Chronos Chronicles

January 1998 Part Four

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 03:00:30 -0800
Subject: (Clever But Misleading Title Here)


Okay so who did I fool? Just when you thought the regauging concept from our ever so technomystical Psychotronics Association honcho, Tom Bearden, was the answer to the univese everything the way yours truly play tiddlywinks with abstractions, Chroni has probably been One Coyote again for beating around the bush on this one:

In spite of how elegantly the basic concept seems to fit the bill for idealizing the function of living organisms, I've said before I've drawn countless diagrams from imagination of feilds associated with the chakras that look like the only photos I've seen on the web what you would otherwise think is in the fraud group of aura photography, namely the ever so popular hazy photos thing. One website had amongst these photos showing two circular areas either side of the neck that look like my drawings.

I called this the "miasmatic" reflux, postulated that unused red chakra energy was recirculating through the aura and either coming throught the crown and being blocked on the higher chakras, normally the throat chakra, or was coming right into a blockage at throat chakra. Sometimes the throat chakra would actually jump possible quantum values and "divide", and of course not only do the colored versions imply that a "redneck" is a pretty good name for this, but there's that tendency to associate the probable thyroid problems with some of the less pretty underbelly of Southern Living at it's more pronounced, melancholic livers from fried foods etc etc. Intolerance being a likely resultant state to name one.

I can't be that sure, for one such a cluster of problems would be pretty dodgy without faith in the *thyrogeneralist* (my term?) trend of Langer & Scheer et al, blaming all medical problems on the thyroid anyway, tentatively.

And I don't know why, call it intuition, but I just try to put This in the neat little regauging category, and on the one hand regauging is what can get one out of it, but it's regauging that might have got one in as well. And while that's not so astounding, I really have to wonder if I should be saying that behaving like a degenerate semiconductor biologically is a bright idea. Things along those lines where some of the secondary terms find their way in. There are works extant in fact trying to extoll biological superconductivity, it's been a while since Coherent Biological Excitations turned up in Danah Zohar's book "The Quantum Self" for me.

So you probably have to get out the Ouija boards to tell what I'm driving at here and so do I, I have no idea exactly where to take that at the moment... Probably just thrashed this time of night. But I may be getting at something... well, now we're all forewarned, I'll try again when the fog lifts.

Um, but we can think the thingie has a minimum of two time components, relevant in scalar concepts, just from the way it is said that bad patterns show up in the aura first, and of course numeous people including Djwal Kul (sic?) in his book ("Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura"), refer to creatures like bats and weird symbol stuff showing up in the aura of people who are kind, different? All I'm thinking is a blockage of the crown chakra that starts pushing images outward into the aura... soon to be followed by the demoniacal spinning head trick illusion and so on?

So this sounds rather similar? And yet I can't nail it down, maybe because it affects each person differently? I mean you know what I'm getting at is that this kind of blockage and buildup is lethal to anyone who is mortal.

And you know me, I will swear to you that the Thyroids are an issue from Vampires to Hercules to The Holy Grail, and one even less lucid in Mundania seems to be one I noticed, the closer it gets to the Big Event in the X-tain manual, the more it sounds like an allegory layer about the ossification of the thyroids is going on. Obviously, things attractive to the throat chakra conciousness are all throughout the book and emphasized Very heavily.

I also did some advanced stuff on correspondences to astrological anatomy. Way back at Mediumship, you realize that the departed may be connected to their remains which are connected to earth, which is very SiO2, quartz. And the earth is a more pleasant possibility to think where is the matter used by an apparition really repercussing from rather than think it's sucking the guts right of the participants.

So what would you predict if you hadn't read this yet, that owing to these correspondences (Si02=Jupiter/Sagittarius=Thighs) that the thighs would be one of any two places on the body that get the illusion of being distorted in these processes. As far as I know, that's correct, the thighs and the stomach region.

So you know, it's hopefully not just like I'm elaborating on my own ignorance, I Have seen what seem to be patterns that allow this to proceed as a science, predictions can be correct based on it. But I am a long way from understanding it without more spontaneous benefits from my own intuition.

And sometimes it just makes me want to wear a torc made by real ancient magical craftsmen. Probably dwarves who refuse to ventilate the smoky caverns where they labor...

Hmmm, *even I'm* stumped...(ROFL)

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 06:45:23 -0800
Subject: Top Ten Reasons...



10. They were clones born dead for the sake of spare parts (BTW, the tabloids say we already went past headless froggies.)

