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Total Number of Entries: 150

Record 150
Name: butt trucker
How Did You Find This Site? Google
Time: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:52:26 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Internerd
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Record 149
Name: Jan
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From: germany
Time: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:56:48 (PDT)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Internerd
What Would You Like to Say?

Ich bin durch einen Link auf deine Seite gekommen und habe deinen Text zu "Der Vorleser" überflogen. Dein Deutsch ist wirklich überaus schlecht. An deiner Stelle würde ich es mir überlegen noch etwas in deutscher Sprache zu verfassen und ins Internet zu stellen. Grammatik, Rechtschreibung, Satzbau, alles ist einfach nur falsch. Sowas will keiner lesen.


Record 148
How Did You Find This Site? Word of Mouth
Time: Saturday, 23 December 2006 12:02:40 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? What?
What Would You Like to Say?

I don't think you were ever a Christian. Your words lead me to believe that you never became a new creation in Christ Himself. Did you?

{Webmaster note: You mean, did I ever get dunked in a river by a screaming hillbilly, pierce my palms with rusty nails, then go out and bomb an abortion clinic? No. No, I didn't, so I guess I never was a "real Christian" by your standard. Still, as hard as it might be for you to believe, there are other forms of Christianity besides the snake-handling variety.}

Record 147
Name: Monkey Child
Website: Shit That I've Drawn
How Did You Find This Site? Kevin told me what to Google (yeah, now it's a verb)
From: The other corner of the web
Time: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:32:13 (PDT)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Heroin Girl
What Would You Like to Say?

Hi Patrick!
I finally found out what the hell your site is called; rest assured, I won't be forgetting it anytime soon. The Heirophant Questionnare has proven quite useful...I stuffed it in the backpack of a Bible-thumping ass who won't leave me alone about JEEEEEEESUS.


{Webmaster note: Ah, but by the time I posted this, the site title had changed. How quickly knowledge becomes obsolete in our digital age. ...}

Record 146
Name: levi
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: Montana
Time: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:01 AM
Rate This Site? At least there are no naked pictures of my mother
How Shall I Think Of You? Secret Agent Man
What Would You Like to Say?

I think that this web site is cool because it likes oke and it is maho. It is neat to find out all these knew things. You are all lolo pipi oquinini cus. You are normal though. That is some hawaiiain words for you to find out.

Record 145
Name: kalob ledford
How Did You Find This Site? teacher
From: hamilton MT
Time: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:00 AM
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Knight of the Round Table
What Would You Like to Say?

this was amazing and i could tell you took time and actually read the book

Record 144
Name: Alex S.
How Did You Find This Site? good ol' google
From: California
Time: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:59 PM
Rate This Site? Almost as good as Microsoft's site, and loads faster, too
How Shall I Think Of You? Disillusioned Wretch
What Would You Like to Say?

Hey! Thank you! Your essey on Nietzsche's Übermensch and Crime and Punnishment is helping me a grate deal with my APliterature essay. I'm basically comparing Crime and Punishment and the film Rope. I'll be sure to include you in my sources!
Oh and your quote page on here is really interesting too!

Record 143
Name: jenny
How Did You Find This Site? Word of mouth
From: engerland
Time: Friday, December 3, 2004 6:20 AM
Rate This Site? At least there are no naked pictures of my mother
How Shall I Think Of You? Great Clock Maker
What Would You Like to Say?

very nice!!!!

Record 142
Name: Charlie A
Website: Community Outreach Page
How Did You Find This Site? Search - not Yahoo!
From: England
Time: Saturday, October 23, 2004 6:13 AM
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Hungry Ferret
What Would You Like to Say?

LOVE the "how shall I think of you" list! Also, the Heirophant's questionaire makes a good read, if a little long. The justification for Anti-Environmentalism didn't really seem to justify anti-environmentalism in my eyes but if it did I guess that'd make me a sponge. Good luck with your quest for X-Com.

Record 141
Name: Human Decoy
Website: What ever
How Did You Find This Site? Link
Time: Monday, June 14, 2004 4:14 PM
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Cultural Mutt
What Would You Like to Say?

