Eskild Tjalve's exploration of the world of the devas and nature spirits:

In 1995, Eskild Tjalve, a Danish clairvoyant and painter, published a book in Danish about the devas, entitled "Devas - the world of the angels and nature spirits". The book has 192 pages and 40 colour illustrations of the devas, angels and nature spirits painted by Eskild and it describes his meetings with them and of their work in nature and in relation to humanity, their co-operation with people in the bio-dynamic agriculture and their influence on the weather and the four elements, dense and subtle. Here is an excerpt from the book which is being prepared for publication in English; pictures can be seen on the next page, follow the link at the bottom of this page.

Excerpt from Eskild Tjalve: "Devas - the world of the angels and nature spirits"

THE DEVA WORLD                                                                                                                                            

The word "deva" means a luminous, shining, divine light, and it is used to denote the hosts upon hosts of beings in the non-physical worlds, i.e. beings which cannot be seen with the physical eye, but which can be experienced through inner sensing. At all times and on all places there have been people who have been able to see these beings, and we know them from many different sources, amongst other things from the fairy tales where we meet the elves, the gnomes, the fairies and the mermaids. We also know the angels, and from the Indians and other nature peoples we know expressions such as the spirit of the tree, the spirit of the wind and the spirit of the bear. Most people in our culture place these beings within the world of fairy tales and imagination, perhaps with the exception of the angels which many people believe in as part of a religious faith. Some artists may have been inspired from this world and have portrayed it, both in literature and in painting, and these artist have been in contact with the beings they have portrayed through intuition - in many cases unconsciously, but for Some people it has been concrete experiences. In recent time, the deva world has been described amongst others by Rudolf Steiner and in Theosophy. There is no common definition of terminology, and this makes is more difficult to get a general view of a world which is very large and varied in itself. As mentioned, the word deva is used here as a common denominator, and the deva world may be divided into two main groups, namely the nature spirits (fairies, elves, gnomes etc.) and the angels. The devas have bodies on the spiritual levels, just as we human beings have, but they don't have a physical body. Some of them have an etheric body, but otherwise they have bodies on the astral plane, the mental plane and further upwards. So the devas have no form, they have energy bodies  which change according to their work. The smallest microscopic nature beings and the small nature spirits have very little consciousness. But regardless of their size or consciousness, each deva forms part of a hierarchy of immeasurable size which step down the spiritual energy and the energies which they work with in order to manifest this plan. Thus, every deva has its place in the hierarchy and carries out its work after orders from devas of higher ranks. They don't make any questions about their tasks, they are one with the divine plan. Those devas who serve the light work in perfect harmony in harmony with the plan for the development of the Earth. They work with devotion and joy, and their work can give them a total feeling of bliss. It may happen sometimes that people experience other qualities with the smaller nature spirits who have very little consciousness - as we also know it from the fairy tales where the gnomes may tease people and the elves lead people deep into the forest. This is not a result of evil intentions, but partly of lack of consciousness and understanding of human beings, and partly because they don't always feel well about people's energies and actions. They don't understand why human beings act as they do. The devas develop gradually through their work, whereas human beings develop primarily through resistance, through understanding and insight through hardships and experiences - in that way, human beings develop love, understanding of all that lives, creativity, independence and individual initiative, so in this respect the path of the devas and the path of the human beings are different. The devas work within different areas of the kingdoms which are attached to the Earth: The mineral-, plant-, animal- and human kingdoms. An important part of their work is to build the matter on all the levels: Physical matter, etheric matter, astral matter, mental matter etc. Thus, it is the devas who build the human bodies, so we couldn't exist without the work of the devas as builders of forms. It is devas from the smallest, microscopic beings and further up in size who work with building the human body.

The devas have many different tasks, which are illustrated on the following list:

Builders of form:
- physical matter
- other planes of matter

Guardian angels for:
- each human being
- each plant species
- each animal species
- each landscape area
- each home
- each institution
- each town
- each nation

Healing angels

Energy transmission during:
- meditation
- ceremonies

Inspiration to:
- artists
- scientists

At a certain point in the development of the devas, they are individualized, just as an individualization takes place from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom. When the devas are individualized, we call them angels. Angels have the possibility of entering the human kingdom and incarnate as human beings. There are angels who would like to have a closer connection to humanity, and who would like to help humanity. A cycle of incarnations as a human being has the double purpose of helping the angel to evolve faster than it would do otherwise, since the resistance which is found within the human kingdom accelerates evolution, and of giving the incarnated angel access to transmit energies in a special way, energies which further the development of humanity. The life of the angels as human beings may be very hard for them, since they are not used to resistance. After they have finished their cycle of incarnation, the angels may return to "angel work", i.e. energy work, and continue their evolution as arch angels and further on, or they may continue their development along the human line where they will work with the development of consciousness as masters and further on.

Some of Eskild’s paintings of angels and nature spirits:

The work of getting Eskild's book published is progressing now, so I've put one of the chapters of the book online. This is the description of the landscape deva of Tisvilde Forest during the seasons: Click below to read it and see the illustrations (beware, long download time!):

The Landscape Deva of Tisvilde Forest

Click here to see more of Eskild Tjalve's paintings of devas and nature spirits: Eskild's Pictures

Click here to go back to the title page: Title Page