Theosophy - a synthesis of science, religion and philosophy


A brief history of Theosophy.
Theosophy as known to the modern world was founded by the Russian initiate Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in New York in 1875 as an attempt to spread divine truth to the intellectually advanced part of humanity. However, "the Ancient Wisdom" has always existed in the world, either openly as Theosophy is taught today, or in the past, in Egypt, Greece and Atlantis where there were great temples and initiation schools run by the Earth's Hierarchy, or hidden, as in the Middle Ages amongst the alchemists, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who were persecuted by both the clergy and the secular powers who (rightly) felt their power threatened by the truths which these hidden societies represented.

What is Theosophy?
Theosophy is "A synthesis of science, religion and philosophy", and its motto is: "There is no religion higher than Truth". Practically, Theosophy presents itself today as a vast spiritual and cosmological system which seeks to investigate and explain Cosmos and man's role herein, both on the basis of occult research (research based on extrasensory perception, be it clairvoyance, clairvoyance, visions, telepathically received messages or memories or visions retrieved through hypnotic regression, i.e. from higher states of consciousness) which is taught by a number of Theosophical groups (see the links list: click here) around the world.

Leading figures in Theosophy
Some of the most important figures of Theosophy in this and the former century have been: H. P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Helena Roerich, Charles. W. Leadbeater, Geoffrey Hodson, Alice A. Bailey, Corine Heline and Dion Fortune, and currently operating we have teachers and writers such as Torkom Saraydarian, Benjamin Creme, Michael Robbins and Asger Lorentsen. (See the literature list: click here).

Theosophical teachings
While Theosophy is an ever-expanding science, a dynamic living teaching, which originates in the cosmic mind or the being which we call God, represented by myriads of beings on many different planes of existence and levels of consciousness and development, most Theosophical groups today base their understanding on the teachings which were given through Alice A. Bailey in the 1930's and 1940's from her Tibetan teacher, Dhjwal Khul. These books present a spiritual cosmology which describes the universe as a vast, living being, containing myriads of other living beings within it, all evolving towards higher and higher states of consciousness and experience.

The Great Plan
Theosophy explains how evolution on the planet Earth follows a certain scheme, the Great Plan, which is laid out from higher planes of consciousness. The Great Plan for this Earth is part of the plan for the evolution of the solar system, and so it continues upwards, plans within plans and cycles within cycles. On this Earth, the Great Plan is implemented by the Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, also called the Great White Brotherhood, and it was the Hierarchy that founded the Theosophical Society through Helena Blavatsky and began releasing Theosophy to the public in 1875 as a part of their work for the enlightenment of humanity.

The Hierarchy
The Hierarchy consists of perfected men and women who have finished the cycles of reincarnation on this planet or another, and have learnt to master their human and spiritual nature and the forces of the three lower worlds - the physical, the emotional and the mental. They express perfected love and wisdom (seen with human eyes, for there is always a higher standard of perfection which can be attained), and have chosen to remain here on the Earth to serve humanity's and the Earth's growth. Some of the Hierarchy's Masters are known from their earlier incarnations: The Master Jesus from his incarnation in Palestine where he helped to anchor a vast impulse of love and founded the Christian religion, and from his later incarnation as Appolonia of Tyana. Buddha is known from his incarnation as Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism; Kuthumi from his earlier incarnations as Pythagoras, one of the great teachers of Ancient Greece, and as Francis of Assisi, one of the greatest saints of the Catholic Church, and Mary is known from her incarnation as Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The work of individual members of the Hierarchy is described in many books, for instance:: C. W. Leadbeater: "The Masters and the Path"; Alice A. Bailey: "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy" and Asger Lorentsen: "Man's Inner Structure". Other well-known Masters of the Hierarchy are Hilarion (known from his incarnation as St. Paul, who helped to spread Christianity in Asia Minor), Sct. Germain (known from his incarnation as the Count of Sct. Germain in the 18th century and the inspirator behind most of the Freemason and occult lodges in Europe), Morya (who was the inspirator, together with Kuthumi and Dhjwal Khul, behind the foundation of the Theosophical Society) and finally Maitreya, known from his earlier incarnation as Krishna, and as the real inspirator behind Christianity, since it was him who overshadowed Jesus during the last three years of his life in Palestine. Maitreya is known as Maitreya Buddha in the East, and as Christ in the West, and he is the leader of the Earth's spiritual Hierarchy and embodies the heart centre of this planet.