You have a great Idea If you think I am stupid you can imangan how stupid my enemys are (well not enemys) They are too stupid to be alive They keep bumping into walls and other things like the cult leader he is so stupid he cannot find the restroom door after useing it. now that is stupid. my mother is so stupid she tryed to mail a water mellon with food stamps. and the list gos on and on. I swear this county is full of stupid people I think you should start here on your cusade of mass murder of stupid people. And fill the world with blood untill it rains blood for a thousand years. Well I better go I bet you are reloading your .50 call relover to put a bullet hole through some ones forhead.

{Webmaster note: What?}

Record 140
Name: Isle of Satan
Website: Isle of Satan
How Did You Find This Site? web ring
Time: Sunday, April 18, 2004 10:54 AM PDT
Rate This Site? At least there are no naked pictures of my mother
How Shall I Think Of You? Satan Claus
What Would You Like to Say?

Record 139
Name: Jenny-Soo
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: OR
Time: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 11:27 AM
Rate This Site? How much did you pay that wino to type in the HTML?
How Shall I Think Of You? Siren
What Would You Like to Say?

I'm hurt -- there's no "Scarlett" on your list of "How shall I think of you?" options!

Very nice tone on the "fundamentalist girl" you were dating in summer of '97. Not at all critical or anamosit-ical. (Yeah, I know it's not a word, but when have you ever known me to stick to the normal English language?)

Record 138
Name: Mitch
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: Mass
Time: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 06:47:26 PST
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Internerd
What Would You Like to Say?

thank you buddy have fun in the late 16th century peace.

Record 137
Name: Simon Miles
How Did You Find This Site? Word of Mouth
From: Bath
Time: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 03:12:22 PDT
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Internerd
What Would You Like to Say?

William Blake's birthday will be celebrated at Tate Britain 28th Nove

Record 136
Name: Debbie Pacheco
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: canada
Time: Fri, 23 May 2003 15:46:26 PDT
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? College Student
What Would You Like to Say?

Record 135
Name: Susan
Website: Life Sublime
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: St. Paul, MN
Time: Wed, 21 May 2003 23:41:53 PDT
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Mystic
What Would You Like to Say?

Wow! Enormous amazing site! I wish I had some more lifetimes to study just a fragment of what your site delves into. Keep up the great work! I hope you go all the way to PhD and keep your site updated continuously along the way and beyond. Thank you!

Record 134
Name: Ed Pankey
Website: Who gives a rats ass
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: Glendale, CA
Time: Mon, 12 May 2003 17:56:51 (PDT)
Rate This Site? Waste of time
How Shall I Think Of You? Rich Businessman
What Would You Like to Say?

Grow up, stop looking in the mirror so much and admit to yourself you have nothing to say that is worth listening to.

{Webmaster note: Oooh, I've been secretly waiting for years for someone to come along and make me admit that. Who would have thought that that person would be a grammar-challenged domain name squatter from Glendale — or "LA's armpit," as some of my relatives refer to it?}

Record 133
Name: mark
Website: bird manna
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: ukiah ca
Time: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 09:19:55 PDT
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Rooster
What Would You Like to Say?

Spirits are speaking in my dreams and other ways. I wrote it down. Please see Was visited by a holy spirit. Do you think computers are an interactive link between the biospheres?


Record 132
Name: Jeff
How Did You Find This Site? Other
From: (information not provided)
Time: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 23:22:51 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? The Next Shakespeare
What Would You Like to Say?

I liked your Grand Inquisitor analysis.

Record 131
Name: Nicole Peison
How Did You Find This Site? accident
From: Earth ( i think?)
Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 18:01:40 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Butterfly
What Would You Like to Say?

