Spiritual economy - how to create a better world

Despite the many forms of progress of this century, humanity is still left with economical and political problems, largely due to economic suppression and exploitation, or in other worlds, greed and lust for power. On the other hand, we have better perspectives for changing this to the better now than ever before, both because of the new information technology which can spread knowledge about any subject to the world as lightning speed, and because of the forceful light impulses which are coming to the planet now. On the pages below I have collected some inspiring and illuminating thoughts about economy in a spiritual perspective which I hope will inspire the reader and show him/her some of the many possibilities for betterment of the present system.

The first contribution is a complete analysis of how the world’s economic system will look in the future, based on Martinus’ cosmic analyses and discussions with one of his pupils, Per Bruus-Jensen, taken from vol. IV of his four volume introduction to Martinus’ Cosmology:

Per Bruus-Jensen’s “X” is a complete introduction to Martinus’ Cosmology in which the total complex of the cosmic laws and principles of creation is explained and analysed with the help of examples and symbols from daily life, from philosophy, history, religion and science, and with the help of Martinus’ own symbols and explanations.

The entire works (four volumes, 1200 pages) is currently under translation from Danish into English, but at present I don’t know when it will be published.

The future world economy

4.212. World government and distribution system

As conclusive remarks for lesson 85 we mentioned how "Judgment Day" or the coming world drama will lead amongst other things to the creation of an international, homocratic world government, the first actions of which will be to carry out an almost total disarmament of the nations and furthermore to establish a coordinated production- and distribution system. The first action will render impossible new wars on the Earth; the second will make war obsolete. I promised a more detailed analysis of this production and distribution system, and this is what I shall now present in connection with the presentation of the middle-cosmic area of responsibility: the relation between individual and society.

4.213. The production and distribution system as parts of the global metabolism

As opposed to the present dominant Western production. and distribution system which is both quite arbitrary in its structure and also mainly motivated by interests of profit, the homocratic production- and distribution system will be thoroughly globally coordinated, and entirely motivated by cosmic interests. This means on one hand that it will serve the whole of the world society as rationally as possible, and on the other hand that it is governed by the same considerations which condition the metabolism in a one hundred percent healthy organism And it is not by accident that this criteria is used; on the contrary it is on the basis of the realisation that the total of human activity plus the activity of the animal and plant kingdom (corresponding to the newest discoveries within ecological science) is in fact a process of metabolism, namely that of the planetary organism. This has always been the case, but while as before the Earth began its cosmic process of initiation, its metabolism has been dominated by the killing principle and the expression of brutal power which is associated with it, after "Judgment Day" it will be more and more marked by the principles of the world moral of light, firstly within the sector which can be labeled as the area of activity and responsibility of humanity. And the basis of this process of metabolism is precisely the homocratic system of production- and distribution. This system which reflects the last remnants of the expression of the planetary being of the term "egotism" will here in its perfected form not only be an effect of humanity's collective mass of experience, but additionally a result of the new cosmic thought climates within the consciousness of the planetary being. And this last fact alone is sufficient guarantee to ensure its survival in the first difficult period of "implementation".


In contrast to the present profit-motivated system of production and distribution, the central governing mechanism of which is the law of demand and supply, the homocratic system will be designed in its entirety on the basis of the following realisations:    a) All living beings in the physical world are born with certain innate needs which must be met.  b) In the case of plants and animals these needs relate only to the organism, but in the case of human beings, there are also mental and spiritual needs which can be labeled under one term: "Life experience and its renewal". c) These needs are met in practical life through consumption. Partly consumption of physical things and partly consumption of mental categories. d) The relation between need and consumption creates the phenomena of demand, namely the demand of the things which will meet the present needs. e) The demand is met partly through the process which we label production (both by nature and by human beings), and partly though distribution of the products, i.e. distribution.

(inserted picture and text, p. 356)

Since man's needs are given by nature, and since through our ability to create we are in principle  equipped with the natural prerequisites to ensure the production which will cover our needs, the process of meeting the demands is in principle also given by nature. What is needed is in reality only to ALLOW people to use their creative abilities to work for this purpose. And to ensure this right for the individual will be seen by the homocratic world government as its principal and most important task in relation to society. Practically, this takes place through managing the global production system on the basis of the ownership of society to the riches of nature, combined with a matching system of distribution which functions in such a way that: 1) The individual, in harmony with his/her geographical location and the nature-given conditions, resources etc., and as far  as possible also in harmony with his/her interests  2) is given the opportunity to give a personal contribution to help covering the consumption in the world, but in an amount which, based on objective calculations, matches exactly to his own consumption, and which 3) is distributed through the global distribution system into the world society in the most rational  way and is thus lead via the shortest possible route to those geographical areas where the demand for the said goods is present.


