christians, etc.


Thanks. Don't know about anyone else but that's healthy for my persepective and sense of harmony.

I can sympathize a little bit with her, I mean sometimes it's a struggle to stay out of their clutches, and expecially when you can see the positive things.

I know many who've lost that fight, and I wish I could say I thought their "new lives" were any kind of improvement. It can also be very hard caught between hardcore Christendom and "Fluffy Bunny" paganism, seems all there is to resort to is some vague, fiery kind of being on guard and generalism to defend yourself.

Around my turf, anyway, the worst kind end up after the most vulnerable. I'd have probably ended up with them if I weren't dwelling on the negative, or being bluntly honest: "Look, are you ministering charity or seeing how many civil rights violations you can get away with?"

I'm still very sensitive, mind you, about a lot of things- their official policies of "Thank God for AIDS" to "it's the right thing to do to burn a witch at the stake".

If they weren't literally force-feeding hopeless dogma down the truly desperate like strapping extra weight on a pack mule, knowing full and well that the victims are likely to end up dragging that burden for the rest of their lives, they'd probably Be Holy Men.

But yeah, who can afford to run on loathing and disgust for very long? I've never found that to be healthy for me.

Better in the end to avoid what is obviously wrong, and to try to focus on what we have instead, and it IS good, IMHO...

B*B &

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 01:47:09 -0800
Subject: The Return of the Regauging Sage...

(regauging: free energy device theory by Tom Beardon, my babblings about this being magickally viable, now likely the longest running thread on OH)


gee, I was almost asleep when I was roused by some leetle thoughforms scurrying around...

Soooo. Suppose regauging (*free energy*) concepts can be used to approach more complicated questions about Kirlian images and the behavior of what is being imaged, does the leaf phantom return to the tree, and all that... You know, picking up where the great idea that these are holographic falls slightly short of a plan... Er, is Dumitrescu's phantom double in a hole in the leaf exemplary?

But it's when I look at Palingenics again and think, gee, is there time-reversing photon splitting going on? Do all fires do this? Gee, maybe fires are just usually too mystical for their own good? Obviously I shouldn't have smoked that last banana, because te zookeepers will be on me like a ton of bricks for That one: "no, the volume and duration of fire is proportional to the quality and density and rate of vaporization of the fuel". Or some such depressing and mundane stuff. Well, maybe.

Of course had any of them wondered if my little charcoal blocks are regauging themselves smokeless? Or that castor oil the Egyptians supposedly used on torches so they wouldn't smoke up the ceilings of the pyramid passageways? Or, there being strains of Castor Bean which resemble the scarab beetle, if that is a symbol for regauging (that and rolling a dung ball back and forth)

But what is seemingly plausible, in spite of the horrendous poppycock I have just suggested about fire, is that the much vaunted eternal flame (Blavatsky, "Isis Unveiled", etc.) burning in some secret Himalayan sacred cavern or some such thing, with some oiled asbestos-kinda-stuff for a wick, could BE an example of a regauging system.

This may be a viable *degenerate semiconductor* according to Beardon's criteria for regauging systems components?

What next, a car that regauges the fuel back together as quickly as it burns it? Shame, Bad Naughty Chroni :-) Here's worse, the fuel can be addressed by the magick regauging auto repairman in a box, that thingie that makes your vehicle new as fast as it wears.

Must be nice in the fireplace, burning the same log all winter, save the trees and pass the ammo...

So... with maybe a match and some magnets, anyone qualified to make a radio out of cocoanuts could theoretically have a go at serious cuts in fuel consumption? Leaving more money to buy those overpriced alchemy reprints...

And of course they never mention regauging when they talk about recompositing the dilithium crytals, But of course...

Now to one-up the *radio flame damper* trick and start talking about regauging fires Out...

But yeah, leading scientists could *almost* get fire to burn backwards if they print this post, hold it to their heads, and thump it against the wall, for those who haven't quite got the Edgar Cayce trick of using a book for a pillow. And yeah, if him and Blavatsky were so damned smart, why didn't They...

Oh well.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 02:59:10 -0800
Subject: Interesting Links?


Encyclopedia of Medical Folklore
The Dreamweaver's Web Page Links
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 03:22:48 -0800
Subject: Fwd: "Witche's Milk", Pt 2.


Here's part two of our off-season re-run.

Thought I'd mention I was just recently informed that Stith Thompson's whopping Motif Index is now available on CD-ROM for @ $300. Those who like pestering their local libraries now have a new and worthwhile goal...

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