Chronos Chronicles

February 1998 Part One

Digest 55

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:40:05 -0800
Subject: Hi All


Really not kidding about the sleep dep, so if there's anything in mystical science left to think of, it Does elude me until I get recuperated. Anyone wanna curse my doctor backwards, these guys are beyond blessings...

Started reading a book on real estate this morning, did you know if you own land, you own it all the way to the earth's core? Weird!

I got a forward from someone of a page from the Illuminations site (recommended, I think I posted it here before? You can get to it I think from the Arthurian links on my web pages) about anomalous Russian objects, coils of Copper and Molybdenum that are supposedly c.a. 20,000 years old, and I couldn't figure out what they were, tuning standards, resonators, pendulum points, phase transition coils or what, they Are interesting to say the least. But what I cannot figure out is why some are a metal that tarnishes and why some are several metals that do not, unless to purify water a tarnishing metal and a non-tarnishing metal are used as electrodes, so phase transition potentials can form a current? (I almost said that in my *goddess of the waters* work, but I didn't Quite think of that.) Or they're like eety-bitty Thryseuses?

I haven't seen that kind of concept since the *mass-differential currents* (Did I coin that expression TOO?) of the Ryder deck's Temperance, where some kind of energy moves between the land and the water, from not higher to lower voltage, but higher to lower Density.

Of course, I'd think this went on with a Thryseus, meaning that Temperance means... WOW! And look! Two holy grails! WOW!

I maybe be dry as Dakota's water table, but thanks to a little help from my friends, eh? Cool!


(Digest 56)

Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 02:01:00 -0800
Subject: Side Effects of Frankincense and Myrrh
(chimpanzee looks quizzically at smoke rising off of charcoal block, observes heat rises and declares it to be the opposite of gravity for no reason whatsoever, decides an accelerating therefore flaming meteorite is a pair of scalar feilds, and envisions the magick circle in jeanne rose's herbs and things and figures the discussion went back to palingenics and invisible ink for holding stuff over a flame, coins :thermogravitics: and begins plotting how to deflect large meteorites after regauging the ozone layer)

no really paired scalar fields. why I cannot tell the difference between conserving a feild and conservation in a feild, an aura having it's own time constant would be it's own dead giveaway in this regard.

yup, nothing new here, Schroedinger's Chia Pet, maybe?

(chimpanzee contemplates last three chimpanzee posts, uses dual feild resonator as a nosepick, mistakenly takes the cups of temperance to mean life passing from one planet to another, accidentally masters scalar geothermics and inadvertantly finds it theoretically easy to cause life forms to envelop cold and barren planets, all this from lighting a charcoal block? ah, magick!!)

So where are the ancients? Up there no doubt having a swell time without the b*llsh*t that goes on down here, stalwartly having their heads right out of their bums.

Here are we worrying ourselves to callousness and plotting to break one antennae off paralastor wasps just to prove what we can easily guess.

Take your pick.

Chroni //


Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 19:55:28 -0800
Subject: More on that Last One


Here's the URL to that page I was talking about,

What I'm thinking is that there may be something conveyed in the Temperance card that illuminates a way (there should be more than one, shouldn't there?) of setting up systems to *regauge* as in all my posts about this free energy scheme from Tom Beardon being fit to set up conspicuous magical events...

Maybe that's enough said, but anyway, Temperance has the cups at Right Angles, characteristic of Electromagnetic induction, and the most mundane thing these spirals might be is Inductor Coils (okay okay, so the ones with coils around rods may be "Braced solenoids", maybe, or at least that's a viable theory of something, a solenoid physically fused or attatched to the core so the energy that would go into moving it comes out of something else, "brace" is my word for sticking a monky wrench in an electric motor, you jam it and the energy doesn't come out as motion anymore, it comes out as heat, and the motor eventually burns up. Note how physical resistance So akin to electrical resistance which also yeilds heat is used there and how the energy reappears--- maybe an ancient technology is the Opposite of a superconductor, whatever the word is, "infraconductor"? NOT the same as insulator or dielectric)

So what maybe this suggests is that inductance is the opportunity for this regauging to take place; note that how besides the Bartending Angel/Iris/Glutamine/Sobriety meaning, he's sloshing the stuff between cups but NOT SPILLING A DROP, just as regauging systems do NOT lose "a drop" of energy...

