Martinus' Cosmology - a world picture for the future
After his cosmic birth in 1921, the Danish initiate, Martinus
Thomsen (1890-1981) wrote the most extensive and comprehensive cosmology yet to
be seen in print on our planet. Below is a presentation of him and of his cosmology.
Martinus main symbol: Cosmos and the living beings:
The symbol above shows the basic energies and organisation
principles of the universe.
The six-pointed stat in the middle symbolises the deity, of which all living beings form
parts, and the white circles in the periphery symbolised units of individualised
consciousness, such as atoms, human beings, planets or galaxies. The six coloured fields
around the star show the different kingdoms and corresponding energies through which the
life unit passes on its eternal journey
Red: Instinct energy, corresponding with the plant
Orange: Gravity energy, corresponding with the animal
kingdom. Humanity forms part of the animal kingdom,
but is gradually evolving towards the next kingdom as we outlive our negative qualities of
hate, egotism and pride.
Yellow: Emotion energy, corresponding with the true human
kingdom, While beings in the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom all
have physical bodies of dense matter (as well as Para-physical bodies which form the
spiritual part of the individual, it's identity on the higher planes), a transition takes
place in the true human kingdom so that the beings who pass through it gradually give up
their physical bodies and the contact with the denser worlds and evolve into the higher
spiritual energies where they live in their spiritual bodies.
Green: Intellect energy, corresponding with the wisdom kingdom,
an area of cosmos with which we have only little contact, except through visitors to our
planet from higher civilisations. This kingdom is totally permeated by love and wisdom,
and its inhabitants endowed with culminating intelligence and creativity. Together with
the next kingdom, the divine kingdom, this forms the "drawing board" of the
deity, and its primary spiritual consciousness from which life in the other worlds is
planned and governed.
Turquoise: Intuition energy, corresponding with the
divine kingdom The inhabitants of this spiritual kingdom have a culminating control of the
intuition energy, the highest intellectual energy of the universe, and therefore form the
highest part of the divine consciousness.
Pale blue: Memory energy, corresponding with the mineral
kingdom. The beings in this kingdom live primarily in their memories, since the memory
energy is dominant in this region, but they still have a strong intuition and intellect
energy. Gradually as they evolve out of the sphere of memory energy and towards that of
instinct energy, they loose their cosmic consciousness which was developed
during the passage of the true human kingdom, and have to experience another passage of
the material worlds and of darkness to experience the contrasts of light and darkness
before they can regain it again. In this way the circuit is full ended, but on a higher
rung of the spiral.
The planet in the orange field is the Earth, still dominated by gravity energy, and the
star in the yellow field shows the coming society of light which will appear on the Earth
in 3,000 years when the energy of emotion and the principle of love will be dominating.
Who was Martinus?
Heres a picture of Martinus in his apartment in Copenhagen, where some
of his symbols can be seen in the background. Translation of excepts from Per
Bruus-Jensen: Martinus - a modern mystic.

Childhood and youth
Martinus was born in Northern Jutland in the village of Sindal which is known today for
its 100 fountains. But at the time of his birth in 1890, the conditions were different,
for at that time, Sindal was only a small market town in a part of the country which
was relatively poor. He lived his childhood under very modest circumstances, and as he was
born outside of marriage, he was sent out early to serve as a herd boy for some of the
farmers in the region.
Martinus received his education in the local village school which
did only teach the most elementary skills - reading, writing, calculation and religion.
Later he was trained as a dairyman and worked in a dairy until 1922. This is all the
education he got, and seen in relation to this, his cosmic world picture is a remarkable
creation from his hand. This is so much more the case as it is entirely original and
unique and thus transcending the scope of what information he could have acquired
through the study of subjects like philosophy and science. In his small book About the birth
of my mission, Martinus explains the circumstances which were the basis of his
later work as a writer and lecturer and as a spokesman for humanity and love in all the
relations of life.
A spiritual break-through
In brief it can be told here that in the spring of 1921 he was unexpectedly the subject of
a series of strong spiritual experiences which opened him to a profound insight into both
the mystery of Christ and the mystery of God. But what was more important: Through the
said experiences he also had acquired totally new mental abilities like the ability to see
through the physical reality and uncover the para-physical/spiritual reality which forms
the basis of the imperishableness of life and therefore also the personal immortality of
every single unit of life or living being. Yet he was even more impressed by the fact that
in some way he had to his own surprise been granted the access to a limitless ocean of
knowledge which he could freely access and distribute. At the instant where he asked
himself a question, the answer arrived clearly in his consciousness, regardless of what
sort of question he asked. In other words, he had become connected to a divine database
which was apparently free for him to access. And with this background, he had become his
own source of knowledge and wisdom. With the Greek word for this condition, he had become
a mystes, or with the modern version of this word, a mystic, i.e. a person who has his
knowledge from within himself, from his own consciousness. In this way he belongs in
historic terms to the line of earlier Christian mystics like Meister Eckehardt, Nicolaus
Cusanus, Jacob Böhme and Emmanuel Swedenborg, yet in the eyes of the author of this text,
his work surpasses theirs in its extension, clarity and logic analyses.