So the homocratic world society is founded on the moral that every person through his/her personal efforts must cover the costs of his life - and only this (including insurance during disease; care during the childhood, education and during old age etc. Since normally an individual consumes a great number of different goods which he/she cannot consume himself, it is purposeful to create a global production system which covers the world's needs as rationally as possible on the basis of precise calculations. This means amongst other things that locally the goods are produced which is most purposeful in relation to the given conditions of nature (sources of raw materials etc.). Yet this system creates a certain imbalance between production and local consumption, which must be compensated through the use of an well-managed distribution system. As we know it, today already we have a both effective and highly developed production- and distribution system, but it does not work according to homocratic guidelines. This is witnessed alone by the fact that in one part of the world there is a surplus of food, while in the other part there is deadly famine. Also the production is very unequally distributed. Thus there are certain areas on the planet where there's a minimum of production combined with a high rate of unemployment and it is therefore impossible for the individual to cover his/her own needs through personal production; and at other places on the planet the situation is the opposite. Correspondingly, the weaknesses of the present production- and distribution system shows through a very unequal consumption seen geographically (industrialised countries versus underdeveloped countries). This is a result of the action of certain factors which belong to the area of the world moral of darkness, for instance the profit factor and the factor of power and monopoly, the money system and an attitude to the term "the right to property" which is dominated by egotism. But these very factors, and others, will be changed in the homocratic society as a direct consequence of "Judgment Day", so that the aim of society will be to meet the needs of the whole of the world society on that one condition that every single world citizen within the frames of the system as far as possible gives a personal contribution which matches his personal consumption. Yet, if this contribution is given, his consumption can be of any size which is needed for the individual. The global distribution system will ensure that there will be no restrictions whatsoever, yet of course under the condition that the needs are within the frame of what is produced in the world society. If this is not the case, the person must make a personal effort, but this will receive the support from the world society that it needs, as the philosophy of society within the framework that is defined by the common ethics follow the ideal of "all for one, and one for all".


So how does the individual document his right to a certain size of consumption? Martinus' answer to this is as follows: When the individual world citizen receives goods from the global distribution system, it is not money which is used, since the money system has been abolished for practical reasons. In stead, every individual disposes of a personal, world-wide credit card which gives him access to consumption within certain limits regardless of where on the planet he is. Through extensive, world wide computer systems the balance between production, demand, consumption and personal work will steadily be retained, just as it will be taken care of that no-one "overdraws" his account (excessively). Perhaps one might think that such a system would create an enormous consumption, but this is not at all the case. Firstly, there are limits to what a person can consume if he is to stay healthy both physically and psychologically, and as mentioned this is one of the clear goals of the homocratic person. Secondly the development will more and more express as an intellectualisation and spiritualisation of man whereby his interest in matter and in material consumption will automatically decrease to a minimum, i.e. to a size which is in harmony with the with of a healthy and inspiring life style combined with the satisfaction of intellectual interests. A very large part of the essentially empty consumption which characterizes the more affluent societies of today will thus disappear on its own, and what remains will be a consumption which besides producing the necessities of life aims at products which are needed for the expression of intellectual interests, be it musical instruments, electronic equipment, scientific instruments, colours and painting tools, sporting equipment, technological equipment etc., just to mention a few elementary examples. But the greatest consumption will be within the area of education, and it will be here as well that most people will work. As the intellectual abilities awaken and are stimulated, the thirst for knowledge and for education will increase in size and will gradually assume almost incredible dimensions. This will also be spurred by people's efforts to increase the quality of their lives, both individually and socially. So seen with the eyes of our age, life will become more and more "refined" in the sense that you don't produce anything physically or intellectually because it is profitable, but because it has your personal interest. And the reason why society can allow itself this extravagance is, amongst other things, that it is based on a production- and distribution system which is totally freed of "empty costs", and that technology, including a variety of robots, machines and fully automated production methods is taken into use. The latter means a liberation of human working power without lowering the standard of living, and indirectly so does the former - the removal of empty costs. By "empty costs" is meant the costs of "false values", i.e. products which fall outside of the frame of the homocratic world society. Production of weapons and arms, for instance, is a case of production of false values, and everyone knows today what enormous costs are spent in this production sector alone. But also such institutions as customs offices, tax departments, secret police, prisons, the larger part of the hospitals, the military and many other things are institutions which create empty costs and which will be almost totally eliminated in the homocratic society for the simple reason that they are not needed. Since every person carries the law within himself - in his own heart - and strives the best he can to obey this law, all these institutions of control and surveillance will be superfluous, which again will mean a liberation of human labour force at the advantage of other, cosmically seen, far more constructive purposes. So based on an understanding of the true role of a citizen in the coming real human kingdom, both society and the individual strives as much as possible to develop the human spirit and creativity. And in reality, this is a project which liberates all people from working on the production of 'empty values', as it draws on all the spiritual and human resources which can be mobilised - not as an obligation, but as the result of a voluntary engagement which is motivated by deep interests.