And, um, just guessing here, but if anyone notes what Bob Nelson from Rex Research says about master magnets at right angles and the Philadelphia Experiment (Chroni interrougates a Dr. Hills *Pi-Ray* Pendulum: "Are you guys *Solenoid chronographs* too?"; says Eureka, yawns, redefines Pentagrams as "something primarily lacking in right angles", yawns more, falls asleep.)

Suffice to say, the Beardonian axiom, "The Russians are way ahead of us" may still hold true...

The world's leading authority on the meanings of Tarot symbols, and Occulthaven's got him,

Chroni //

(Digest 60) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 01:56:09 -0800
Subject: Re: the digest


gee, I bounced one. Our resident Groundhog Messiah is on his Judeoxtian thing about the survival manual?Alas, our resident mad scientist is the expert there in his own demented imagination, the survival manual includes herbalism, magickal herbalism, water conservation techniques, amusements to calm the lost, practice at telling hallucinations to piss off, water acquisition techniques, materialization techniques, herb processing techniques, alchemical (dry way) instructions in the usual allegorical, excercise on how not to be a bastard to people who are different- because they're not, excercises not to believe in bullshit prophecies, a crash course in allegorical endocrinology and physiology, temporal mechanics, and, well you name it, including the most well concieved and ambitious philosophy that ever walked included (genesis) and a whole Ton of crap on the Doctorine of Signatures, but then I'm drunker than piss after exchanging "well guess who I'M seeing" with the ex. What magick can fix this, throw what you will at the demons who preside...

Our resident mad scientist comes with the price of admission, which having recieved the mango tea, you're all paid up for a year I reckon. Or a banana, I confess, I smoked the tea... but I do thanks you. :-) well, okay, I should have. listmembers wanting to send real contraband will not be discouraged... :-) okay kids, just kidding. Thanks for the kind words.

Now if I were only as scientific as mad at the moment.

Y'all wanna chew the rug about death and quantum wave fuctions while I get some duct tape to help Scrhoedinger's cat serve a useful purpose for once? I had to burn frankinscense and myrrh *god help me* to quiet the vibes the flipped out family had been leaving on the furniture, you'd think it would be Easy for them to project a double so the *eagle* (earths magnetic feild) will not *eat* (reabsorb) them. I don't *do* Cataneda, but... the ancient Egyptians seem to have the same idea. (Manly Palmer Hall, "Secret Teachings..." some editions only.) if it's so easy for them to project this kind of info onto objects.

Once again I repeat my very own astounding theory that tha't why there were ancient burials. They weren't immortal, but if they materialized a clone, this elecromagnetic/quantum debt would be paid. I like elixirs better, they're more politically correct. Okay, now if the alchemy list will just cough up an elixir outright, I could give a rat's rip for gold. Now, just how much is the elixir the same thing?

But yeah, i'm outta new stuff. We've about done it all here I think???. In a few days I should be starting the spring plants, and they will talk to me again, I hope.

What, mad science? Okay, I followed signatures to predict antiabortive herbs, went to the oranges from the cucurbits, the oranges "wear thier watermelon stripes inside" Wasn't surprised when James A. Duke's database said they had glutamine in them.

Don't yet know why it went into the Evening Primrose family, but yeah, Fuschias look like they're giving birth, don't they?

I'll get back to that I swear...



(Digest 64)

Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 09:48:20 -0800
Subject: Thoughts for the Day


Och, more tortured sleep. But as I was waking, I had one of those rare inspirations. With the last vestiges of Theta sleep, I thought this:

The Holy Grail v.5.1 (g)

Owing to the citations of Nitrogen that appear on my webpages under both the Holy Grail, and Fighting Famine With The Old Ways (and others that could be mentioned such as the Ojibwe shaman drawing suggesting nitrogen as ectoplasm that appears in "Myths of All Races"), where one layer of the Fisher King's significance is simply the recognition of using fish waste as fertilizer.

In the course of accumulating matter for the materialization of objects, the grail-as-replicator (=cauldron) can be aligned to a propensity for nitrogen in biological systems that is incongruous with the higher perfection of the auric blueprint that specifies the placement of matter.

I am reminded of both the work of Anthony Cerami on Advanced Glycosylation End-Products some years ago that appeared in various science magazines, and that annoying tendency in reports of materializations at seances (Schrenk-Notzing, "Phenomena of Materialization") for *something* to be taken or borrowed from the living participatant.

Since the Advanced Glycosylation End-products are of course end products of carbohydrate metabolism, we may note how often ghost presences have been reported to affect this system, from creating a sense of fear or unrest all the way to someone's hair turning white from the encounter.