9. They are an exhibit of powers of the life force (one modern pyramid text reads that the mummies still had auras).

8. They are a product of an ancient sense of humor. Did you see the look on our faces? They could have died laughing.

7. This is basically their opinion of royalty: Let's pickle these rich b*st*rds and take their brains out through their nose.

6. They were supposed to come back to life when the tombs opened, show us that there is no such thing as death, and lead us all into a golden age of heaven on earth until some Roman dipsticks ran off with the limestone casings.

5. They were practicing the Casteneda method of immortality though eagle appeasement: Give the earth one body and it won't think to ask for your real one. (James Clerk Maxwell, absorbtion and emission). Some editions of Manly Palmer Hall’s “Secret Teachings of All Ages” imply this, along with an illustration.

4. They all thought they were Houdini and they were supposed to be outta there a long time ago.

3. They knew the Age of Aquarius was coming and they didn't want to be here and we actually trying to be as dead as possible and I don't blame them. (Um, have you ever thought of using your vibrator to relieve tension by actually applying it to the tense muscles themselves? I didn't think so. Oh go ahead and deny all Aquarians are jaded extremists in a state of denial, probably collective. That's okay all your friends deny it, too.)

2. I bet they taste like beef jerky, I'm Long outta pop-tarts.

but my Favorite...

1. When have you Ever seen anyone do such an exquisite job of tormening necrophiliacs?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


(Digest 33)

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 16:40:03 -0800
Subject: Re: A Flurry of Stories: Exorcism today


Sorry for not getting back to you sooner; then again I don't know how much help I'm going to be here.

For one thing, I was going to get the basic list of banishing herbs from Conway's *Celtic Magic* since my belief is that these operate independent of ritual and so forth.

Unfortunately, someone has their wires crossed on some of it, I could have sworn that Wormwood which I should know like the back of my hand, is a banishment, not a binder, but it says otherwise.

And as you know if you've been reading my posts, I don't have a clear understanding of process when it comes to hauntings, I try, but...

All I have to fall back on is astrology here; I keep saying that I think negative signs are less distinguishable from their negative opposites, note that what you are describing is characterisic of BOTH negative Taurus (materialism) and negative Scorpio (control).

Normally, we hear that Taurus *is love*, as we do also of Leo (the ruler is Venus of course). Scorpio can regress to Libra OR go foreward to Sagittarius fairly easily, IMHExperience.

I think you could build the energy up to positive with appropriately-ruled herbs.

But of course I have an unorthodox view of it all, I guess, if someone's last hold on connection to the physical were to an object, I can't moralize definitively. After all in many cultures this very thing is supposed to be not only acceptible but even welcomed; only the character of expression or behavior would be in question here, and I'm sure sometimes entities may have to resort to austere doings just to get someone's attention.

You of course are aware of my view of Genesis, namely the #1 evil presence is little more than exemplary of the higest powers of good having to dress up scary if that's the only way to get the job done? It IS well founded IMHO, or at least well reasoned.

Then again, I must also be notorious for my "hysterical-reductionist" approach by now? I don't know really if it's naieve or the correct way of removing fear from a situation that some entities are supposed to feed on...

Certain I've been no help whatsoever,

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 17:06:10 -0800
Subject: OCH - Empaths, Sleepaids, and Mayans


I might have seen behavioral problems in empaths who aren't in admission of their own skills, they seemed to get in a pattern of repeating someone else's behavior they weren't conciously aware of. I haven't sorted out though completely if it was the only way for positive things to follow, obviously if I'm saying so it looks like it, no?, but I would welcome comments and cures in this area nonetheless... So far, I can see that there Were viable alternatives, potentially anyway, so this may be that something is very wrong with someone.

Melatonin is one of the first things I've tried, and it just makes me whacked. Of course, I'm yet in the process of finding out if chronic infection is an opportunity for critters to mangle certain neurotransmitters and simliar stuff.

On the Mayans, I've had a vision or two, some very strange stuff I'm not even sure I want to describe, but I haven't found anything evil or barbaric in it, really quite the contrary. The place in my vision actually exists, it turns out, FWIW.

I sort of run into alot of authories supporting the boodshed/ sacrifice who are either likely to insist this out of an obvious jaded streak, or who seem kind of tongue in cheek about it judging from their expressions. Of course, I don't get out alot...

There's a favorite Aztec example I have from Sahagun's "General History of the Things of New Spain" v 7, it's supposed to be a priest and some attendants cutting out a victim's heart.

