Thank you for looking me up and viewing my site. Take off your shoes and look around and see what is offered. This site is dedicated to Wicca and to Shamanism, to which I am a practicer. Please ask your question's, use the spells, use the info that you need,but remember the web mistress (myself) is not responsible, for any of the results that might occur from the spells, rituals and so forth that you might choose to use.
I also envite you to come see my main home at PWN is the revamped version of this site.
-- Nyx Wolfwalker
The art work and this site is © copywrited under Canadian and International Law so please refrain from copying any of it, unless otherwise stated. If you would like to use a graphic or some of the contents of this site, please e-mail me for permission, and guidelines for using the art and information. If you wish to add a Link to your site for this site please e-mail me your URL so that I may also return the curtesy. Thank you.
If you wish to contact Nyx
Wolfwalker, please feel free in doing so.
If you have ICQ you can contact me at 4762157 (I'm
at the moment) and you can join my online ICQ Chat Group - &Wicca
& Shamanism at 32799323 (We are
at the moment). You can also reach me online using my AIM (AOL
Instant Messenger) handle is Nyxks, and via MSN at