Up Resume Projects Skills





Up Resume Projects Skills



Name Gnana K. Bharathy
Address 3A Woodridge Drive, Newlands
Wellington, New Zealand
Telephones (0064) (4) 4788591   -  (Home)
(0064) (4) 4717159   -  (Office)
Areas of Tertiary Education Master of Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (First Class with Distinction)

Academic Record

Course grade of A average
86% cumulative average
Institutions University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ
Regional Engineering College, Trichy, India
Majors Environmental Engineering concentration
Chemical Engineering
Masters Thesis Title Environmental Risk Assessment of Process Plants
Professional Affiliation Graduate Member, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (GIPENZ)
Residency and Work Permit New Zealand citizen, employable in Australia



Completed over fifty revenue-earning assignments / projects in environmental engineering (including risk assessment), all well received by the clients.
Solved diverse technical problems. This required continued extension of boundaries into other engineering disciplines (public health, water engineering), which was facilitated by continuous learning and development.
Proficient in computer modelling techniques including working knowledge of a number of high level languages. Experience in developing software programs relevant to engineering applications.
Published five papers (two award winners) in international and IPENZ journal and a Masters thesis during graduate and postgraduate studentship. Good academic record through out.



Technical skills in chemical and environmental engineering with ability to learn any other allied disciplines as required

Attended nine workshops and courses within three years to update my skills. For example recently, I have completed a six month part time (at 15 hours per week) course in water engineering to compliment my skills in water, wastewater and storm water management.

Proven Communication & Presentation skills

Ongoing process of co-ordination with clients from various sectors such as civic bodies, government departments and commercial sector, and within the company (internal clients).

Facilitated risk assessment strategic studies for the Opus staff. Lecturer in Water/ Wastewater treatment at Opus training centre. Presentation of papers at seminars. University lectures.

Written communication skill is testified by the many reports authored by me.

Hands on Project Management skills

Over two years, have been project managers to a number of small/ medium sized projects, in addition to carrying out the technical work required for these projects.

Successfully managed the work output of a number of subcontractor companies to ensure that they achieved the agreed project objectives.

Prepared a number of successful business proposals and bids for the clients, negotiated with diverse clients, supervised contractors, laboratories, and field technicians.

Computer skills

Owing to my strong computer background, I had been the business group's 'computer custodian' responsible for the liaison with IT group in sorting out routine IT problems and during installation of new software systems. Familiar with the P/C maintenance and Windows de-bugging

Strong computer modelling skills. Good programming skills in Visual Basic and Turbo PASCAL. Strong in spreadsheet programming. Working knowledge of Relational DataBase Management Systems (Microsoft ACCESS, presently learning SQL server). Worked in a number of application software relevant to chemical and environmental engineering.

Ability to package optimal solutions

Working knowledge and "in-context" interpretation of environmental legislation such as Resource Management Act, Health and Safety in Employment Act and Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act have been acquired.

The formulation of optimised solutions for clients, which took into consideration the legal, social and economic issues apart from technical issues. Objective awareness of the impact of environment on Socio-economic factors (community health, land usage conflicts, employment) in dealing with air quality, and land and water contamination issues.

Competency in Quality Assurance Management

Familiar with ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Systems. Contributed to the implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality System with the employer. Have authored manuals for the implementation of laboratory and training centre quality assurance.



ORGANISATION Opus International Consultants Ltd,
(formerly Works Consultancy Services Ltd), Wellington, Christchurch, and Upper Hutt Offices, New Zealand
Dates November 1995 - Present
Position Environmental Engineer

Responsibilities & Functions:

Responsible for providing environmental engineering consulting services to a range of clients such as civic bodies, Government departments and private industries. The range of services provided by myself was wide including for example:

Risk Analysis and Hazard Assessment
Preparation of Tender Documents
Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - similar to EIA in NZ context
Design, Analysis and Metering of Water Reticulation Network
Process Design of Waste Treatment Facilities
Developing Environmental Sampling Protocols
Computer modelling of contaminant plumes, process plants units and reticulation networks
Waste Minimisation or Cleaner Production in Manufacturing Industries
System Rationalisation Study for Chemical Handling Facilities and Operations
Air Quality and Dispersion Studies of Air Discharges
Commissioning of Wastewater Treatment Pilot Plant
Investigation of Contaminated Sites and Landfill Gas Migration & Emission
Observation and management of civil works, drilling and stack emission testing
Resource Consent Applications


ORGANISATION University of Canterbury
Dates 1994 - 1995
Position Teaching Assistant

Responsibilities & Functions:

Lectures for the third professional year students of Chemical Engineering on Computer Simulations. Laboratory supervision demonstration and evaluation for undergraduates.

