t . h . e .

s . t . u . d . y .

a . t .


the virtual study of the Alexandria Estate


To Kill A Mockingbird

Disturbances in the Field


A Blessing on the Moon

Life with Father

The King & the Corpse


The Black Stallion

The Great Gatsby


Country of My Skull

The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Fistfight in Heaven

Sherlock Holmes

Jeeves & Wooster

Angela's Ashes

Lightning (Dean Koontz)

Maus I & II

The Night Trilogy

The Human Rights Charter

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Black Elk Speaks

Satyrcon (by Petronius)

The Histories by Herodotus

"The Clouds" (A Play by Aristophanes)

"The Chairs" (A Play by Eugene Ionesco)

King of the Wind






s . c . h . o . o . l .

o n l i n e . p a p e r s


w . o . r . k .

r é s u m é

o n l i n e . w r i t i n g


w . e . b .

c . r . e . a . t . i . o . n . s .

i r i s h . m a f i a

s . s . s p o r t h o r s e s

t h e - c o m p a n y . net

a l d r i c h . l u m b e r

j o u r n e y . i n t o . d a r k n e s s

s t a r f l e e t . i n t e l l i g e n c e

t h e . c o m p a n y

and, of course . . . a l e x a n d r i a herself






"Alexandria's study is equipped with secure, encrypted communications networks. All messages to and from Alexandria's owner are sent via TripleDES or Beale codes. Her office is filled with some of her favorite books which can be seen on the bookcase to the right. Her current stack of reading includes "Poppie" by Elsa Joubert and "Rivonia's Children" by Glenn Frankel. Notice the oak and magonholy finishes on the furniture -- the furniture was hand picked from around the United States and Europe specifically for this room. Much of the owner's business is conducted in this room and can be found here. If you desire a meeting or other communication with the owner, you can use the secure mailing link below."

--- Patrick, the owner's personal assistant and Alexandria's computer guru. Station: Study


To contact the registered owner of Alexandria, please click -- here --.


Favorite Author: Gary Jennings

Favorite Poet: Langston Hughes

Favorite Playwright: Eugene Ionesco

Favorite Poem: The Eagle Under the Stone

[ main entrance ] [ study ] [ lounge ] [ stable ] [ bedroom ] [ dock ]