The creation of the cosmic world picture
surprisingly, Martinus with his newly won abilities quickly was engaged in the question of
what use he could put them to, and just as important, to what degree he was allowed to use
them. For as the situation was, he had suddenly been given access to knowledge which could
cause terrible disasters and terrors to humanity in the wrong hands (unknown forces and
laws of nature, black magic etc). But in this situation, too, the answer came quickly and
precisely: His task was to reveal a new world picture so extensive that it could be used
as an inspiration and impulse for humanity to motivate people for an accelerated ethical
phase of development, and which could lead to the creation of a new society in the future
when in the future it was accepted by all people - a real human kingdom - raised above any
form of want, poverty, disease and suffering. With this as his background, Martinus began
his work on formulating such a new world picture with the knowledge that it would be hard
to find supporters for it in the beginning. Partly because he was totally untrained in
expressing himself within such areas - both orally and in the written word - and partly
because for good reasons there often wasnt words in the language which could express
the realities and phenomena in the new world picture, and therefore he had to invent them
himself. And finally, he had to count on both skepticism and resistance when he reached a
point where he was able to present the result of his work to the public - even to the
point of hostility and persecution as he confronted a number of creeds and dogmas within
the existing ideas on reality both directly and indirectly. Yet things went well, and
the obstacles were successfully conquered, partly because he used two different means of
presentation which supplied each other - one based on the language and another based on a
special symbol technique which he developed himself. Martinus had a highly developed
working capacity and almost unlimited energy.

With four hours of sleep as his usual norm, his working day started
at four o'clock in the morning, and for many years it lasted until finally he got tired
late in the evening. As the result of his efforts; Martinus could look back on a life work
at the end of his life which consists of ca. 40 smaller and larger books and more than 100
coloured symbols and numerous lectures, courses and articles, plus a very large number of
conversations with people who either sought his advice for personal problems or who were
just interested in discussing the contents and details of his world picture with him. In
the same way, the author owes Martinus for many hours of personal education throughout the
most of a decade. Martinus died at the 8th of March 1981 at the age of almost 91 years.
Before then he had given all his rights and belongings to a self-owned institution which
carries his name today
Martinus was often contacted by people who wished to develop a
better and more spiritual character, but were at a loss about how and where to start. As
consequence, he took upon himself to formulate an answer which is formed as a practical
guide in how to practice love. His guidance is as follows:
Martinus advice on character development:
1. Remove the concept of enemies from your
2. Never retort to anger, slander or other forms of attacks which
are directed against you.
3. Never say anything evil about anyone or anything.
4. Be absolutely true and honest under all circumstances in life.
5. Remain absolutely untouched by flatter, praise or blame.
6. Never participate in killing, hurting or maiming of living
7. Never let your thoughts move away from working on how you may
best serve your fellow beings; thus you do the highest form of yoga or the perfect
training of the part of your development which is within the reach of your will and which
in connection with the other inputs of life to your nature will finally lead you to
ethical genius and transform you into a perfect being or divine human being.
Martinus prophesies for the future:
Many people would be skeptic about many of the ideas and conclusions
presented above, and therefore it should also be mentioned that Martinus recommended
people to retain a healthy skepticism and a critical attitude towards the work he had
presented. Thus, he said on several occasions that nobody should feel obliged to
believe blindly in any of what he had said or written, but if his ideas had caught your
attention, you should investigate closely if he was right and let nature and the
universe," The book of Life be the judge.
Therefore it could be interesting to look for a short moment on a
number of prophesies about the future which Martinus gave both orally and in the written
word, as early as 1932, prophesies which seemed totally absurd and far-fetched at that
time, but which nevertheless are close to being fulfilled by now.
1. We would develop an automatised ability to calculate which would
make us able to undertake practically any form of calculation we wanted at lightning
speed, almost regardless of its complexity...With our knowledge of the modern computer
technology we can see, that this prophesy has long ago been fulfilled.
2. We would develop a technology which would make us unemployed at
first, but later on give us freedom and spare time which could be the basis of a future
acceleration of the moral and spirit of the individual. In other words, the future would
manifest a spare-time society of an impressive standard - both materially and
spiritually.---- As we all know, the first part of this prophesy is already manifesting,
and everything speaks for the other part to become true, sooner or later.
3. Our society would move away from the use of money as we know it.
In stead, personal payment cards would be used which can transmit payment for goods and
merchandises all around the globe. In other words, the future society would be a
money-less society.---Also here, the present situation speaks for the truth of Martinus
visions. (Credit cards)
4. The future technology would end up being controlled by
peoples thoughts through the use of the impulses in the brain which accompany human
thinking.---With the so-called eye-mark technology we have come a step in the
direction of the fulfillment of this prophesy, even if direct thought control has not been
achieved yet.