ORGANISATION: Manawatu Polytechnic, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Dates 1993-94
Position Casual Lecturer / Learning Assistance Counsellor

Responsibilities & Functions:

Tutor for the New Zealand Certificate in Engineering classes on Sciences, Maths and Basic Engineering

ORGANISATION: Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corporation (India) Ltd, (SPIC) Madras
Dates 1990 (3 months), 1991 (3 months) / 1992 (5 months)
Position In-Plant Trainee / Trainee Engineer

Responsibilities & Functions:

Underwent intensive in-plant training at the heavy chemicals division of SPIC India, a leading oil refinery as a part of undergraduate course requirement and which I later joined as a graduate recruit. The training covered plant maintenance, operation and safety procedures.



"A novel intuitive model in the environmental risk assessment of process plants" published in Integrated Risk Assessment: Current Practice and Directions, Melchers & Stewart (ed.), Balkema, New Castle, June 1995.

"An outline of the novel strategy for environmental risk assessment of process plants" presented at IPENZ conference, Palmerston North, February 1995. Published in Conference Proceedings.

"A Discussion of Environmental Impacts of Luggate Hydro-Power Station" presented at the International Conference for Association for the Engineering Education in the South East Asia and Pacific (AEESEAP), PNG University of Technology, Papua New Guinea, November 1994. Won the Motorola award for the best paper. Published in the Conference Proceedings.

"Advanced Interferon Synthesis" Awarded the first prize in the national level IEEE symposium for engineering students. 1991, India. Published in the Conference Proceedings.

"Composite materials in engineering design" Awarded the third prize in regional level symposium for engineering students. 1990, India. Published in the Conference Proceedings.



Relevant courses completed outside the degrees earned include:

1999 "Design & Installation of Pressure Pipe Systems" – two day intensive course, New Zealand Water & Wastes Association (NZWWA), and Le Hunt Technologies

"Visual Basic Programming" - three weeks intensive course - TULEC, Madras (Tata's software training company)


"Water Engineering", Wellington Polytechnic (Final year course), six moths part time @ 15 hours per week

"Principles and Trends in Wastewater Treatment" – one week intensive residential course for practitioners, ETC


"Principles and Trends in Solid Waste" - one week intensive residential course for practitioners, ETC

"Confined Space Entry Training Course", one day intensive training, Opus


"Cognitive Science Course," University of Canterbury

"Presentation Skills Course", 30 hours training; NZ Institute of Management

1993 "Bioprocess Modelling (Env Tech - I)", Full Year Part Time Certificate of Proficiency Graduate Course, Massey University, Palmerston North
"Wastewater Treatment Technology (Env Tech - II)", Full Year Part Time Certificate of Proficiency Graduate Course, Massey University, Palmerston North




Taking part in community activities: I am involved in the production of plays for community festivals. Presenter of one-hour Access Community Radio Programmes on 783 AM Wellington for past 2 years.
Learning Yoga exercises and Indian Classical Dance


Referees can be named on request



Risk Assessment & Safety

Petroleum Transport Hazard Study, Dec 98 - April 99

Client: Wellington Regional Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer / Risk Analyst

Responsible for fault-tree and event tree analyses, air dispersion and the consequence modelling for incidents involving petroleum transportation by road, rail, sea and pipelines. Also carried out part of risk estimation. The outcome  was GIS-mapped

Risk Assessment Study for Boron in Drinking Water, November 97- December 97

Client: Hamilton City Council, Waikato District Council & Waipa District Council
Position Held: Risk Analyst & Project Manager

Assessment of quantitative risk to public health due to the levels of boron in the Waikato River water. Carried out the complete project.