I found your philosophies to be very interesting. you made some very intelligent points. I am glad that i didn't pre-judge you. I do have some points to make though. As to your query of us having no moral obligation, i disagree with that. I am a born-again christian and in the bible it states in Genesis that man is to take care of and preserve nature and use the Earth wisely. also, when animals become destructive, they are eventually killed of by disease, predators or the like. with humans, we have the capacity to not only anihilate our predators but create vacinnes against disease to prevent our demise. Also, we are the only organisms that create waste that is non-biodegradable. To boot, when animals anihilate a species, they usually don't disrupt the environment to an extent that it impossible for it to bounce back over many years. we are the only organisms that i know of that not only take out a few species, but destroy whole ecosystems.These are some of the reasons why i am for humankind getting along with nature. I am sure that our heavenly father wishes the same for us.

Record 130
Name: Wouldn't you like to know
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: UK
Time: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:29:34 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Spartican
What Would You Like to Say?

Amazing funny and insightfull! Just clicked a link about Blake and I'm transported here..... Loved the Vonnegut quote! Hilarious!! Don't know why you started this webpage, but you have to keep funny! Love the sarcasm!

Record 129
Name: Zilong
Website: The Emperor's Gate
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: (information not provided)
Time: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:39:35 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Philosopher
What Would You Like to Say?

I'm stopping by today to say your site is FANTASTIC and you've got what it takes to be a star. I'd like to invite you to visit The Emperor's Gate Web Competition, a family friendly web community where sites just like yours fight for fun and honor. Sites in the competition join neat teams, meet new friends, and try to become Emperor--while having tons of fun along the way. It's not about winning, it's about the magic you'll make being part of a team!

Our official launch date is April 21st, but you're welcome to come and submit your site now to get in on our Grand Opening celebration.

Your site is wonderful. I would love to have you in our community.

~~We have a beautiful wiccan / pagan / philosophy themed team that is just waiting for your site!! ~~

With honor,
Zhao Yun - Grand General Little Dragon

Record 128
Name: gary k. martin
How Did You Find This Site? surfing
From: virginia
Time: Sun, 05 Jan 2003 16:52:22 PST
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Starving Artist
What Would You Like to Say?

I am pleased to see that some other person shares my lifelong intrests in a world unknown to few.

Record 127
Name: Angel Ashley
Website: Moonlit Dreams
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: CA
Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:12:55 PST
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Sinner
What Would You Like to Say?

Great site! (and interesting guestbook questions, too...) Keep up the lovely work!

Record 126
Name: Leo DV
Website: No website.
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: France
Time: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 13:50:12 PST
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Sinner
What Would You Like to Say?

I positively loved your 'How shall I think of you' list, savouring each of the more or less obscure references, and each of those could apply to me (except Marilyn Manson fan, ugh). Other than that, I would like to mention that your site is great, the content is good (I read your essay auf Deutsch on Kant and glanced over some other stuff which was good), the links are good (were I not so frightened of heresy I would become a follower of the VCBC, be it only because I am a Groucho Marxist as well), and I'd like to mention that I am eating chips and that my cat just ate one.

Record 125
Name: Steppenwolf
How Did You Find This Site? Search — not Yahoo!
From: England
Time: 10 Nov 2002 17:04:33.0398 (UTC)
Rate This Site? At least there are no naked pictures of my mother
How Shall I Think Of You? Dionysians
What Would You Like to Say?

Ho-hum. Have to say I fundamentally disagree with your readings of Nietzsche, Heidegger and am stunned by your mis-appropriation of environmental thought. Still, thought it was worth a comment or two, and be assured, the references to your pictures are attempts at humour, not stalking...


1) Are you currently studying philosophy? Your bio states you're still at college after doing a BA in Eng. Lit. Are you reading MA Philosophy? If so, who?

2) In your reading of Nietzsche, surely the point of the GM is to go beyond the ascetic ideal (will-to-truth) towards the will-to-power i.e. try to 'do' philosophy immanently with no transcendental goal? See 'The Birth of Tragedy' for a prior incarnation of this in the Apollinian/Dionysian (Dionysian as Schopenhaur's 'Will'). Your reading of 'Thus Spoke zarathrustra' seems to miss the point that freedom & power are precisely /not/ to be taken in, say, Foucault's reading but as principles of non-systamatic striving- the becoming you use is to be taken in an actualisation of process of immanent striving (see Deleuze on this). What do you think?

