Chronos Chronicles

January 1998 Part Five

(Digest 41)
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:03:30 -0800
Subject: Ummm...

Trying to think of what might be new here in Chronos' Corner, not a lot actually, it's all rilly rilly old...

So the webtv homepage has got something on the secrets of Viking boats. Yeah, sure. That was something I did ten years ago when I was first fartingaround with the ancient wisdom, is identify that those arrays of shields were somekind of doohickey that propels the ships, I later learned that the usual beastie is a very broad generic reference to the forces used (ie dragons=serpents=electricity) so perhaps what these doohickeys are is interesting, fractional atom macroresonators?

That is the dream anyway. The wheel looms like it's convered with many atomic Pi Orbital forms. As if almost someone were getting into the zpe-regauging thing by using two witness stages, this usually makes sense in a really algebraic magic system, the ones that sound like associative memory systems.

"Ya vas flux-braiding vorld lines like mine Helga's hairdo". Sure, and I can do a derrougetorially bad Viking accent there too, I'm German. Coulda been I dunno.

The hammer of the Gods, a simple modulable magnetic instrument, and a vehicle in it's own right, might be used to kindle the effects on a large craft.

Notice if we drag the HTG into the running monologue about regauging systems, it does have nifty right angles if it were supposed to have to self induce it's output. But then again when you start talking magnetic feilds or crystal wands and things, maybe there's a joke in there...

Maybe someone wants a go at ionized sails?


Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page: Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 01:12:52 -0800
From: Subject: In Just Measure...


I don't know Why I haven't posted this before. I was into looking at various magickal tools in various ways, what fraction of wave guide/ resonator is an Ankh and all that stuff.

I think it started with looking at the Inca chaqui taclla garden tool as a once upon a time magick tool, the first records seem they may yet contain clues.

At one point I had myself quite convinced that if you set up the proportions of such tools that they form an actual mathematical operation if the feild is modulated or whatever, that if the product would be an irrational number the feild's scale would reach into the fractal level of reality, kind of like I've referred to a Newtonian Fractal in the book, "Chaos" by James Gleick as what calling quarters could look like...

Not very sure still how to capitalize on this, if it's even true, which is why I don't think I've ever brought it up before. But a truck is going to run me over soon I just know so I thought I'd say so while I could.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 03:52:13 -0800
From: Subject: More Mythology Links?

Surfed myself into a stupor...

Are these only the same links as those on other pages linked to my website? I don't care, I live in a fog. Just thought I'd send 'um along anyway for those seeking fame and fortune by converting these little ditties into something we all can use... or whatever the blazes they're for...

Peace! Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 04:37:11 -0800
Subject: Fwd: Excellent Native American Legends Book


What? Is that Arrow Boy with his own Cheyenne story? Gee he's famous, huh? All those Arrow Boy posts about a Sioux version and I missed this one, and hey, I have this book. Surely I have bitten off more than I can chew? Alas I learn too late the best time to learn this is when you're young, or at least when you still feel young, and it does help to have a tradition down in the first place.

Okay so my parents were idiots and my brain is jello. So? What's new?

I love myth TOC's though, play mix and match with heavy but cheerful magickal concepts...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:

(Digest 47)

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 01:05:01 -0800
Subject: Don't Let A Black Meme Cross Your Path?


I'm curious, have you gone anywhere else with memetics? Are you getting any insights out of the Chinese Medicine about memes, and how's that going by the way?

Though I've fallen off with the persuit, I'd been ready to spray them with disinfectant, rather literally, so you can tell I've got that repairman mentality going, I'm not looking at the parts that work, sir, so if we talked about good memes, it probably went right over my head.

The reason I'm asking is I was looking on the search engines for good sites on superstitions (found a few, nothing actually good so far), and there were some posts to a list put on the web where they were talking about superstition being an example of memes in action, and it sounded kind of negative maybe?

Perhaps memetics is done more justice to be discussed by those who have a bit more open minds about some areas? IMHO, a good section of superstitions would be exactly that, good memes, if there's enough of the typical survival "buttons" pushed to even qualify. Can allegorizing push any of these? I Did used to get quite pist that it was all written so you can't take it literally... flexing my -Libra thing I guess...

Maybe that's where most people lost the magic, when good magical memes that weren't sharpened to an infallible point were crowded out by those that were, namely the allures of merchadising and all?

What, you mean being a Ferenghi capitalist pagan could be blessEd still? No wait, I've got something wrong here obviously...