Risk Assessment for Two Malaysian Power Stations, May 98 – July 98 and May 99-June 99

Client: Tenaga National Research and Development SDN BHD
Position Held: Risk Analyst

Formal Quantitative Process-Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Power Station Facilities and Operations and Recommending Mitigation Measures. Responsible for risk modelling and assessment of process and environmental risks.

Hazard Audit of Water Services and Assets, November 97- December 97

Client: Upper Hutt City Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer

Part of the two-member team involved in carrying out health and safety hazard audits of a number of water and wastewater facilities operated by the Council.

Environmental Risk Assessment of Process Plants, February 94- January 96

Client: University of Canterbury
Position Held: Master of Engineering Student

Devised a strategy, and developed models and software for assessing the environmental risk due to process plants.

Other selected risk related projects include:

Assessment of Risk to Properties for Gisbourne Distict Council, April 98
Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Generators for Meteorological Services, May 98
Assessment of Risk due to use of an alternative degreaser, Air New Zealand Engineering Services, September 96-November 96
Risk assessment & EIA for Medium Density Fibreboard plant, August 95-Septermber 95


Hazardous Substances Management

Review of Hydrogen Handling Facilities, September 98

Client: Meteorological Services
Position Held: Project Manager & Environmental Engineer

Review of the hydrogen management system and recommending measures to mitigate any legal risk posed to Meteorological Services of New Zealand Limited.

Massey University Chemical Rationalisation, April 97- July 97

Client: Massey University
Position Held: Environmental Engineer & Project Manager

System Rationalisation Study for chemical handling facilities and operations at Massey University. Responsible for assessment of facilities and systems in place for the purchasing, distribution and storage of chemicals; compliance audit of facilities with regards to legislation relating to hazardous substances; and providing options for rationalising the facilities and improving efficiency and effectiveness of the systems involved.

Other relevant projects include:

Investigation of Treatment or Disposal Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal, Air New Zealand Engineering Services, September 96 - January 97
Lead Paint Management Study for Road Structures, Transfund New Zealand, November  97 - September 98
Investigation of Hazardous Substances Issues as a part of 'Cleaner Production in Metal Processing Industries' report, Ministry for the Environment, September 97
Miscellaneous Client Advises Relating to Hazardous Substances Management: include operation and design of dangerous goods stores (Rossiter & Wood, New Zealand Aluminium Smelters), assistance with handling mercury spill (Lincoln University)


Water & Wastewater Engineering

Foxton Water Supply Upgrade Study, Feb 99 – May 99

Client: Horowhenua District Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer

Responsible for evaluating and selecting the most appropriate upgrading option for a small town water supply through reticulation network analysis, preliminary design and costing. 

Area Water Meter Installation, July 98 – August 98

Client: Wellington City Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer / Project Manager

Responsible for identifying representative locations in the city, designing suitable meter installation, and preparing tender documents for the installation of the area meters in the Wellington City area to monitor water use in various parts of the City. Part of the Wellington City Council’s Water Conservation strategy.

Reservoir Outflow Metering, December 98 – July 99

Client: Wellington City Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer

Responsible for identifying representative sites for meters, designing suitable meter installations, preparing tender documents for the installation of the area meters in the Wellington City area, calling for tenders, evaluating and awarding tenders, and supervision of contract.

Temporary Waste Water Treatment Plant, February 96-March 97

Client: Lyttelton Port Company
Position Held: Assistant Engineer / Task Manager

Design Phase: Part of the team advising on the design and construction of a experimental temporary waste water treatment plant for Lyttelton Port Company’s dry dock, to treat Tri butyl tin (TBT) contaminated paint waste. Areas of responsibility related to wastewater chemistry and chemical engineering components.

Commissioning Phase: Part of the team involved in performance monitoring of the temporary wastewater treatment plant, including characterisation Dry-dock waste containing tri butyl tin and heavy metals. Responsible for preparation of protocols and procedures for environmental sampling, investigative physical sampling of liquid effluent, hazardous wastes and ship paints, arranging laboratory testing and reporting of results.