3) Your bio states you have blond hair. In your pictures you're clearly ginger. Do you now bleach, or are you a 'strawberry blonde'?

4) In your reading of Heidegger & Anxiety, you seem to suggest that authentic Being still uses Anxiety (your syllogism, dubious to my mind) However, the Being-toward-the-end (death) clearly is used to express the death of a (particular, i.e. the subject's Dasein) Dasein as a 'pure possibility'. As such, it can never be actualised for the Dasein who uses it as a condition of possibility for all other experience. As an ontological existential phenonemon it is precisely the inability to experience it that gives a horizon, or limit, for actuality for Dasein and thus gives it form. Thoughts?

4) In your pictures you're not drinking at that party. All philosophers drink loads. Do you now quaff heavily or are you one of those evil critical rationalists?

5) In your piece on environmental thought I think you've clearly been mislead by not reading anyone decent. Naughty! A good place to start on an ethical conception of non-anthropomorphic ethics or simply the difference between 'shallow' and 'deep' green is 'Beneath the surface: critical readings in the philosophy of deep ecology'. Using Nietzsche to strike a /necessary/ humancentric position slightly baffled me, in that the will-to-power expresses itself without humans (contencious, but the 'beyond human' aspect is worth looking at).

6) Have you read 'Difference & Repetition' by Gilles Deleuze? If not, he provides an excellent reading of both Nietzsche & Heidegger- try him, you might get hooked...

7) Hope you got that hat back- a woman who steals your hat is clearly after anything she can get and should be hunted down forthwith (take in a H.S.Thompson/poke at Nietzsche way :)

Right, well, have bored you enough. Hope it was interesting, did like the sight. Please limit spam/flames to my email to one...

{Webmaster note: Oooh, great questions. I love getting questions like this. I'll respond one by one. And I wasn't bored at all!}

1) Are you currently studying philosophy? Your bio states you're still at college after doing a BA in Eng. Lit. Are you reading MA Philosophy? If so, who?

Not formally. I'm just catching up on the reading I wish I would have been able to do while I was in school. Right now, I'm reading de Beauvoir, Sartre, Foucault, and de Sade. In school, I'm pursuing an introduction to the French language, as my linguistic opportunities were restricted for a long time, and this is my first chance to pursue a foreign language other than German. I'll need a solid foundation in a second foreign language before I apply to grad school if I want to be competitive, so I'm taking some time off first.

You actually touched on a sore spot here, although you couldn't have known it. I applied for a scholarship to come study philosophy on your isle, either at Essex or Warwick, and recently discovered I didn't make the cut. I'd like to be reading for a second BA, this time in philosophy, right now, but will have to do my reading on my own for now.

2) In your reading of Nietzsche, surely the point of the GM is to go beyond the ascetic ideal (will-to-truth) towards the will-to-power i.e. try to 'do' philosophy immanently with no transcendental goal? See 'The Birth of Tragedy' for a prior incarnation of this in the Apollinian/Dionysian (Dionysian as Schopenhaur's 'Will'). Your reading of 'Thus Spoke zarathrustra' seems to miss the point that freedom & power are precisely /not/ to be taken in, say, Foucault's reading but as principles of non-systamatic striving- the becoming you use is to be taken in an actualisation of process of immanent striving (see Deleuze on this). What do you think?

I presume that you are here referring to my papers on the environment and/or my papers on "isms." I agree with you substantially, and want to point out that these papers are, to a large extent, remnants of early speculations when I first began to read Nietzsche early in my college career. In fact, these have caused more misunderstandings than any other writings on this web site, and I have often thought of removing them. Honesty and modesty, however, prohibit me from doing so. On a certain level, it helps me to remain humble to have to remember that these papers on Nietzsche are posted on my web site, where people can see them.

