---------- Wicca & Shamanism ----------1999 Guestbook

I would like to thank all who signed the Wicca & Shamanism Guestbook for 1999, lets hope 2000's guest book does as well if not better.

Take Care Everyone.

-- Nyx Wolfwalker







Where are
you from:

Port Coquitlam, B.C., Canada


This page is Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How did you find this site?

Nyx sent me a card

December 23, 99 08:51:35 (GMT Time)

Kat - 12/21/99 15:42:42
My Email:Keltira@gurlmail.com
How you got here: Just surfed in
I came to this website for info for a research paper on shamanism. I found much more info than I was hoping for. Thank you!!!
StarLady(Astara) - 12/20/99 07:02:18
My Email:corn_maiden@yahoo.com
ICQ#: 56522913
How you got here: potions@dracona
Hi Nyxks, I am glad I took the time to read your intro on the potions @ dracona web e-list. You have a fantastic site, which I have bookmarked. I am studying various magickal and spiritual paths. The females in my family from my great-grandmother(maybe back before er)to my daugher have always been interested in "alternative paths". My *animal totems are: Timber(grey)Wolf,Panther,Deer,Butterfly,Ant,Spiderand Crow/Raven. *I consider an animal to be my animal totem if I am drawn to them, or dream about them or I am ve y protective of them.


WiCkEd MaGiCk




Where are
you from:

ocala, florida, usa


merry meet!!! i'm sorry to say i didn't find too much of your site helpful. i'm open to all e-mails. blessed be!!! p.s.13/f here if u wanna chat


How did you find this site?


December 5, 99 10:40:36 (GMT Time)








Where are
you from:



Would also like to apply for the Wicca & Shamanism Tree of Life Award. Brightest Blessings..Your site is sooooo wounderful, i enjoyed my visit very much and have booked marked it so that i may come back and enjoy it agian. Thank you for a wounderful site. ~Smiles & Hugs~ Blessed Be.....


How did you find this site?

surfed in on a moon beam. .... was here earlier.

December 3, 99 23:50:41 (GMT Time)

Pan - 11/29/99 03:26:41
My Email:Pan31w@yahoo.com
How you got here: Via Witchvox World Web
Ever searching for new and wonderful sites! Glad you posted at The Witch's Voice so I could find you. Will return later to better peruse your site. Bright Blessing, Good Dreams. Pan.
amy - 11/06/99 17:53:51
My Email:dizzydaisy00@aol.com
How you got here: aol
this is a really good page, and has helped me a lot with my learning
Jennifer Hurst - 11/04/99 19:26:41
My Email:jdh_101_3@hotmail.com
How you got here: through an internet querry
Don Cardoza - 10/30/99 11:41:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nt/dragon9/index.html
My Email:doncardoza@angelfire.com
How you got here: webring
An interesting site. If you really don't know any Witches who use the ouija board, you must only know newbie Witches. When I was initiated in 1972, all the Gardnerians and Alexandrians I knew used it, especially on Samhain (my birthday!)
Ke Yana - 10/30/99 08:41:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/6977/
My Email:ke_yana@yahoo.com
How you got here: Altavisa Search "animal totems" then yahoo search "nyx wolfwalker"
Cool page but your index doesn't work too well, doesn't appear to link anywhere, frames or noframes. I have tried to email you....
Gina - 10/30/99 06:18:26
My Email:GWill25539@aol.com
How you got here: Burning Times
What does connection reset by peer mean?
Lady Skheria - 10/23/99 12:59:58
My Email:dune_212@yahoo.com
How you got here: by search
your pages are fantastic. every time, when i go to the inet, i come here...weird...=) from your pages i found much much reading, and i like it! some pages, where i have visited, have absolutely nothing...=( lycka til! =)
Andrea - 10/18/99 00:54:56
My Email:aprice7900@aol.com
Witchwood - 10/17/99 17:47:43
My Email:dharmamom@aol.com
Diva Starlight - 10/15/99 23:56:05
My URL:Divine Diva of the Web
My Email:webmaster@ladystarlight.zn.com
ICQ#: 51691740
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): nope
How you got here: from a friend

I Visited your site while surfing webrings. I would like to invite you to take a look at my newest Webring/Club for Women.
Become A charter Member!!