                                                            The Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy:

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Cosmic laws: The Law of reincarnation, the law of evolution and the law of karma
Apart from the teachings about the structure of the universe and the function of the Earth's Hierarchy, Theosophy describes in great detail a number of universal laws which govern our lives, as well as the lives of lesser and great beings. One of them is the law of reincarnation which simply says that human beings (as well as many other life forms) go through many cycles of physical incarnations in order to evolve, gain experience and grow, until a state of perfection is achieved. When we have learnt all there is to learn in the physical realm, we become a Master of wisdom and graduate from the Earth school, free to continue our service and evolution here or at another place in the universe. Connected with the law of reincarnation is the law of evolution, a basic universal law,  which describes how every unit of consciousness evolves towards and strives for higher states of being, experience and self-expression. These two link with the law of Karma (or the law of cause of effect) which states that whatever any life unit sends out through its actions and thoughts, it will receive again - "as you sow you shall reap". These laws govern our personal lives as well as the life of cosmic, together with other cosmic laws such as the law of love, the law of mercy, the law of periodicity and the law of contrasts

The Seven Rays
Another important part of theosophical teachings is the teaching about the seven rays. The Seven rays are divine intelligences or energies which permeate this solar system, emanating from the seven stars of Ursa Major (the Great Bear) and going to the seven stars in the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters). It is said that all living beings within this solar system is characterized by one or several of these rays and their qualities, for instance this solar system is a 2nd ray system (the second ray expresses the qualities of love and wisdom), while the planet Earth is a 3rd ray planet (active intelligence).  Any person will have his personality on one of these 7 rays, and the personality again is a mixture of physical/etheric body, astral body and mental body, each of which has its own rays. Much can be said about a person's character, potentials and development problems from his rays, and therefore, the science of the 7 rays will form an important part of the psychology of the New Age. Within this field, a pioneer work has been done by Michael Robbins with his book "The Tapestry of the Gods", and also by Benjamin Creme who lists the ray structures of many famous people at the end of his books (Maitreya's Mission I - III).
                                                             The 7 Rays coming to the Earth

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The Rays and their qualities
As we have seen, each of the seven rays is a divine energy or quality:
1st ray: expresses will or power
2nd ray:
expresses love and wisdom
3rd ray:
expresses active intelligence
4th ray: expresses beauty or harmony through conflict
5th ray:
expresses concrete intelligence or science
6th ray: expresses idealism or devotion
7th ray: expresses order or ceremonial magic

All beings in the solar system "belong" to one or several of the seven rays - each individual has a personality ray, a ray of the physical body, a ray of the emotional body, a ray of the mental body, a soul ray and a monadic ray, and thus his spiritual structure is really a mixture of different ray qualities, expressing themselves through his various bodies or vehicles.

As perfected beings, we will express the qualities of one of the seven rays primarily. For instance, Hilarion is the Chohan (Master) of the 5th ray which gives him a major responsibility with inspiring scientific work on this planet, while Morya is the 1st ray Chohan, and has the task of inspiring and guiding leaders, politicians and statesmen to see and follow the right visions and make the right decisions in accordance with the Great Plan for the Earth. Maitreya and Kuthumi work on the 2nd ray - the ray of the teacher - of love and wisdom, and therefore with religion and education. The Christ spirit is the essence of all true religions on this planet.