In my own defense, besides my earlier naïvete, I advance the fact that these papers were written for classes, and I was, in large part, simply inserting myself into the classroom dialogue in a certain way; that is, I was positioning myself relative to certain positions that had been advanced in class. When talking about environmental ethics in America, one has to deal with the position that "people" should, like, take care of the earth, man, because they have, like, a special responsibility, man. My intent regarding environmentalism was to critique this specific position — not to provide a comprehensive theory of environmental ethics (which is almost certainly beyond the scope of a freshman-level philosophy class at an American university). Politically speaking, I almost always vote for measures conserving land and preventing pollution, and theoretically speaking, when thinking of environmental ethics, I often take an ecofeminist position simply because this makes a great deal of sense to me. Similarly, in my papers on non-dogmatic thinking and Nietzsche, I simply wanted to critique the dogmatists in my classes — not provide a comprehensive theory of ethics. Provided that I'm not intentionally deceiving myself, however, I believe that I can fairly state that I never did believe that Nietzsche intended to set up a new systematism.

Regarding the paper "Anti-Environmentalism: A Justification," I want to point out that it was written for a composition class, not a philosophy class, and that it is in large part explained by the fact that I was experimenting with Nietzsche's rhetorical forms in addition to his ideas.

Incidentally, I want to take issue with your equation of the Apollonian/Dionysian distinction in The Birth of Tragedy with the Apollonian/Dionysian distinction in later works (i.e. Zarathustra, GM). The two are substantially different.

3) Your bio states you have blond hair. In your pictures you're clearly ginger. Do you now bleach, or are you a 'strawberry blonde'?

"Strawberry." I am substantially lighter now than in many of those pictures because I live in a sunnier part of the country, but have never bleached. Part of the reason I look ginger in those pictures has to do with this; part has to do with digitization of the pictures (especially if you're on a Mac).

4) In your reading of Heidegger & Anxiety, you seem to suggest that authentic Being still uses Anxiety (your syllogism, dubious to my mind) However, the Being-toward-the-end (death) clearly is used to express the death of a (particular, i.e. the subject's Dasein) Dasein as a 'pure possibility'. As such, it can never be actualised for the Dasein who uses it as a condition of possibility for all other experience. As an ontological existential phenonemon it is precisely the inability to experience it that gives a horizon, or limit, for actuality for Dasein and thus gives it form. Thoughts?

I know this sounds like a cop-out (and I apologize in advance for that), but I've been planning to go back to Being and Time for a while now, and finally decided a few days ago to take the plunge after I finish de Beauvoir. That is likely to be sometime this week. I'll come back to this question in about two months. (I'm writing a novella, too, so Heidegger gets pushed toward the back burner right now. I promise I'm not evading the question, just saving it for a time in the near future when I'm going to be better qualified to answer it anyway.) In the meantime, if you're willing, I'd like to hear what you mean specifically by "uses Anxiety," and I promise to look at the issue closely while I re-read.

At the very least, you have to admit that this is a better answer than my regurgitations of lecture notes from Dreyfus's class at Berkeley. Incidentally, why are there two apparently unrelated questions, both numbered four?

4) In your pictures you're not drinking at that party. All philosophers drink loads. Do you now quaff heavily or are you one of those evil critical rationalists?

Good eye. I quaff as much as I can when I get the opportunity. I was dating a fundamentalist girl that summer, and so spent most of the time at my own parties drinking Pepsi or blueberry iced tea. I'm over that now, though.

5) In your piece on environmental thought I think you've clearly been mislead by not reading anyone decent. Naughty! A good place to start on an ethical conception of non-anthropomorphic ethics or simply the difference between 'shallow' and 'deep' green is 'Beneath the surface: critical readings in the philosophy of deep ecology'. Using Nietzsche to strike a /necessary/ humancentric position slightly baffled me, in that the will-to-power expresses itself without humans (contencious, but the 'beyond human' aspect is worth looking at).

As I said before, I have to claim the excesses of youth and the heady wine of Nietzsche's style as influences leading to bad expositions of my environmental ideas. I never meant to take a necessarily humancentric position; what I wanted was to criticize that aspect of American environmental-political rhetoric. No, I haven't read Katz's tome, but it's caught my eye before, I have added it to the list, and I will try to find it in a library soon. (In all fairness, though, there are a lot of books on the list, and it may be a while until I can get to it — especially with my Heidegger, my novella, and my preparations for the GRE subject test in literature.)

