Like a Rolling Stone...

This page has moved, and is likely to keep moving. Click here if your browser doesn't automatically redirect you.

Why keep moving this page around? Because, like so many other things on the internet, guestbook services are in decline due to a small number of shithead advertisers who abuse the living fuck out of them. Their assumption is that anything that gets typed in to the guestbook signature form automatically gets posted, whether it meets the normal posting requirements or not. In practice, what this means is that most guestbooks that are out there consist almost entirely of random advertisements, and not meaningful comments by human visitors. This is too bad, because it's largely led to the decline of the guestbook service by undermining what it was originally intended for. Why bother to put a guestbook on your site if it's just going to be full of ads for Viagra and get-rich-quick schemes? Contrapositively, why would a visitor bother to read a guestbook if it's likely to contain (almost) nothing else?

But these shithead advertisers don't care if they're ruining a perfectly good internet custom for everyone else, because the one-in-ten-thousand visitor who does read the guestbook and clicks through on their worthless links comes along every so often and generates a few cents of revenue.

This guestbook is different: It's human-administered, so no ads get posted. It just means that I have to wade through twenty or thirty e-mails every day that look like this:

body = <a href=>jewishlights</a> <a href= >wetter</a> <a href= >georgia department of labor</a> <a href= >knightdale movie</a> <a href= >runts candy</a> <a href= >atlanta jobs</a> <a href= >angels and airwaves lyrics</a> <a href= >gay toplists</a> <a href= >user names</a> <a href= >best places to work in government</a>
describe = Knight-Errant
rate = You should, like, have statues of you in city parks
Where-heard = Instinct
subject = Guestbook posting
from-name = Clara-ol
from-email =
site-title =
site-title = Good site
site-URL =
site-URL =
where-from = Unknown
where-heard-other = Unknown
next-url =

As you can see, it's just a bunch of random crap, with a meaningless comment ("good site") and random values chosen from the drop-down menus. It adds zero value to the guestbook or the site as a whole, but these morons want me to post twenty or thirty of these messages a day. If you do the math, you'll see that I get more than one hundred times as many spam guestbook postings as I do legitimate ones.

So, I'm hoping that moving this page around constantly will help to keep the spammers off of my ass. I am genuinely sorry for the inconvenience to the legitimate visitor. Look at it this way: It's just another way the scum-sucking spambuckets try to ruin the internet for the rest of us.

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