Religions are guidelines for evolving humanity                                                                                                
Theosophy sees itself as a synthesis of science, religion and philosophy, and seeks to show the similarities in the world's religions, knowing that all religions are given from the Hierarchy as a teaching to humanity, adapted to humanity's culture and stage of development at any given time. The religions express the same divine truths in their core - as much as humanity is ready to assimilate at that moment. For instance, Gautama Buddha showed humanity how to gain freedom from desire by transmuting it to aspiration and desire for wisdom and understanding, while Christ taught us about the importance of love, forgiveness and compassion as a means to achieve peace in the world and to reach the Kingdom of God, i.e. the state of consciousness of an initiate, the Nirvana of Buddhism. In modern time this is being realized more and more, and There is a strong tendency towards the common understanding, that the God of all religions is the same, and the goal of all religions also the same, namely to establish love, brotherhood and right human relations on this planet, and this shows the great progress which humanity has made in the past centuries, the strong effects of the sufferings of the past 2,000 years and the strong, spiritual energies which are now flowing to the planet.

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The law of cycles - transition to a New Age
The law of cycles, another important universal law, tells us that things evolve in cycles, smaller cycles within larger cycles. In physical life, the small day cycle - day and night - mirrors the longer cycle of summer and winter, and the larger cycle of incarnation - discarnation, birth and death. Similarly, planets themselves alternate between being in incarnation (a planetary manvantara) or out of incarnation (a planetary pralaya), and the same is goes for solar systems, galaxies and even larger units. Many cycles have a specific meaning in connection with the human kingdom, for instance the cycle of the root races. All people on this planet now belong to the fifth root race, the primary focus of which is the development of the concrete mind (the 5th principle), but to different sub-races. For instance, the white/Caucasian race is the 5th sub-race, the Asian the 4th and the black/African the 3rd, and the new 6th sub-race which is now slowly coming into incarnation will have a better ability for intuitive thinking and help to overcome the current divisions within humanity, in science, religion and philosophy on the basis of universal, intuitive and holistic thinking and understanding.
Another important cycle for humanity is the precession of the equinoxes. At spring equinox, the sun will be seen from the Earth within one of the12 signs of the zodiac, and this position changes very slowly, so that it moves through the whole of the zodiac in 26,000 years. It stays for about 2167 years in each astrological sign, and In each of these periods, human culture is influenced by the spiritual energies of that particular astrological sign.

Cyclic changes in human culture
The transition to a New Age, of which so many people speak, is illustrated symbolically by this movement of the sun. For about the last 2,000 years, the sun has been in Pisces, and the planetary civilisation has been strongly influenced by the energies of Pisces and of the 6th ray of devotion or idealism. The positive qualities of this ray can be seen in many of the world's religions - in the intense devotion and mysticism of Christianity in the Middle Ages of Europe and in the lives of many great mystics and saints, and strong adherence of humanity to certain religions or ideologies. The 6th ray influence expresses itself in its higher aspects as intense devotion and love for an ideal or an object. The lower aspects (i.e. when people express the 6th ray energy in a distorted way) are fanaticism, self-righteousness and emotional "clinging" to an object , and these qualities have also been prevalent in the many religious and ideological conflicts of the last 2,000 years.
Since 1675, the 7th ray of order or ceremonial magic is slowly coming into manifestation in the planetary culture, and the strong shift of energies in the late1960's was the first time when the incoming 7th ray was stronger than the outgoing 6th ray. The years after this have been full of conflicts, but the new rhythm will gradually and inevitably take over as the years pass by.
Whenever a new ray comes in and an old one goes out, the same pattern repeats: The structures and the civilisation which was built on and vitalised by the old energy begin to lose vitality and crystallize, as the ensouling energy goes out (in the same way that people may crystallize and stagnate in old age if they don't have a vital inner, spiritual life), and the new incoming energy inspires visionaries and reformers who fight to establish its new rhythm. This creates a conflict between the old, well-known, established and crystallized structures and powers, and the new germinating impulses which contains the seeds of the new life.
In out age, the conflict takes place between the old structures of the 6th ray (expressed for instance in parts of the traditional religions and in politics and the educational system when it is based on competition and separatism) and the new impulses of the 7th ray which tend to understand things holistically in interconnected systems, and to approach religion through understanding and investigation rather than through mere faith and devotion. When society has been organised along the patterns of the incoming 7th ray (the energy of freedom is one of the basic qualities of the 7th ray), there will be a better organisation and distribution of the world's goods and raw materials, and humanity will have a more universal and holistic outlook on the world and humanity's place in cosmos. Gradually, the Earth will open for contact with other planetary civilisations, and a transfer of knowledge and information will take place which will enable us to solve the present ecological, economical and political problems which are largely a result of egotism and a much too short and harrow perspective in our planning of things.