5. People would realize that the planet is a living being of
macro-cosmic dimensions.---With James Lovelocks Gaia hypothesis, this part of the
fulfillment of Martinus prophesy has also begun.
6. People would realize that there are other physical universes than
our own, a sort of parallel universes with which we are able to exchange both matter,
energy and information under special circumstances. The newest research within quantum
physics and theoretical physics has begun to make conclusions about the existence of such
parallel universes.
7. We would make a number of discoveries and inventions which would
make us able to tap energy in unlimited amounts from the so-called empty space. In
reality, it is a reservoir of energy, which can be tapped by the use of a simple
antenna.--Also here, theres a development under way within the area of modern
physics. Amongst other things quantum mechanical calculations have shown that one cubic
centimetre of so-called empty space contains such an amount of energy that it exceeds the
amount of energy of the sum total of all the galaxies of the universe. The problem here is
just how to get to use it.
On the basis of those partly fulfilled prophesies I will mention
another three which to my knowledge have neither been fully nor partially fulfilled, but
which are nevertheless very interesting.
8. As a sort of pre-stage to the total control of telepathy we would
invent a technology which would enable us under certain conditions to induce impulses
directly into the brain of the individual and on the basis of this give him/her a certain
experience. One stage in this development would be a sort of TV helmet which transformed
radio- and TV signals into relevant b rain processes with the related experiences etc, so
that external devices for reception (monitors, screens) became superfluous.---This
statement was given by Martinus to the author in the beginning of the sixties, and as far
as I know there have been no confirmations apart from the fact that some scientists work
earnestly on ideas of this kind as a result of the new and very intense brain research
which is going on.
9. We would learn to control a technology which would enable us to
de-materialize and re-materialize physical matter and on the basis of this to move it from
place to place without noticeable costs. In fact, the transportation system of the future.
Well, this technology would even become so refined and perfected, that finally we would be
able ourselves to control it through pure thinking. And it would be used on both organic
and in-organic materials - both living and dead things.---The only sign of the development
of such a technology is the beaming visions of the science-fiction literature. But it has
happened before that this literature has predicted later developments in reality, for
instance in the case of Jules Verne
10. Within the coming 3,000 years the true human kingdom would be a
reality on the Earth and the majority of people have reached a stage of cosmic
consciousness through the Great Birth. The first examples of the fulfillment of the cosmic
birth would show themselves within the coming two centuries, and hereafter it would become
a more and more common phenomena.---This, I assume, is the prophesy by Martinus which has
been the least confirmed (apart from the postulates about the new form of sexuality which
is on its way), but there is still time to go - so who knows? Under all circumstances the
cosmic world picture - both with and without its prophesies - must be regarded as a
remarkable creation by a person with a background such as that of Martinus - or for that
matter, regardless of his background.
Holism in the cosmology of Martinus
Holism as a way of thinking and understanding the
universe is becoming more and more popular within science, advocating the ideas that
everything is related to everything, you cant change a part of a
system without changing the whole system and showing people who everything in the
universe is interrelated on many different levels. Not surprisingly, Martinus
Cosmology, which, according to himself, would help in the process of uniting spiritual and
natural science, religion and philosophy, is also a holistic cosmology which describes the
interrelations between the different life units or elements in the universe, and the laws
these relations follow. Martinus describes how the universe itself is a living being,
which in its turn is composed of other living beings which are made up of other
living beings and so continuing in infinity. The sum total of all these living beings he
calls God, and this divine being is all there exists. The symbol below illustrates this
principle - the triangles are life units, and the circles surrounding the triangles are
their organisms, and we see how the symbol allows for an infinite number of triangles to
exist within the first circle which illustrates the Deity.

As illustrated above, the universe is composed of living beings
within living beings within living beings - something which we can easily see. Cells form
part of organs which form parts of organisms (such as our physical body9 which again live
on planets, and planets are connected to a solar system, itself a part of a galaxy which
exists within a universe.
Martinus explains that there are seven primal principles for the
manifestation of a living being:
1. The elementary particle.
2. The cell.
3. The organ.
4. The organism (for instance a human body).
5. The planet.
6. The solar system.
7. The galaxy.
And number 8, the universe, in its turn, it an elementary particle
within a larger cell, so that the musical scale is a reflection of this universal
principle of creation. This is elegantly explained with the following picture:

More information about Martinus Cosmology can be found by
inquiring to:
Martinus Institute
Mariendalsvej 92
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 38 34 62 80
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Click below to read Martinus' own words about the new world
Martinus on World Economy
Click below to read a thorough analysis of the future world
on the basis of Martinus' Cosmology: Future
World Economy
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