Thus having suggested that true regeneration or rejuvenation and materialization can be synononymous within a given metaphor, the story of Cinderella for example can be treated this way, and the glass slipper finally may become a sensible element as something that either prevents ectoplasmic nitrogen from entering the feet into the clusters of nerves that accupuncture concerns itself with, (taking this "the land and I are one" a bit too far this may be, so to speak).

This also invokes Moxa, so while another equal expression to Cinderella, the Phoenix, is never said to *give itself a hotfoot* per se, the text is sufficiently valid. In Oriental mythology, any stories of a Phoenix bird that contain anyone borrowing or stealing anything would probably be blantant.

I am encouraged to note if superhuman potentials are Not found in the configurative data of the auric blueprint, that ectoplasm would be the logical intermediary.

Perhaps I will have more inspiration to immortalize some relevant notions as, oh let's see, "The Boy Who Killed Two Birds With One Stone"?

As a bonus, I take most recently "Lavendar's Blue" to allude to abiogenetic or homuncular issues; where will these men come from who tend these deeds? Answer # 47: They are sons, created by magic. Why does the teller and his love not have these sons already? You will recognize this already from Rapunzel, Rapunzel-wurzel is very likely a fertility drug. Lavendar may also be useable that way, perhaps with some knowledge.

I am toasting all of you, who know grail-seeking from gold-digging...

Best, & Peace!

Chroni //


(Digest 65)

Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 22:16:51 -0800
Subject: Re: Thoughts For The Day


I'm back in better form, I swear. For those totally mystified by my references to Advanced Glycosylation End Products, they are little molecules from the body's burning sugar that put cross links into proteins and even nucleic acids, gumming up the protiens, screwing up that the nucleic acids are supposed to be doing and generally raising all sorts of hell. Nitrogen in an amino group is where they end up attatching.

Worse yet, here are several related references for the truly interested, eat your tiny hearts out Arcana.

Accelerated age related browing of human collagen in diabetes mellitus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Jan 1984 583-587

Modification of DNA by reducings sugars: a possible mechanism for nucleic acid again and age realted dysfunction in gene expression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA pg 105-109

This a nice thing about academic references, they Do act like Links do leading you to further previous information, so these would mention at least several of Anthony Cerami's original articles. Libraries also have a certain reference that allows you to check the references backwards, reverse citation index or something it's called. It has been a long time.

The bad news is they tend to attract a lot of well-heeled cranks.

Some other interesting ones:

Why does light bend in a flame? Science Digest, Dec 1984, pg 108- etc. Is this one of Einstien’s lost gravity lenses? Does gravity assemble the buckminsterfullerene molecules found in soot?

Japanese researchers push electron holography. Science, Oct 6. 1989, pg 31- etc. (it's a little more esoteric to guess what this one has to do with wicca, i.e. Materialization, maybe?)

I can certainly do a lot better job coming up with a bibliography on Phase Conjugation or Time Reversal right here from where I sit now. Plus more related words like spin echoes, spin relaxation, photon echoes, and so on.

Like pyramids? Try "dielectric resonator".

Do Russian cosmonauts look more like they have AIDS than they're lacking exercise? They should, they're Doing aerobics up there, they Get exercise! Try: Growth homone levels plummet in space. Science News Sept 1, 199 (oops!) pg 134- etc. What won’t a pineal pick up and throw at the pituatary, light, magnetism, gravity....

Also did a typo on this one but the title is exact: Holograms for concentrating sunlight. Science News, 19-- (oops!), Vol 12, pg 254

Here's a potentially useful favorite: Recovering phase information from intensity data. Science, May 16, 1986. Yeah before I die of sunstroke trying to mystically see atoms or something.

Is that one that I see connecting television and cholesterol? Holy vitamin D, can you say, Calcifesterol? Science News Vol 24, 1990 pg 333. The potato chips will get blamed but don't let them fool you. Could go to the Libra part of your body and make you feel like an opiated oppressable masses or something, who then must do as they're told by the damn thing.

But here is a particular favorite that should be on my Passionflowers page, take note of this if none other: (er, I think this is it: Demonstration hologram for comparing an image lens and a real lens. American Journal of Physics Nov. 1977, pg 1027-1029. If it's Not it, it should have the reference. I thought the journal had "teacher" in the title?

Not homework, but why should these weenie slackers have more fun than people with real ambitions and hopes?

No doubt there will be more...

Wait till I dig up a Real bibliography on magic mirrors...


Chroni //

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