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The Age of Aquarius
The Earth is presently undergoing great changes as the incoming 7th ray becomes more and more dominant,
establishing a new rhythm on the planet, and the old structures of the Age of Pisces crystallize and die. The 7th
ray stands for internationalisation, global co-ordination and organization and a practical and scientific outlook
on things, and as its energies permeate the world society, our culture is becoming more and more governed
by reason and organisation.
The change of frequency and rhythm on a planetary level is extraordinarily strong in this period, because the
planet Earth itself is rapidly moving towards a planetary initiation and expansion of consciousness.
Humanity as a collective unit is the planetary throat centre, and it is our task to receive the light, love and
inspiration from the higher light worlds and bring it down into manifestation on the physical level of the planet,
so it can express the same beauty and perfection which is found on the inner levels. This is the creation of
what is known in Christian terminology as "The Kingdom of God".
Because of the planetary initiation - the Earth raising its level of consciousness - strong cosmic energies are coming to the planet to assist the Earth and humanity in the difficult birth process - the birth of cosmic consciousness.
The purpose of these energies are to assist in the creation of a planetary civilisation of light - an enlightened
society which is in harmony with the cosmic laws and which respects and loves all kingdoms of nature:
a society in which the human inhabitants express love and good-will towards each other and where wars,
hatred, crime, pollution and physical and emotional suffering has been eliminated through humanity's intelligent
co-operation with the Hierarchy and the different advanced civilisations from other planets which are now
contacting the Earth.

Transfer of souls to other planets
According to my information, a certain percentage of the Earth's present population will be transferred to other
planets during the transitional period between the present society and the coming enlightened civilisation
(which, according to Martinus' information will be a reality on the planet no later than in 3,000 years).
This transfer takes place because these souls would not thrive under the new conditions that the planet will
offer its inhabitants. Those who still need to experiment and experience violence, suppression, abuse of others, hatred, excessive egotism etc. etc. will have to seek it on other planets in the future, in the same way as a number of souls have been transferred to the Earth from other planets because their civilisations did not allow such forms of self-expression.
This "migration", combined with the present "immigration" of highly evolved souls (both from the Earth's "native" population who have been out of incarnation, waiting for this period, and from other planets) through physical birth, and the incoming cosmic light energies will create a rapid change and betterment in the planetary culture.
This is not to say that the transition to a better world society will be effortless and easy - as we all know there are still many problems to solve on the planet, and it is we - humanity - who must solve them. But once higher and better visions and energies come in and replace the old selfish and sometimes highly destructive patterns
of civilisation, rapid progress is possible.
As a thought experiment, we could imagine what would happen if the world's arms budget was used for constructive purposes instead of manufacture and development of deadly weapons. In current prices, the world's total arms budget for 14 days is enough to bring the entire third world up to the same standard of living as the Scandinavian countries. The problem is not a lack of resources, but a wrong use of the available resources, and this is what the new world society will change, on the basis of a spiritual and humanitarian vision. (See the page on a new world economy:
Future Word Economy)

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The New Age - Utopia or reality?
Most of us can agree that the above visions are desirable for humanity and for the Earth, but are they realistic?
Are these the dreams of hopeful, but naive religious people who hope that a divine power will interfere with
humanity's imminent doom, or are they realistic analyses, based on an understanding of the cosmic laws that
all units of life follow, and on an understanding of the Earth's place in a cosmic scheme of development?
To me, after 10 years of study of spiritual science, the answer is easy: This is not an utopia, but a reality which
will manifest, and the things that are happening all over the world at present are just the preparations for the
later stages of our civilisations.
Let me look at some of the foundations of the world picture of spiritual science:
It is evident that for "cosmic forces" and a "planetary Hierarchy" to be influencing humanity's civilisation, there have to be other intelligences than the human in the universe, and there have to be other dimensions of existence than the well-known physical dimension of our daily life.
Is there? This is a question that both para-psychology and Theosophy has researched for many years, and the
amount of evidence for the existence of the spiritual world is overwhelming - so overwhelming that those who want to denounce it have a very hard job, at least if they begin to look at the evidence (but they don't *S*).