Land Disposal of Biosolids, Feb 98 -

Client: Nelson Regional Sewerage Authority
Position Held: Environmental Engineer

Assessing the extent of the issues involved and carrying out design calculations to determine the adequacy of existing design. Carrying out economic feasibility study of application of biosolids to potentially available plantation forests around Nelson area.

Design of Air Valve Venting System on Wastewater Main, Sept 98

Client: Mainzeal
Position Held: Task Manager

Designed piping systems to collect discharge from air valves on 1371 mm CLS effluent pipes in Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Other selected projects in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Engineering area include:

Leak Detection Contract Management, Wellington City Water, June 98 - Nov 98
Water Demand Management Study, Nelson City Council, Sept 98
Stormwater Discharge Investigation & Remediation, Wellington City Council, October 98
Sulphur Balance Study, Anglian Water International Ltd, May 98
Consent Application for Car Park Sealing, University of Canterbury, March 96
Process Costing of Nelson Water Treatment Plant Options, Nelson City Council, February 98


Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land Investigation, May 97 - August 97

Client: New Zealand Post Properties Ltd
Position Held: Task Manager

Assessment of contamination at a timber treatment site. Responsible for supervision of drilling contractors, preparation of drilling logs, sampling of soil and ground-water, arranging laboratory analysis and preparation of the assessment report.

Other relevant projects include:

Assessment of Landfill Gas Emissions, Ministry for the Environment & Wellington City Council, April 97-August 97
Contaminated Site Investigation of Play Centre Site, Ministry of Education May - August 97


Air Quality

Assessment of Environmental Effects and Preparation of Air Discharge Consent Applications Jan 96-

Client: Various (see below)
Position Held: Environmental Engineer & Project Manager

Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) as per the requirements of the 4 Th. Schedule of the Resource Management Act (RMA), particularly with regards to air emissions, for a number of industrial facilities including Incinerators, Spray Booths, Foundries and Boiler Plants. Also peer reviewed reports.

Under RMA, typical AEEs concerning discharges to air involve, identifying and modelling discharges and air dispersion, assessing the effects of discharges on the environment, preparation of a report and completion of an application. This may be followed by quasi-legal process required under the Resource Management Act 1991.

Clients: Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF Invermay, Ruakura and Palmerston North), Guardian Assurance, Sun Alliance, Tower Corporation, Gillies Foundry and Engineering, Giltech Precision Castings, MECCA Foundry, Warren Woodturners, Whitcoulls, Christchurch College of Education, Transmissions and Diesels Ltd, Ministry of Education and Nelson-Marlborough Health Services.

Peer Review of Assessment of Environmental Effects, December 98

Client: Skope Industries Limited
Position Held: Peer Reviewer

The Skope Industries Limited premises in Princess Street are used for the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment. Peer reviewed AEE report for Skope Industries and also carried out process calculations for a complex part of this process.

Stack Emission Test Management, July 96 - February 98

Client: Gillies Foundry, MAFs, Chch. College of Education
Position Held: Project Manager

Project management of complete emission testing programmes and laboratory analysis, including selection of contractors, and writing contract specifications for emission testing.

Other projects in this area include:

Alternative Incineration Technologies: Cost - Benefit Analysis, ECNZ, December 96
Process Design of Catalytic Iron Filter for Centrate Line of Sludge Dewatering Plant, Anglian Water International Ltd, Nov 98


Cleaner Production

Cleaner Production in Manufacturing Industries, August 97

Client: Auckland Regional Council
Position Held: Environmental Engineer

Developed questionnaires / checklists for carrying out Waste Minimisation and Cleaner Production Audits in Manufacturing Industries.

Peer Review of Waste Minimisation Study, May 98

Client: ECNZ & NZ Fish Products
Position Held: Peer Reviewer

Peer Reviewed Waste Minimisation Study report involving Ultra Filtration (UF) and Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) pilot plant trials

Boiler Efficiency Study, ECNZ, September 96

Client: ECNZ
Position Held: Engineer / Task Manager

Part of the two member team involved in the assessment of practical boiler losses and formulation of algorithms for calculating the efficiency of single boiler heating system installations.


E-Mail Gnana Bharathy

Up Resume Projects Skills