---------- Wicca & Shamanism ----------
2000 Guestbook

I would like to thank all who signed the Wicca & Shamanism Guestbook for 2000, lets hope 2001's guest book does as well if not better.

Take Care Everyone.

-- Nyx Wolfwalker

Shirley Paul - 01/29/00 02:20:53
My URL:http://www.cstone.net/~3worlds
My Email:duffers2@cstone.net
How you got here: surfing

I am a shamanic practitioner in central Virginia, USA, doing healings and workshops. Visit my website, and let's keep shamanism on the Net!

Charles Henry Panter - 01/12/00 17:08:36
My URL:http://change.to/Mr_Dianne
My Email:Mr_Dianne@earthling.net
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): Mr Dianne
How you got here: Link from other page.

I am a Shamanist. I have just resently found the religon and would like to get some more info. on Shamanism. Only Shamanism please, not wicca. I would also like any advice you or anyone that you has for people who have just found Shamanism. Thank you f r taking the time to read my message. I have a forum for those you wish to seek shamanic advice. It is also for those who wsh to give shamanic advice so stop by there should be a link to it on my web site. Just go to the link page.

chris reinert - 01/12/00 10:22:47
My Email:endergame@email.msn.com
How you got here: refered

hi just starting out help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Young Walker - 01/10/00 08:09:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/allrelations
My Email:meashman@hotmail.com
How you got here: Geocities Neighborhoods search

O'siyo! Great site here. And I love all the different awards. I will most definitely apply for a few before I leave! Keep up the good work. Walk In Beauty, Young Walker

Moondragon - 01/09/00 08:37:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/7729
My Email:MoonDrgn75@aol.com
How you got here: Yahoo

Beautiful Site! Just wandering around the web and seeing other pagan "nethomes." Keep up the great work! Brightest Blessings...Moondragon.

kiowa - 01/08/00 08:58:09
My Email:kiowa2599@aol.com
ICQ#: cant remember. lol
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): yup. under kiowa2599
How you got here: aol wicca search

my husband and i are fairly new at this and are looking for guidence... hope to get some. lol. we live in a narrow minded community, needless to say, we are going solitaire. love the site. blessed be.... kiowa

richard - 01/02/00 10:51:15
My Email:ziemowit@arcana.zzn.com
How you got here: paganprofile

wow...great page. i wish it was mine...lol. i live in brampton and im looking for someone to taaaaaaalk.. :)



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