Plans for the future include expansion, formation of committee's and friendship!! Our Domain is already in place and waiting for us:) We hope to establish a wonderful relationship between our members. Committee work will be optional, you can support us si ply by joining and displaying our webring.

We will have several commitees...Graphics Help, Webring Management, Welcoming, Birthday, Causes...and More. We will support such causes as Abused Children, Battered Women, Single Parenthood, Domestic Violence, Women's Health Issues, On-line support for the terminally ill, Animal Cruelty, and Many More.
Our Commitees will form as we grow. Please Join us,
Divine Diva of the Web
lori - 09/30/99 22:56:20
My Email:jlpool@adams.net
How you got here: net sisters website
I found your site by snooping around the Netsisters site. I'm interested in wicca and have several friends who practice healing with herbs and oils. We all get together to share ideas and the like, so you can be sure I'll pass on your great site. Very nformative and great ideas. Keep up the great work. You can be sure I'll be back to visit!!!


jutine curran




Where are
you from:

williamsport, Pa


Hello people.


How did you find this site?

September 21, 99 17:00:08 (GMT Time)



Chris M. Sasso




Where are
you from:



Am serching for spirituality in Wicca. I like your site, keep up the good work. Blessed be!


How did you find this site?

Fate and curiousity

September 16, 99 20:12:40 (GMT Time)

Sharon - 09/12/99 15:44:12
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/magickperson/ABCwitchcraft.html
My Email:magick5367@aol.com
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): magick5367@aol.com
Hi! I really like your webpage so far(i wanted to sign before i got lost!LoL) its really nice. I am enterested in becoming a Wiccan and i need all the info i can get, and your site helped out alot! I am also entersted in belonging to some type of coven, h wever i am told most covens wont take minors (which i am) , and if they do only with parental consent. My parent would let me. I am in the nashville/antioch area. If you have anyinformation, E-mail me. Magick5367@aol.com. Be sure to check out my site! Htt ://www.freeyellow.com/members8/magickperson/ABCwitchcraft.html Buh-Bye! Brightest Blessings! Peace. ~Sharon
silver tyger - 09/08/99 06:14:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/4165/
My Email:silver_tyger@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 33807201
How you got here: geocities search engine
Great site. I would e-mail this to you but I thought I might do this for a change. SO- I'm involved with the Web Brawls. That's a bit like the site fights but I don't know what the difference is. There are 8 teams you can join. Please take a look at them and join one. The URL is: http://www.thewebbrawls.com/ I really think you're site is good enough to do this so give it a go!
Aine Nic Laisre - 09/03/99 02:46:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/8580
My Email:AineLaisr@aol.com
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): AineLaisr
How you got here: Geocities search engines
You have a very beautiful site and it was an honor to find it and wander through it. Thank you very much. Brightest Blessings.






Where are
you from:



youve got a really nice place going here! ive had the "Wicca & Shamanism update" message in my inbox for awhile, but i didnt get the chance to look at the site until just today. and i must say, im very impressed. i love it! keep up the great work and i'll stop by often to check!