6) Have you read 'Difference & Repetition' by Gilles Deleuze? If not, he provides an excellent reading of both Nietzsche & Heidegger- try him, you might get hooked...

Nope, but you finally pushed me over the edge (I've been recommended that enough now ...), and I've added that to the list, too.

7) Hope you got that hat back- a woman who steals your hat is clearly after anything she can get and should be hunted down forthwith (take in a H.S.Thompson/poke at Nietzsche way :)

I did get the hat back. You're right — that one needs an eye kept on her. She's tricky.

Thanks for the great questions — I'll get to Heidegger soon!


Record 124
How Did You Find This Site? Link
Time: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 05:28:21 PDT
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? College Student
What Would You Like to Say?

keep up the good job.:()

Record 123
Name: christine
How Did You Find This Site?
From: Hampshire, England
Time: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 07:24:06 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Shooting Star
What Would You Like to Say?

hmmm, interesting read and a welcome break from writng an essay on Nietzsche!! Particuarly liked the quotes... very thoughtful... will definately re-visit during future essay writing breaks.

Record 122
Name: christine
How Did You Find This Site? Other search: goggle
From: massachusetts
Time: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:00:29 (PST)
Rate This Site? How much did you pay that wino to type in the HTML?
How Shall I Think Of You? Admirer
What Would You Like to Say?

i forgot to say a couple of things. first i wanted to let you know that your site is the most unique and admirerable(spelling?) i'v ever seen. you have a lot of guts to put all that out there and, well, i would love to have my own soap box one day. hope you had a good day. enjoy life.

Record 121
Name: christine
How Did You Find This Site? Other search: goggle
From: massachusetts
Time: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:43:48 (PST)
Rate This Site? How much did you pay that wino to type in the HTML?
How Shall I Think Of You? Admirer
What Would You Like to Say?

great site! extreamly informative,and complete understandable to those who aren't world scholars. thank you and good luck in the future

Record 120
Name: Jaakko
Website: Hiivaranni's homepage
How Did You Find This Site? Very other...
From: Finland
Time: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 06:02:52 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Toothpaste Manufacturer
What Would You Like to Say?

Have you heard that some big buildings have collapsed in the United States of a Merica? That's horrible! Hopefully I wasn't there. Well... Kiip gouing mään! Nice website you have.

Record 119
Name: Sarah
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: Chicago
Time: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 20:22:47 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Juliet
What Would You Like to Say?

I would like to tell you that your report on technology was really good. I tried to look up technology 4 a speech I'm doing and all the other sites were about buying computers or crap like that. It was a miracle to find a site with some information. Thanks

{Webmaster note: You're welcome. Thanks for the compliments, Sarah.}

Record 118
Name: Henry
How Did You Find This Site? God of chance
From: United Kingdom
Time: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 16:03:02 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Admirer
What Would You Like to Say?

I've cancelled my subscription to Readers Digest since dropping in on your surf spot! Ben Gazzara says "Style is the answer to everything..." in Tales of Ordinary Madness, and style is what you've got.Could your style help explain Gestalt theory to a struggler in self -imprisonment -Henry

{Webmaster note: I actually don't know much about gestalt theory, so I can't help you there. But I do appreciate the compliments, and am always glad to know that I've helped in some small way to bring down Reader's Digest. Thanks, Henry.}

Record 117
Name: beatrice
How Did You Find This Site? Word of Mouth
From: new york
Time: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 18:50:29 (PDT)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Like, yeah, dude....
What Would You Like to Say?

OK for one thing you are pshyco for asking who i am on whatever that was and you gave a list of stuff that would be impossiable to be...and you don't need to have people do that, another you have to be pretty dumb if you are going to set up a web-site for poetry, who likes this crap, i am only here b/c i have to be for a paper.