Evidence for the existence of a spiritual world:
Throughout history and the many different cultures, we find references to both angels, fairies and "little people",
as ingredients in the world's religions in folk-lore, myths and fairy tales. There have always been people who have said they could communicate with and see these beings, and while they were feared and persecuted in
the Middle Ages, and often ridiculed during the later materialistic epoch, they were often revered in ancient times where humanity was more emotionally and spiritually connected with the inner worlds.
Today there are many skillful clairvoyants and psychics who are able to get accurate visual and audio information from the inner worlds (take a look at the collection of deva pictures and the descriptions of them, for instance page 1 page 2 page 3  page 4 page 5), and while they possess these for humanity unusual skills, they are also able to function normally and intelligently in the physical world. Geoffrey Hodson, the author of "The Kingdom of the Gods" was a British soldier during WW I, where he served with distinction, and Eskild Tjalve, the Danish author of "Devas - the world of the angels and nature spirits"  worked for many years as a civil engineer before he began working with spiritual science.
Other psychics work more with communication with human beings on the inner levels - the "dead", and I have often witnessed such conversations, channeled through a psychic, with people's deceased friends or family, where information comes up which the channel couldn't possibly get from other than spiritual sources.
The existence of the spiritual world was proven already by the Spiritist Movement at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

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Another example of contacts with the spiritual world are the so-called Near Death Experiences (NDE's) or
Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). As the years have gone by, and psychologists, para-psychologists and
private and public institutions have taken interest in the phenomenon (thanks to humanity's God-given
curiosity and desire to learn), mountains of personal experiences have been documented and investigated.
On the Internet there's an entire web-server dedicated to this kind of research: After Death Communications
Apart from that, extensive research into these and related phenomena have been carried out but C. W. Leadbeater, Geoffrey Hodson, Howard Murphet, Robert Monroe and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, to name a few.
See the subject of reincarnation in the literature list for further reference: Click here
A thorough investigation of these sources should provide ample evidence for those interested to learn, that there is in fact a spiritual world. No amount of evidence will convince the person who does not meet the facts
with an open mind and the desire to learn. Personally, I have always been able to register the subtler vibrations of the higher worlds, and through years of meditation and study the ability has bettered and become more precise, so I have an advantage here from my own experience, but even the person who has no amount of
spiritual sensitivity can see the overwhelming amount of evidence based on hundreds of other people's experiences.