How did you find this site?

stumbled on it one day

August 20, 99 00:44:20 (GMT Time)

Melissa - 08/08/99 23:45:40
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SunsetBlvd/night_vixen/
My Email:Nightghost@goplay.com
ICQ#: 7060229
How you got here: Searching Crystal Loyalty Welcoming Page
Hi, I really enjoyed my visit here. I am just learning about wicca. It is very intruging to me as was your name on the welcoming page of Crystal Loyalty. I'm new to the group, but hope to get to know many of the ladies.
Marion Cooney - 08/08/99 01:17:51
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): Marion5421
How you got here: Did search on word shamanism
Merry Met, I love your website. As a practicing Wiccan and shaman, I am always on the lookout for Wicca and Shamanism sites. Brightest Blessings to you.
RedAnya - 07/30/99 05:41:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/anyam/index.html
My Email:anya@sunwave.net
ICQ#: 27089789
How you got here: from a friend/sister
Great pages hon, wanted to sign in before I viewed more cuz' then I might get lost...lol....thank you for sharing your talent and love....*s*







Where are
you from:

Dawson Creek, British Columbia


I have been in your site now for 3 hours. Through Tears and Laughter, i finally went to "Who am I?". Only to find that the similarities between us and fundamental beliefs were enough to move me to tears once again. (I do that a lot lately). I want to tell you that you have the most incredible site I have ever been to. I feel like I have finally "seen" if not met someone who is just like me. Feel free to email me if you like, I would welcome the opportunity to get to know your incredible soul. Lo



How did you find this site?

Mystic Maidens Webring........yet another awsome thing they have done!

July 25, 99 16:27:32 (GMT Time)








Where are
you from:



Coming along quite nicely, keep up the good work


How did you find this site?

another guestbook

July 22, 99 11:04:25 (GMT Time)

Joshua Prokasy - 07/19/99 09:53:39
My Email:Zemon1313@aol.com
How you got here: Ambroisia
Hi,I am looking for a single white female to share and learn new things.I am looking for a witch about 16-18 years of age.I am a desent person, but can not find a desent girl.E-mail me at Zemon1313@aol.com for more information about me. Thank you for you time.
Akquiel - 07/15/99 05:06:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/3233
My Email:akquiel@hotmail.com
How you got here: a main search
I really like the down-home type of personna you write/type in. I am not only a new Wiccan, but also a new "website owner". I would love to gain fellow sisters and brothers in the the Craft. I really liked your site and I would love to correspond with ou further. Please check out the beginning of my site. And please send me some sort of response. I, of course, would understand if you don't. We all get busy, right? Bright Blessings and Merry Meet!
Sarahi - 07/14/99 16:31:48
My Email:Icecre9530
How you got here: friend sent it to me