{Webmaster note: Ooooh, for the first time ever, you caught me on two points:

  1. I actually do intend for people to take the entries in the list seriously. Sure, most people think I'm being flippant, but as it turns out, I actually have small and cuddly animals, knights of the Round Table, roosters, butterflies, angels, demons, ferrets, boxes, horses, trains, snack cakes, fingers, pigs, invisible people, stars, dogs, statues, tigers, rats, apples, singers, swallows, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks, fictitious Christmas characters, fictitious Easter characters, plants, robots, beams of light, fish, ghosts, reptiles, secret agents, and a wide variety of literary characters signing the guestbook all the time. It's just that I don't post those entries, and I was counting on you normal people to think that I was trying to be clever, dammit. Well, I guess my cover's blown.
  2. You're right, I am pretty dumb. You found me out on that one, too. Why bother posting things I've written when I could be participating in the post-cool, hyper-ennui slack of surfing the internet for web pages about Destiny's Child and the Spice Girls and having live chats with other twelve-year-olds who also use the latest in cool abbreviations, like "b/c"? It's pointless. You win.

I seriously doubt that you actually have to be here, specifically, for a paper. Hopefully, you're not stealing anything from my website; this site is not a paper mill. And if you really are doing your own work, why do you need my crappy opinion? Form one of your own.}

Record 116
Name: handoko
Website: milo
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: indonesia
Time: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 00:16:41 (PDT)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Mystic
What Would You Like to Say?

i neeed your info

{Webmaster note: That's all on the Personal Info page.}

Record 115
Name: Calvin M. Swedenborg
Website: ME? I'll have no part in this internet corruption!
How Did You Find This Site? in a dream
From: Indiana, USA
Time: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 16:02:50 (PDT)
Rate This Site? Almost as good as Microsoft's site, and loads faster, too
How Shall I Think Of You? Creeping Vine on a Tall Tree
What Would You Like to Say?

Great, Good, well done, average, acceptable, exquisite. William Blake would have done a copper engraving in your honor and Walt Whitman would have written a verse about you with lots of flowery adjectives, similies (and comments in parentheses). For your effort you may burn in hell or be rewarded with a throne in heaven (or neither). Your site may help redeem the world (or possibly hasten its destruction). Only time will tell. Time will tell. Time will tell..... (I'll never tell). I visit regularly. Keep up the good (excellent) work.

{Webmaster note: Right. Thanks, I think.}

Record 114
Name: LaurBeth
Website: La Boheme
How Did You Find This Site? quote
From: TN
Time: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 16:08:14 (PDT)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Guildentstern
What Would You Like to Say?

Love your site. Looks great. Starting to quiver in shame when I compare it to my own. You should feel bad for lowering my self esteem. Anyways, for all those blind/dead/mute/dumb internet surfers out there, feel free to come visit me too.

Record 113
Name: Nancy Yiin
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: Auckland, New Zealand
Time: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 04:42:45 (PDT)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Internerd
What Would You Like to Say?

Put up more information (different types) to benefit we future generation!

{Webmaster note: Any suggestions, Nancy? What would you like to see?}

Record 112
Name: Marie Kleber
How Did You Find This Site? Search -- Not Yahoo!
From: Marietta, Georgia
Time: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 09:54:08 (PDT)
Rate This Site? How much did you pay that wino to type in the HTML?
How Shall I Think Of You? Enlightened One
What Would You Like to Say?

Record 111
Name: Angelica Koslawski
Website: Romantic tales
How Did You Find This Site? Word of Mouth
From: London
Time: Tue, 15 May 2001 10:41:48 (PDT)
Rate This Site? Almost as good as Microsoft's site, and loads faster, too
How Shall I Think Of You? Pyramus
What Would You Like to Say?

Pretty cool site to visit enjoyed it a million times.

Record 110
Name: CynCity
How Did You Find This Site? Search -- not Yahoo!
From: Hell - duh!
Time: Mon, 7 May 2001 21:05:14 (PDT)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city park
How Shall I Think Of You? Horseman of the Apocalypse
What Would You Like to Say?

A standing ovation to you! Well done. And in response to the FAQ about the hidden porn pictures, I don't know what you're talking about. I found them just fine.