The world religions and the afterlife:
Another interesting facet of this is the similarity found in many of the world's religions in the description of the "afterlife". If you look at Buddhism, there is a fairly clear concept of reincarnation here, and of the fact that the
 consciousness of the deceased stays in a light-world, "devachan", for a period before the next incarnation.
In the Tibetan book of the dead, there are both instructions about what to do after death if you want to raise
your level of consciousness and maybe "escape" another rebirth (I do not really believe this is possible, except for the souls who are so advanced that such rebirth is no longer considered a necessity), and about how to seek out the right parents when the time for rebirth comes. The description of devachan in Buddhism looks very much like the description that the Spiritist mediums gave of the "summer land", where most of the spirits
they communicated with were staying, and indeed the Spiritists, being aware of this fact, sometimes referred
to this inner world as devachan, as is also the case in Theosophical books.
Hindus believe in reincarnation, too, and also within Hinduism there are detailed accounts of the processes of afterlife, for instance of how strong passions may be a burden for the soul in the afterlife, who has to go through a process of cleansing. The inhabitants of the higher worlds in the afterlife are described in a system of Gods, demi-Gods, angels and devils, which, when you look closer at it, can well be seen as a symbolic representation of the 7 subplanes of the astral plane which is described within Theosophy.
The old Greeks believed in an afterlife, too, and apparently in reincarnation (so many civilisations did and does; I wonder whether it is only in modern time with its materialistic philosophy that large numbers of people have begun to believe in the non-existence of an afterlife?). Hades was the name of the kingdom of the dead, and the soul entering this had to be ferried over the river Styx, the river of forgetfulness.  When/if the soul was to leave the kingdom of Hades again, it was given water from the river Styx to drink, and this caused the soul to forget its experiences in the kingdom of the dead. Symbolically, of course, this means that the reincarnating soul loses the memory of its past lives before the new incarnation. The fact that some people do remember their past lives (some Greeks may have done this and told so publicly, I don't know) would have been explained at that time by saying they somehow avoided drinking the water, while the esoteric explanation is that the memories are stored in the unconscious, and meditation, hypnosis or other forms of psychic training allows you to delve into these memories.
If we look at the old Egyptian religion (which was really a mythical expression of the scientific facts that were being taught the initiates in the Egyptian temples), the concept of the afterlife is also clear here. A person is considered as having two souls, one mortal and one immortal, and the immortal soul must be weighed on the scales of Horus and proven to be free of sin to pass into the heaven worlds. Sinful souls are said to undergo terrible sufferings.
Christianity has taken over many Greek (and Jewish) religious concepts, so its no wonder there are great similarities here: In Catholic thought, the pure souls enter the heavens directly, the lost sinners go directly to hell, while the impure ones have to stay in the purgatory for a while to be cleansed, before they can enter the heavens. If you compare with the Theosophical research (C. W. Leadbeater's studies), it appears there is a lot of truth in these ideas, for according to him, souls with very pure energies to move on to the higher astral or mental planes very quickly, while those with lower vibrations stay for a period on the lower astral planes, experiencing what could well be described as a purgatory, while negative vibrations are being removed from them. "Lost souls" is not really a concept found in Theosophy, however, although it could be said that very evil people will stay at the lowest astral planes for such a long period that this could be described as "hell", before the necessary purification has taken place. 
Finally, mystics such as Jacob Böhme and Emmanuel Swedenborg have given detailed descriptions of the inner worlds quite alike those of Theosophy, and it is evident that their advanced spiritual development made them useful as religious messengers to humanity at that time. Following that tradition of mystics, we reach people like Rudolf Steiner, C. W. Leadbeater, Geoffrey Hodson and Martinus in the 20th century, who have done extensive clairvoyant studies and research into the matter of life after death (the three first), or who was presented with the information as intuitively revealed facts (as in the case of Martinus).
Looking at all this, what stands out to me is the marvelous continuity in the work which is being done in teaching humanity about the facts of afterlife, and the way in which truth is interwoven in myths and legends so as to present the occult facts in symbols, to those who are not yet able to appreciate the full mental and intuitive explanation.

Reincarnation - fact or fallacy?
Turning to the matter of reincarnation, experiences in my own life have now made it rather obvious to me that we all reincarnate. First, there's the theoretical basis of Theosophy, Anthroposophy and Martinus' Cosmology and all the evidence and research offered herein. Secondly, there are a number of books written by people who remember their past lives with great clarity (click here to see the titles), and there are methods by which many people (also atheists) have been brought to remember their past lives, usually through a form of hypnosis or meditation. Apart from such direct, personal experiences, it is possible for clairvoyants to tune in and receive information about the past lives of others, and this is how I have obtained information about my own past lives. In my case, it has been part of a therapeutic process where the work has been to heal traumas, both from this and from past lives, and whenever strong emotions have been coming up, the clairvoyant healer who was assisting me, has been able to see where they originated and thus explain them. In many cases, it has been emotions of such an extreme nature that I could find no basis for them in the present life, while the past life scenario offered a perfect, logical explanation. When working with traumas from the present life, my helper has also been able to tell me where this or that problem originated, and in this case I have always been able to remember and confirm the situation. With the past lives, it is different, as the "proof" lies more in the feeling of identification of a part of me with the described situation, for instance the life of a Jewish scribe or priest around 2000 years ago, whose personality I suddenly felt very strongly in me (compare this with Steen Landsy's description of the period in his present life when he wrote the book about his past lives).
Finally, I now have a number of clairvoyant friends who are in the process of remembering, discovering and healing their past lives, and this makes it easy to see the patterns that are being healed, and how experiences and traumas from past lives are layered in our consciousness just like experiences from the present life, and with the same effects, good or bad.