the Wanderling - 07/08/99 04:23:45
My URL:http://pages.hotbot.com/rel/wanderling/ZenEnlighten3.html
How you got here: Through a web ring from my page ZEN, THE BUDDHA AND SHAMANISM
It is always a pleasure to come across a waystation in the wilderness for wanderlings, seekers along the path and others. With my thanks... ...the Wanderling.
Monica - 07/03/99 16:39:53
My URL:http://w1.874.telia.com/~u87406548
My Email:monica_olsson@yahoo.com
How you got here: Through your webring
Hi! This page is just great. I found lots of helpful information. Those songs and chants are wonderful. Blessed Be! /Monica
Paula - 06/30/99 17:29:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/1270
My Email:moodswing@multiweb.nl
How you got here: Webrings
Hi Nyx...I'm out to visit my Net Sisters...you have a very interesting site here....and I loved reading the love spells....couldn't help wonderin' if it would do me any good....think if I did the sand thing he'd be mad at me...LOL
Mandra Zandalee Azária - 06/27/99 15:00:44
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/zandalee/ e/
My Email:ohoala@hotmail
ICQ#: 37947807
How you got here: Search engine
Hi! Now I´m here again. I love your site. Now I´m going to study your lessons. BB Mandra
Sequana - 06/23/99 15:52:00
My URL:http://fly.to/wicca
My Email:sequana_chan@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 1685568
IRC: Usagi, Mizu22, Sequana
How you got here: Geocities
Nice site, I like the graphics. :) Love, light and bright blessings always...
Marguerite White - 06/23/99 07:31:29
My Email:margueritew@hotmail.com
How you got here: internet
I am interested getting trained in shamanism. I would like to trained by Native Americans. If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to contact me....Sincerely, Marguerite White
Arkis - 06/20/99 17:53:47
My URL:http://www.t-online.de/home/Arkis
My Email:Arkis@gmx.de
versteht sich selbst noch nicht. Wer Anerkennung braucht, Er muß noch viele Wege wandern, und findet's nie, hat jeder seinen Klang und seine eigene Melodie im Weltgesang. und sei er noch so rein, ist nicht der seine, den muß er alleine, aus seines Herzens tiefster Quelle heben, den kann er nicht erlernen, nur erleben. (Ephides)
Mandra Zandalee Azária - 06/19/99 01:58:03
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/zandalee/
My Email:zandalee@spray.se
ICQ#: 37947807
How you got here: Search engine
I like your page. Always intersting to see what others write of shamanism. Like your adobtion service and hope my application will be approved. *smile* Mandra
Kevin Pearce - 06/17/99 19:18:54
My Email:PEARCE186@Yahoo.com
How you got here: hobbie
Hello I am not a Pagan but I enjoy reading about Shamanism and Wicca I have cast simple candle spells but would enjoy learning more. Any info you can send would be use full.
Rita Hudson - 06/10/99 16:31:53
How you got here: browsing
Lady Madona - 05/30/99 02:31:10
My URL:http://www.ladyredrose.com/SGM.html
My Email:publicity@ladyredrose.com
How you got here: The Stars

Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting of Our Universe which encompasses all members. We believe every female is a star in her own right and we have chosen the title Star for all members. Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your review.

Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider supporting Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. with your exclusive membership. We promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a program in place which we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for you to align with in the form of Constellations.

Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD ... we're interested in your first impression and we are open for suggestions!


Lipstick, MysticalRose, LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD.

Susan - 05/27/99 17:28:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/2046/menu.html
My Email:scdavis@sprint.ca
How you got here: Web Mistress Ring
I will try again to sign your book. I gues Geo is having probs as it would not accept my adoption form, nor my guestbook entry. Any way Great work here and so many interesting pieces of info. Great job!
moonglow - 05/19/99 14:37:54
My Email:kool30@prodigr.net
How you got here: farout links
Nyxks,merry meet! i am so gald to have been directed to u *S* ! I am new to the craft. A solitary practioner seeker of wisom and knowledge. I found u when i was feeling very alone and mis understood.*S* i have enjoyed the readings of a like mind and spirit! Love and Light! Moonglow*SS*
Morgandria - 05/17/99 18:13:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/2416
My Email:hparry@trentu.ca
ICQ#: 5498325
How you got here: Witches' Voice
A fellow Peterborough witch just wanted to stop by and say hello....feel free to find me online or whatever.... Morgandria
bunita thompson - 05/15/99 01:49:58
My Email:bunni46@aol.com
JoeyDragon - 05/12/99 04:47:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3750
My Email:Dragon1306@aol.com
How you got here: Surfed In
What an interesting site! I don't know anything about shamanism, and was extremely interested in reading what you've got here. Thank you for sharing!
Stuart the Maniac - 05/03/99 21:32:26
My URL:http://stumaniac.music.webjump.com
My Email:maniac@io.com
How you got here: just swimmin' around
Hi! Nice page you have here! Check out my Jukebox at http://stumaniac.music.webjump.com if you like! You can leave it open in a remote window and hear music while you websurf! Hope you'll sign my guestbook too! See ya! :-)
Lisa-Willow - 04/16/99 16:16:00
My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/1795/index.html
My Email:godfrey@tctc.com
ICQ#: 16167417
How you got here: from the netsisters banner page
Hi! Just thought I would stop by and visit a follow pagan netsisters page. You have a great site here I really enjoyed my stay here:-)
badger - 04/13/99 20:12:02
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/1795/index.html
My Email: badger@bbc.net
Hi; My name is badger, I am new member of fist nation and looking to get all the members I can get on ICQ. My inner site told me to go to you fist. My blood line has some cherokee. My grandmohter was a full blood.I would really like to chat with you.
Kali Luna - 04/13/99 12:42:26
My URL:http://roswell.fortunecity.com/spells/53
My Email:kaliluna@paganpath.zzn.com
How you got here: webring
I am just following a bunch of webring links from the Solitary Circle, to see who all our friends are (well most of them) :-) good work and Blessed Be!
Cheryle Loving - 04/13/99 01:05:02
My Email:lovinc@friend.edu
How you got here: surfed in
moanaroa tawa - 04/12/99 09:53:33
My Email:mtawa@wave.co.nz
How you got here: websurfing
I am interested in the ways of the shaman especially "EAGLE MEDICINE",if such a thing exists.A medium has told me that I was EAGLE DANCER a shaman in a past incarnation,needless to say that I am now very interested.Another medium however,has told me I was BROWN BEAR.Any thoughts?
Kryss - 04/12/99 01:04:10
My URL:http://www.jps.net/kryss/kryss.htm
My Email:kryss@jps.net
ICQ#: 256082
IRC: Kryss
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): shyshay7
How you got here: netsis
Hello Netsis, PWOTW. We are sisters in many of the same organizations. : ) You have a great site. Keep up the good work. : )
Sandgoddes - 04/06/99 17:26:37
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/soho/atrium/9125
My Email:sandgoddes@earthlink.net
ICQ#: e-mail me for it
IRC: Sandgoddes
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): IwonaJK
How you got here: PWOTW ring