(Try THIS sitting opposite -libra, ***NEW!***. So? Big wow, it must suck, but Is Someone getting their kidneys jerked off by way of the adrenals? Prolly. Whom kidneys are ruled by this part. Don't xtains dance with the stars as well as anyone except those who step on toes? My ex roomate was so Typically Taurean in his approach to xtianity, I became a firm believer in Astrology on the spot . X-tian meme, uh-huh. Okay, the Danger part of Superstition is memeticaly attractive? Dunno, I've only had twelve hours to write my masters thesis, anyone way ahead of me here?...)

Can we get the Great Horned One to help me pass the cup of analysis here to those better suited to make use of it? A shaman who faints at the sight of blood, ok you found me out. MAYBE (cackle)


Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 01:40:34 -0800
Subject: Question for Doc & Anyone


Alas, I have been rabble-roused by our fearless leader (I'm just the science officer, honest). Since he’s tenderly discussing up a storm about those "sensitive areas*...

Doc, I know you're astrologically literate :-), but I'm wondering if you find use of astrology in Christian Magic?

I mean, if I were asked to justify myself in Christian terms, (shades of Della Porta, my hero), I'm sure I'd say "The observance and understanding of sidereal powers and principalities is part of our stewardship of one another, just as they are for the steward of the feilds to work in harmony, or at least to align himself out of friction, with those areas where we may not have Dominion or Authority by nature" or something, if I am saying that right. In other words, it allows you "to see just what the Devil is up to so you can get the hell out his way".

In my experience, it's been the objection from Christians that astrology is *bad* because people cast their fates to the winds because of it (I won't mention Relevations at this point), but this seems to tend to stand as an objection to any other application.

And again I could probably name the principalities driving That often enough (-Taurus; stubborn, generalizing, oppos. -Scorpio?) ; even though if you *tell someone in denial that they're in denial they're only going to deny it*, this still seems to underscore this very need for this kind of insight, let alone the applications of it...

I think the good new is that failing the right herb tea or incense, such people Can be healed of the bad attitudes by the approach someone takes if it is in accord with the prevalent forces and so on...

Again, do you actually do this in your work? Do you think that more people should, or am I working on something too impossibly foriegn to benefit those for whom it is often intended?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 07:22:49 -0800
Subject: Take Me To Your Leading Astrologer...


So I was sitting here thinking... Today is one of those days that might be ruled by Capricorn, and like it or not, I'm appropriately pragmatic. I won't bring up what the question was, the answer was, "oh sure and we have a long and serious history of fire breathing what nots popping out from behind every hillside, too", darned *historians* anyway... bucha bloody hyperliteralists...

We also have a long history of skinny grey people with no noses. In Pliny, they flit around and live off of flower perfumes; in real life, they have never Once stopped their UFO at McDonalds, what the Hell do they eat? Are these *historical hallucinations* even older than the Night Hag? Of course Pliny could have been making an octopus joke in the particular genre.

But it dawns on me that maybe there is Astrological Shamanic meaning there, is Scorpio's relevance not appropriate often enough? This readily unwinds into fascinating exploratory discourse: Is the reason pyrollizines are liver toxins is because of pure homeopathic aspects of antipathy that pertains to respiratory paralysis inflicted on the liver to prolong life, first having the chance to appear as a disharmony between Cancer and Scorpio? Yawn.

Um, no wonder a sense of victimization runs so high in abductees?

BTW, no one sounds sure that the physical evidence isn't more of what was shared with us about decisive looking at stigmatizations, namely self-induced. (I think such material on stigmatizations was in Talbot's book on "The Holographic Universe" as well. Helps keep me out of church, hooray)

Well, suffice to say, it's been a stone unturned I think; I though I'd give others a chance to kick the tires... FWIW, I think last time I was really working with Greek mythology that the astro-shamanic approach was working Quite well. I could be mistaken of course... worked well with many other classics too I think.

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus":


Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 17:05:48 -0800
Subject: Diagnostic Systems of Herbal Medicine Compared

br> I'm forwarding this largely for the acknowledgement of Tarot diagnosis.

Small comments about his remarks about beginners not being able to get their egos out of the way of the process:

Best way I know is to try thinking "the magick is in the Cards".

If I was doing this right, I wasn't in trance, had done no work-up other than smoking a leetle mugwort, and there were kids bouncing everywhere asking questions while I was doing the readings.

One more reason Michael Tierra is someone to keep an eye on...

I am wondering if electronic tarot may help with ego buffering, but I'm not sure if I think any are That dependable.

(Of course, ego is such a dodgy subject anyway, I'm sure I've encountered a few who were "working on their egos" as a means of getting attention to some of the more selfish motivations... and I still have a headache to remind me what you can rightly expect when the intuition has to force feed the ego chakra just to get noticed... I've become quite convinced that only an egotist would think the ego was significant enough to grapple with... Which causes Hinduism to be rather Zen, when you get right down to it, I think. Hmmm.)

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