To elucidate how past-life memories are being researched using hypnotic techniques, and the question of how to distinguish between actual memories and fantasy or wish-fulfillment, here's an excerpt from Asger Lorentsen's book: Man's spiritual journey (translated from Danish; the book is not available in English, although I might do it if I get enough requests). Take good note of the 13 points he lists to support the validity of past life memories; they are pretty hard to argue against.

Hypnotic regression therapy:
" writing this book I have used a method of exploring deeper areas of our consciousness, which has not been used very much as yet (1982). I have been using this technique for several years, and have thus been able to test the occult ideas about man's spiritual structure, the meaning of life, the law of karma, which I have studied theoretically.
In this form of occult research, the scientist leads other people to the re-experience of repressed memories using a suitable technique, which allows the client to retain his/her daily consciousness throughout the process.
The technique brings up memories from deeper and deeper layers of the unconscious, and after a variable period of "training", memories appear which can be placed in time back into history. This gives us a new perspective, since it makes it possible to work with the ideas of reincarnation and eternal life in a new way, as all people seem to have memories of past lives, which they can be brought to remember again, regardless of their religious philosophy prior to the session. Past lives can be experienced by everybody after a period of training and release of painful childhood traumas. Memories of past lives are experienced like a film, with more or less clarity and sense of emotional identification.
As people work their way through the repressed experiences from past lives, it often heals them from psycho-somatic diseases, unconcious fear-patterns and neurotic patterns of behaviour. Likewise, they often experience things which they would never consciously, or "in their wildest imagination" have thought possible.
The reasons why I have interpreted the experiences from the "reincarnation layer" of our subconsciousness as authentic expressions of actual experiences, and not as unconscious imagining or experiences from a collective subconsciousness are as follows:
1) All people can experience this, whether they believe in past lives or not. 
2) The experiences are sometimes very violent and painful. 
3) The person who experience them sometimes has the same sense of identification with the experiences as with repressed experiences from childhood in the present life, which can be objectively verified. 
4) The technique which is used, the way in which the memories appear and their whole nature is identical to similar repressed memories from the present life. 
5) People who experience such memories often experience how surprising details force their way into their daily consciousness and remain there, in spite of their attempt to reject or deny the memories which have been experienced. 
6) When the technique is used for going very far back in time, the client may experience a state of mind which is completely new to him/her and which contradicts the logic of the daily consciousness (for instance the experience of an original state of unity without any sense of time). 
7) The client's religious attitude may change on the basis of strong experiences of religious attitudes from past lives. 
8) There are examples where the memories brought up during such a session have been verified by clairvoyants who see other people's past lives with their "inner eye" as a film. 
9) There are examples where historical information, brought up through regression therapy, has shown to be correct even though the client had no prior knowledge of it. 
10) There are examples where several persons, who do not know each other, describe the same episodes seen from each their angle, i.e. as if they were in incarnation together. 
11) It appears that experiences of reincarnation can be linked together in a time-line with a logical connection between each life, and a gradual personal evolution governed by cause and effect (karma). 
12) After observing the past life experiences of a number of people, you can see how the same basic patterns and the same stages of development are found with all persons, even if they have no knowledge of other people's experiences. 
13) These basic patterns and stages of development combine to create a comprehensive history of evolution, which is similar to the description given by occult scientists and clairvoyants, who reached the same conclusion by totally different means."

Click here to read a text I wrote some years ago about proof of reincarnation: Text collection

Theosophical links: Look at the links page: Links

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