Record 109
Name: Megan
How Did You Find This Site? there, to there.. to here. random, really.
From: Asheville
Time: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 23:00:13 (PDT)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? Refuse to Answer
What Would You Like to Say?

You should think of me as a human. Define human? I live, unlike persons, who don't live. Define life? Freewill, first - the choice between thinking and not thinking.. oh, the definitions. Thinking - questioning, redefining, choosing between the self and what was taught to be the self. Living is choosing to think. You interest me, mostly from your choice in quotations to display. I wonder if you understand some of them in the sense they were meant. Are you a human? Easy to answer - did you understand the definitions, yet for some reason you already knew what they were?

I'm interested in meeting other humans. I left an email address.

Record 108
Name: Ashley
How Did You Find This Site? Search -- not Yahoo!
From: Monticello, AR
Time: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 19:25:18 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? High School Student
What Would You Like to Say?

I just wanted you to know that I am using some of your information on my upcoming term paper. Thanks so much for your site. I will be entering college this fall. And where you say 'How shall I think of you?', some of those other 'titles' apply to me. I just thought that one was best. Again, Thanks so much.

Record 107
Name: Merissa
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: texas
Time: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 08:32:15 (PST)
Rate This Site? Almost as good as Microsoft's site, and loads faster, too
How Shall I Think Of You? Juliet
What Would You Like to Say?

just wanted to say i love your site

Record 106
Name: vanessa
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: australia
Time: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 22:38:01 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Essayist
What Would You Like to Say?

Well thank you very much! I had so much trouble finding some stuff on William Blake for my uni course and i found all that i needed thanks.....

{Webmaster note: Always glad to help, Vanessa. There is some good material on Blake on the internet. If I ever get some time, I'll post links to it ... but for now, as a reward for those of you who read the guestbook, I'll just tell you to go to a section of, a website maintained by a former teacher of mine. There are some good Blake links there.}

Record 105
Name: Paula
How Did You Find This Site? have no idea, stumbled into it, but most grateful for the wonderful experience
From: the same bolt of cloth as yourself
Time: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 18:08:25 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? Watcher of Sunsets
What Would You Like to Say?

Wishing now I could remember the quote re: the inadequacy of words...amazing sounds gushing, perhaps more like shock of recognition, the type of site I'd like to have had I your skill, talent, and time.

{Webmaster note: Thanks for the compliments, Paula. I always love it when people say good things about my work. And, I actually don't have that much time to devote to the site -- I just pick some up here and there.}

Record 104
Name: Lee Jordan Umayam
How Did You Find This Site? Link
From: Philippines
Time: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 01:56:06 (PST)
Rate This Site? You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
How Shall I Think Of You? College Student
What Would You Like to Say?

I don't know what to say!!!!!

{Webmaster note: That's all right. Thanks for signing anyway.}

Record 103
Name: A.M.
Website: Deep Verses from the Soul
How Did You Find This Site? Yahoo!
From: USA
Time: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 01:15:27 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
How Shall I Think Of You? What?
What Would You Like to Say?

Cool site.

Record 102
Name: truth
How Did You Find This Site? Word of Mouth
Time: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 00:08:16 (PST)
Rate This Site? I will do no such thing!
What Would You Like to Say?

For it is written:

"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."

1CO 1:20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

1CO 1:26 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards not many were influential not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."

{Webmaster note: Ooooooooh, scripture quotes. No one's ever thought of using those to try to convert me before. That's it, I'm become a self-righteous, judgmental Christian just like this person. I suppose I should say, "this brave and confident person," because he or she is so confident that he/she is right that they don't even bother to leave an e-mail address through which a dialogue could be opened. Very, very impressive.

Still, I post every guestbook entry that gets sent to me ...}

Record 101
Website: the me
How Did You Find This Site? secret
From: phils
Time: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 00:12:41 (PST)
Rate This Site? Almost as good as Microsoft's site, and loads faster, too
How Shall I Think Of You? Enlightened One
What Would You Like to Say?

Go backward in time.

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