(picture and text)

Of course there will also in the future be a certain need for manual labour in the traditional sense, but that will decrease as technology evolves more towards full automatisation. The technological potential will both maintain itself automatically and reproduce itself and will gradually also be able to create new machinery. This stage will be reached especially when humanity discover the laws for de-materialisation and re-materialisation of physical matter and thus gains a control of mind over the physical matter. All in all, the need for manual, human labour will be so limited at that time that it will almost be considered a privilege to work within this field. But nobody will grieve over that, as the course of the development of the individual aims towards the spiritual world which is reached at first through absorption in spiritual and intellectual interests. Having the time and opportunity for this will therefore be seen as an ideal situation, which nobody wants to sacrifice for the sake of manual labour. And on this basis, the homocratic society moves steadily and surely towards the threshold of the real human kingdom. By virtue of the established production- and distribution system and the ethics which rules and dominates it, the homocratic society guarantees the individual citizen all the conditions for personal development which he/she can wish for, since this system maintains a maximum of wealth combined with a maximum of spare time combined with the access to spiritual and intellectual work. And seen from this angle, it is not an exaggeration to label the homocratic stage of development as the "forecourt of the true human kingdom". (Refer to The Book of Life I, chapter 4: "The creation of an international world kingdom").


The basis and foundation of the homocratic world- and welfare society is as mentioned the globally coordinated production- and distribution system, and therefore it is no surprise that the homocratic world government immediately after its establishment will launch an initiative for the establishment of this system of society while at the same time it will carry out an almost total disarmament of the world. Here I will not go very much into detail with the purely practical problems which must be overcome in this connection; for of course there will be such problems, and not the least in a world which has gone through the revolution of the Day of Judgment. Yet, these problems will all be overcome because the difficulty which has prevented things from moving in the right direction until now has been conquered, namely that which appears at present as moral resentments on the side of the present persons in power. For in reality the plans for the coming world society are already present today, only it is not possible to implement them because of the existing power balance between the "sheep" and the "goats". But this constellation of power will be will be changed radically by the changes that occur during the Day of Judgment period at the advantage of the establishment of the new world order. And naturally, this will be welcomed by all those who have lived under conditions of suppression by the present regimes - both in the East and in the West - and who have therefore been their bloody losers. Add to this the many millions of people who have been balancing at the border of famine and have nowhere to live and the thousands of people in the more affluent part of the world who wish for justice for all of all their heart. All these people make up the soil from which the coming homocratic system with all its fabulous possibilities will grow up and which will be the support of the homocratic world government. And it won’t be long before the advantages of the new system will be visible for all and within a short period removes all that can be labeled under the term of crimes with the purpose of enrichment. Alone the abolishment of the use of money at the advantage of a personal credit card will help effectively with this, since from this time on it will only be possible to steal natural resources (not money), which can’t be sold again, and for which there is no market for the simple reason that very soon everybody can go and get everything they need. We still have to remember what latent sources of riches lie hidden in the dismantling of military and arms production , besides the enormous potential of possibilities which exist amongst the masses of people within the so-called underdeveloped countries who cannot participate in the work of the world society process now, neither intellectually, nor in terms of production. In other words: The removal of all the “empty costs” on one hand , and the guarantee for full employment on the other hand will create wealth for all the people of the Earth as never seen before and thus also eliminate crimes with the purpose of enrichment. And together with this wealth follows naturally the prerequisites for the creation of the absolutely best thought climates everywhere on the planet and for eradicating a number of other causes of criminality such as shanty towns, unhealthy houses, bad conditions on the job, lack of work, lark of education, and last, but not the least - lack of love. The healing of all these problems will act very stimulating on the attitude of the individual to himself and to society and thus contribute to the creation of the homocratic atmosphere and life style. Almost everybody will take pride in doing their best in daily life in order to achieve recognition from and integration into society, but also to a large degree to be worthy of love. For we must not forget that it is primarily the love for one’s fellow beings which has become the centre of all culture in the homocratic society. And this, to make oneself worthy of the devotion and love of one’s fellow people will soon play the same role as a factor of inspiration and motivation behind personal initiatives as money does today in the present society. Now we can finally discuss the influence from spiritual science, which, as we have mentioned earlier (lesson 86) will mean that every individual is gradually given a theoretical initiation into the cosmic laws of life and principles and will thus stimulate the individual’s feeling of personal, cosmic responsibility. Added together, these factors - the wealth, the possibilities for education and illumination, love as a central theme in society and the cosmic feeling of responsibility - will create an attitude within the individual citizen which causes every individual to do his best in order to be of value, joy and blessing for everybody in society. It will also be an automatic guarantee against any form of misuse of the possibilities that society offers. And on the basis of this there is an accurate, fine balance in the ethical interplay of forces between the attitude of society to the individual and the attitude of the individual to society, a balance without which the homocratic world society would slowly but surely fall apart, but which conversely, thanks to this balance will surely lead to its real goal, which is the radiant threshold of the true human kingdom. For we must never forget that the homocratic world society is after all just the forecourt of the real human kingdom and therefore only “the breeze from the sea close to the ocean”, as Martinus expresses it. It is not the goal in itself, but is only the last stage on the way towards it.

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