Hey there!!!
Loved your page. I have been in the PWOTW web ring for a long time. I have not visited your site since you installed the guestbook so since I am here now I wanted to take the time to sign. I have been here numerous times before since you are the NEXT ite on that web ring. :) This is a formal invite for you to visit my page. Browse around..and dont forget to go to the Funny farm..Guaranteed at least a smile :) And of course if you find the time..and especially if you like the site..please sign the guestbook. :) well take care and see ya later. Click on the link below if you like also:) Well that was my 2 cents worth :)
Have a wonderful day and stop by again really soon.

Blessed Be!!
Elizabeth Rizzo - 03/28/99 22:45:31
My Email:erizzo@hotbot.com
How you got here: webring
Nice herbal page.
Sister Lynn - 03/25/99 23:13:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/6145
My Email:ardnasidhe@geocities.com
How you got here: NetSisters
Greetings Nyx! I'm out visiting my sisters! What a wonderful site you have! Very infomative and alot of fun too! Keep up the great work! BB, love and light, Lynn AKA Lady Anne
Paula - 03/24/99 06:47:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/6031
My Email:pkj.mom@rocketmail.com
How you got here: You Signed my book
Hello!! Thanks for dropping in at http://members.tripod.com/~Owlet and signing my Guestbook! I appreciate the visit! Sorry I took so long to stop by and see you! Happy Spring!
Winddancer - 03/23/99 20:16:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~4genie
My Email:4genie@geocities.com
How you got here: surfing
I love the site. I especially like the herbal section.
shadowdancer - 03/23/99 05:23:26
My Email:wolfgran@imaxx.net
ICQ#: 25291903
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): aramati
How you got here: a freind sent me :O)
pixy - 03/21/99 20:47:59
My Email:Lyness@netcom.ca
How you got here: browsing
Hazel Silverwater - 03/20/99 21:46:12
My URL:http://fly.to/teen_witch
My Email:wiccan_teen@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 26516128
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): pebbles6c
How you got here: another guestbook
Merry Meet,
I really enjoyed my visit through your web page. It was very informative. I hope that you will visit my homepage, i as well have a wiccan page. Well great page!
Be Well and Blessed,
Richard Kent Stimson/Beary - 03/13/99 08:29:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/bearybipolar/index.html
My Email:bearybipolar@bigfoot.com
How you got here: member of Shamanism Web Ring
Love your site. Eagerly await having Jade,the flying horse on my site.I am a little foggy at this hour. I hope that I filled in the forms correctly.You provide a wonderful gift to the universe. If you are feeling generous please sign my guestbook,each signature/comment is precious to me. Take care, Richard/Beary
Wrynn Rados - 03/12/99 20:49:28
My Email:Plutoworld@usa.net
ICQ#: 17752743
Thank you Nyx for the beautiful and informative site. You have done a wonderful work on your pages. Peace and Blessings Wrynn
Wild_thing30_98 - 03/12/99 04:00:06
My Email:tammyh@airmail.net
ICQ#: 31173495
How you got here: wicca/shamanism
new in Wicca, but I really enjoy it
Beth - 03/11/99 00:59:06
My Email:L8EMacBeth@aol.com
ICQ#: 18164339
How you got here: Link from a friend's web page
Very neat, informative and useful things...beautifully done...I'll enjoy spending my time here reading! Take care Beth
~*StReGa*~ - 03/08/99 04:16:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/9686
My Email:walraven@kdsi.net
ICQ#: 14851279
How you got here: Link
I love the page :) It's quite wonderful I hope you will visit mine
Seeker Silverhawk - 03/01/99 23:30:28
My URL:http://welcome.to/seekersworld
My Email:silverhawk@witchhaven.com
ICQ#: 11028215
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): SkrShawk
How you got here: Links Page
I like your site... quite a bit of information :). Jus twanted to share some encouragement your way, follow your bliss! Seeker Silverhawk
Sonny D. Sterling, Jr - 02/23/99 01:38:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5903
My Email:SonnySterling@juno.com
How you got here: Just surfed In
Eternal Greetings!!!From Ancient Orders of Spitzalod And Dakmonias. We extend you a very plesant Hello!!! We really do appreciate this site and its information. Thank you for a very beautiful job well-done.
LadyBluewolf - 02/18/99 05:54:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/2097/
My Email:thumpr@idirect.com
ICQ#: 23946042
IRC: none
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): none
How you got here: egroup
you have some great guardians. I will get one later. Are they that big when you put them on your page
Jean and Candi - 02/17/99 07:50:03
On behalf of my mom and I
we would like to welcome you to
Net Sisters!
if you'd like to visit us please click on the banner above...
RAOK Webring
Lacey's Friends Webring
Poetry, Pets, Applets...
Major updating each day..
Raven Moon - 02/16/99 15:35:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~mooncatslair/index.html
My Email:mooncatslair@geocities.com
ICQ#: 22595969
How you got here: NetSisters
Welcome to Net Sisters, a great group of ladies. So glad to have you in the group. If you need anything just send me an email.
Barbara - 02/16/99 13:28:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1867
My Email:eubar2@hotmail.com
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): eubarB
How you got here: Net Sisters
Welcome to Net Sisters. You will find many new friends here. If I can ever be of help to you, please call on me.
Sister Dreamy - 02/16/99 03:55:40
My URL:http://www.foreverdream.com
My Email:sisterdreamy@netsisters.zzn.com
ICQ#: 2216048
IRC: DreamDevil
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): DreamyBrat
How you got here: Net Sisters

Welcome to Net Sisters .
I hope that you will meet many new friends and have lots of fun! If you should ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. Remember to visit the Net Sisters site so you may be involved in the many activities like Secret Sisters, our members Banner Exchange, Special Day page and much more! Please visit my Net Sisters pages and pick up a gift from me.