The problem is that the attendants are almost an anomaly, *everyone agrees* they had a stupefying drug ready to give the *victims*, they weren't physically forced to participate, in fact they were supposed to be indoctorinated with propoganda that made them feel this was a huge honor! There's also a stunning lack of detail of something as memorable as the inside of the chest.

My view is that it's a medical proceedure done by the preist-king-Healer, the heart is actually a large chili-pepper or milkweed relative's fruit, and the plant contains a heart medicine of the type of digitalis, and is being applied topically/ locally, which may be safer, I had heard of it being done on the radio some years back, I apologize for not having persued it further, but Janis B. Alcorn's *Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany* book does in fact refer to this very kind of medicine, using the chili pepper relative rather than a Sarcostemma from the milkweeds, so the fruit would look red and applying the juice would look like blood.

I also apologize for not having put this on my webpage yet... anyone know if the drawing from Sahagun is on line anywhere?

The rack of skulls thing is hard to talk about, I'd sound like I was advocating it, maybe, if I said it was nothing to get alarmed about. But I don't even know for a fact that they're real, so maybe I can weasel out of that :-)

The cultural parallels stuff is really fascinating, isn't it? I've seen some long lists of it, but it amazes me that I never recall having heard anyone be outright with saying there's amazing resemblance between Mayan artwork and Celtic artwork sometimes. That may yet help to totally understand both?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 17:42:25 -0800
Subject: Strange Brews, the Series...


More a' my nearly Quantum-Magick?

Lo, for I have, eccentrically, with all the twisted glee of someone who would put mandarin marmelade on a peice of burnt spam (Ick!), decide that it is time for someone to mix the words REGAUGING and WAVE FUNCTION in the same bowl, blend with a beater for three minutes, bake at 475* for half an hour and season lightly...

Yeah yeah, I know quit tellin' everyone about it and go tell a search engine. I was just thinking that (g)... okay I will, so... wish me luck...

Pray for a miracle, the rest there's a trick to, or my name's not... er, what was it again? Um then again wave function alone got a lot of hits, I think...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


(Digest 34)

Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 20:02:32 -0800
Subject: Mesoamerican Themes...


I really should have tacked this onto the "Chili pepper sacrifice" story, it's more of a recent addition...

One of the things that such confusion may touch on is the Doctorine of Signatures, that the healers would think this thing was a heart medicine because it looked like a heart, and they'd be right, same as witches are supposed to have plied that trade, and others. I have as much general information as I could round up on the Doctorine of Signatures on my home pages,

I wouldn't rest this on the basis of likelihood alone, I finally noticed some of the murals of Cacaxtla were showing ears of corn as human heads, so that the kernels look like braincells, and this goes along with ideas that are currently being put into use in European medicine.

Much like the alchemists having an interesting familiarity with herbs that may prevent and cure brain damage-- very handy for people who express such interest in playing with Mercury and Lead and likely the vapors of the brain killing metals-- the use of Cinnibar pigments by the Mesoamericans may not be mindless industrial misuse, but something that did have to address first and foremost it's own rules and tools.

Additionally, I see a lot of what is Likely, this I won't swear to, the association of the square with themes that may illustrate the use-clues of the Doctorine of Signatures, in reference to the square stemmed plants of the mint family. A square with a serpent has been common enough for me to notice.

I thought I'd bring it up since it's something I hear very little... okay, so I hear Nothing about this at all from authorities.

If anyone knows any names of that small group of present scholars who dispute the sacrifice ideas about Mesoamericans, let me know, okay? I haven't found them, but I know they're there...

A couple of Donald MacKenzie's books reprinted by Senate are really good cross-cultural studies, I've thought a lot about the Aztec Mugwort Goddess and how much she has in common with Goddess in the other parts of the ancient world, and these have helped. The "Pre-Columbian America" edition is quite good IMHO.

That, and I'm terribly in love with their Magic Mirrors. I have a web page on that or two, but I don't have good references posted because my journals are not with me at present, I have a whole page worth. In fact, I'm probably confusing Sahagun's sacrifice page with the page that seems to show molecules, can they both be in vol 7 of "--Things of New Spain"???, sorry if I am. They are both in there Somewhere...

Um, I think that's about all I know that usually gets overlooked, leaving out Chia? That, and maybe the story of the Mexica and their Exodus being a little too like the Biblical Exodus is for a reason? (ie, Mexico has managed to be named after Mugwort and its allies, ie "Moxa"; Biblically this is Wormwood.)

Of course I could be very wrong...

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