






Gnana K. Bharathy


Address 3A Woodridge Drive, Newlands
Wellington, New Zealand
Telephones (0064) (4) 4788591  -   (Home)
(0064) (4) 4717159  -   (Office)
Areas of Tertiary Education Master of Engineering
Bachelor of Technology (First Class with Distinction)
Majors Environmental Engineering concentration
Chemical Engineering
Masters Thesis Title Environmental Risk Assessment of Process Plants
Professional Affiliation Graduate Member, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (GIPENZ)
Residency and Work Permit NZ citizen, employable in Australia


To find a challenging position in Risk Assessment / Environmental Engineering / Chemical Eng that positively contributes towards the employer's objectives, self-development and the community at large.


Completed over fifty revenue-earning assignments / projects in environmental engineering (including risk assessment), all well received by the clients.
Solved diverse technical problems. This required continued extension of boundaries into other engineering disciplines (public health, water engineering), which was facilitated by continuous learning and development.
Proficient in computer modelling techniques including working knowledge of a number of high level languages. Experience in developing software programs relevant to engineering applications.
Published five papers (two award winners) in international and IPENZ journal and a Masters thesis during graduate and postgraduate studentship. Good academic record through out.



Sound technical skills in chemical and environmental engineering with ability to learn any other allied disciplines as required. Specialist level skills in Risk Assessment. Experience in Risk Assessment, Process and Environmental Modelling, Process Safety and Reliability, Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Engineering, Air Quality, Contaminated Land, and Hazardous Substances.
Proven Communication & Presentation skills
Hands on Project Management skills
Computer modelling and programming skills
Ability to package optimal solutions
Competency in Quality Assurance management and working knowledge of environmental, health and safety, and hazardous substances legislation



ORGANISATION Opus International Consultants Ltd,
(formerly Works Consultancy Services Ltd), Wellington, Christchurch, and Upper Hutt Offices, New Zealand
Dates November 1995 - Present
Position Environmental Engineer

Responsibilities & Functions:

Responsible for providing Consultancy services to a range of clients such as civic bodies, Government departments and private industries. The range of services provided by myself was wide including for example:

Risk Analysis and Hazard Assessment
Preparation of Tender Documents
Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - similar to EIA in NZ context
Design, Analysis and Metering of Water Reticulation Network
Process Design of Waste Treatment Facilities
Developing Environmental Sampling Protocols
Computer modelling of contaminant plumes, process plants units and reticulation networks
Waste Minimisation or Cleaner Production in Manufacturing Industries
System Rationalisation Study for Chemical Handling Facilities and Operations
Air Quality and Dispersion Studies of Air Discharges
Commissioning of Wastewater Treatment Pilot Plant
Investigation of Contaminated Sites and Landfill Gas Migration & Emission
Supervision of Civil Works
Resource Consent Applications


ORGANISATION University of Canterbury
Dates 1994 - 1995
Position Teaching Assistant

Responsibilities & Functions:

Lectures for the third professional year students of Chemical Engineering on Computer Simulations. Laboratory supervision demonstration and evaluation for undergraduates.

ORGANISATION: Manawatu Polytechnic, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Dates 1993-94
Position Casual Lecturer / Learning Assistance Counsellor

Responsibilities & Functions:

Tutor for the New Zealand Certificate in Engineering classes on Sciences, Maths and Basic Engineering

ORGANISATION: Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corporation (India) Ltd, (SPIC) Madras
Dates 1990 (3 months), 1991 (3 months) / 1992 (5 months)
Position In-Plant Trainee / Trainee Engineer

Responsibilities & Functions:

Underwent intensive in-plant training at the heavy chemicals division of SPIC India, a leading oil refinery as a part of undergraduate course requirement and which I later joined as a graduate recruit. The training covered plant maintenance, operation and safety procedures.



"A novel intuitive model in the environmental risk assessment of process plants" published in Integrated Risk Assessment: Current Practice and Directions, Melchers & Stewart (ed.), Balkema, New Castle, June 1995.

"An outline of the novel strategy for environmental risk assessment of process plants" presented at IPENZ conference, Palmerston North, February 1995. Published in Conference Proceedings.

"A Discussion of Environmental Impacts of Luggate Hydro-Power Station" presented at the International Conference for Association for the Engineering Education in the South East Asia and Pacific (AEESEAP), PNG University of Technology, Papua New Guinea, November 1994. Won the Motorola award for the best paper. Published in the Conference Proceedings.

"Advanced Interferon Synthesis" Awarded the first prize in the national level IEEE symposium for engineering students. 1991, India. Published in the Conference Proceedings.

"Composite materials in engineering design" Awarded the third prize in regional level symposium for engineering students. 1990, India. Published in the Conference Proceedings.



Relevant courses completed outside the degrees earned include:


"Design & Installation of Pressure Pipe Systems" – two day intensive course, New Zealand Water & Wastes Association (NZWWA), and Le Hunt Technologies

"Visual Basic Programming" - three weeks intensive course - TULEC, Tata Infotech Ltd, Madras


"Water Engineering", Wellington Polytechnic (Final year course), six moths part time @ 15 hours per week

"Principles and Trends in Wastewater Treatment" – one week intensive residential course for practitioners, ETC


"Principles and Trends in Solid Waste" - one week intensive residential course for practitioners, ETC

"Confined Space Entry Training Course", one day intensive training, Opus


"Cognitive Science Course," one trimester evening course, University of Canterbury

"Presentation Skills Course", 30 hours training; NZ Institute of Management

1993 "Bioprocess Modelling (Env Tech - I)", Full Year Part Time Certificate of Proficiency Graduate Course, Massey University, Palmerston North
"Wastewater Treatment Technology (Env Tech - II)", Full Year Part Time Certificate of Proficiency Graduate Course, Massey University, Palmerston North



Taking part in community activities: I am involved in the production of plays for community festivals. Presenter of one-hour Access Community Radio Programmes on 783 AM Wellington for past 2 years.
Learning Yoga exercises and Indian Classical Dance



Referees will be named on request


E-Mail Gnana Bharathy