Net Sister Hugs  : )
Always Dreaming, Sister Dreamy
Net Sisters Founding Sister
Sue - 02/16/99 03:23:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Port/6323/parrotsue.html
My Email:parrot-sue@webtv.net
How you got here: webring
Hi dear sister....here's my gift to you
Shasta - 02/15/99 01:49:12
My URL:http://www.anngelfire.com/hi/Shastacansign
My Email:Shasta@chickmail.com
How you got here: PWOTW web ring
Beautiful page. Wish I understood more. Maybe you can help me learn.
Dandelion - 02/13/99 08:10:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/CosmicDandelion
My Email:lionsteeth@aol.com
How you got here: accidentally
A beautiful site... keep up the good work.... Blessed Be!
Shannon Teague - 02/13/99 06:47:45
My URL:http://pages.preferred.com/~hand333
My Email:hand333@preferred.com
ICQ#: 27595705
How you got here: web ring
Nice site. I have been a Pagan for the last six years but just recently I have been strongly drawn towards Shamanism. There are not that many sites on this subject so I was very glad to find yours and I look forward to going through it in the future.
Charlie - 02/04/99 18:58:03
My Email:lordcharlie3@worldnet.att.net
How you got here: excite
My wife and I are just getting into Wicca, and Iwas curious if there is A conflic with wicca and shamanism. Iam intrested in shamanism also. I haven't chosen a name yet so Charlie is what Ihave
chellsea - 01/31/99 22:34:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/lair/4531
My Email:abducted-by-aliens@usa.net
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): abductee27
How you got here: just searchin'
I am studing Wicca and I enjoyed your sight. I haven't yet decided wether to become Wiccan or not. Your page helped alot. Thanks, if you have a problem with me linking you to my page just e-mail me.
Hera - 01/29/99 05:41:08
My Email:Hera_C@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 14427104
How you got here: you sent me!
Merry Meet Nyx, Love your sight, too much info for one sitting though. LOL You have been helpful and very interesting, Blessings, Hera
The Kewel Ristar - 01/20/99 23:46:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~runwita/index.html
My Email:varkath@webtv.net
How you got here: traveling thru the misty midst of the Web
Quite an interestingly extensive site you have going here. During our vast perusal we have put in for an adoption and await your response. …Ever seek Knowledge, for it leads to the Key of Wisdom. )O(
Rosebud - 01/20/99 17:06:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/6226/
My Email:rosebud917@hotmail.com
ICQ#: 11781140
How you got here: Pagan Circle WebRing
Greetings Nyx... I sure like what you've created in your site! I'm just stopping in to say, "hi" and browsing the sites in the Pagan Circle WebRing. Thank you for your wonderful work! ...blessings... @}
bear - 01/16/99 22:00:02
My URL:http://members.spree.com/writer/
My Email:writerschoice@eudoramail.com
How you got here: web ring
Very good site. Thanks. Leslie Blanchard Editor A Writer's Choice Literary Journal ISSN: 1521-2319 http://members.spree.com/writer/
Maqua - 01/12/99 22:46:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/village/9856/
My Email:maqua@cableregina.com
ICQ#: it ain't workin now. :)
IRC: Maqua (#gayregina)
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): Don't use the thing.
How you got here: I walked.
Very interesting stuff ya got here on Shamanistic practice and ceremony. I found it interesting that some of the ceremonies you move counter clockwise...I'm used to moving from East to South to West to North...variety is the spice of life, eh? :))
Andrew - 01/12/99 21:35:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/wiccanlinkspage
My Email:wiccanlinkspage@anglefire.com
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): AnDruid14
How you got here: ClcikThru
Excellent page! I am a Wiccan as well, please feel free to stop by! Your page is wonderful, and the graohics couldn't be better!!!! Lord and Lady Bless, Andrew
E-mail:Michael - 01/01/99 08:40:07
ICQ: ask me
IRC: ask me
AIM (AOL Instant Messenger): ask me
How you got here: Nyx Wolfwalker
Happy New Year. I wish everyone a prosperious new year. Be good to your neigbors no matter who they are, and good to your spirit guides. Help others this year and it will come back to you 10 fold. Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again! By the Maiden, Mother and the Crone I so mote this be!
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