Petroleum Transport Hazard Study, Dec 98 - April 99
Responsible for fault-tree and event tree analyses, air dispersion and the consequence modelling for incidents involving petroleum transportation by road, rail, sea and pipelines. Risk Assessment Study for Boron in Drinking Water, November 97- December 97
Assessment of quantitative risk to public health due to the levels of boron in the Waikato River water. Carried out the complete project. Risk Assessment for Two Malaysian Power Stations, May 98 – July 98 and May 99-June 99
Formal Quantitative Process Risk Assessment for the Power Station Facilities and Operations and Recommending Mitigation Measures. Responsible for risk modelling and assessment of process and environmental risks. Hazard Audit of Water Services and Assets, November 97- December 97
Part of the two-member team involved in carrying out health and safety hazard audits of a number of water and wastewater facilities operated by the Council. Environmental Risk Assessment of Process Plants, February 94- January 96
Devised a strategy, and developed models and software for assessing the environmental risk due to process plants. Other selected risk related projects include:
Hazardous Substances Management Review of Hydrogen Handling Facilities, September 98
Review of the hydrogen management system and recommending measures to mitigate any legal risk posed to Meteorological Services of New Zealand Limited. Massey University Chemical Rationalisation, April 97- July 97
System Rationalisation Study for chemical handling facilities and operations at Massey University. Responsible for assessment of facilities and systems in place for the purchasing, distribution and storage of chemicals; compliance audit of facilities with regards to legislation relating to hazardous substances; and providing options for rationalising the facilities and improving efficiency and effectiveness of the systems involved. Other relevant projects include:
Water & Wastewater Engineering Foxton Water Supply Upgrade Study, Feb 99 – May 99
Responsible for evaluating and selecting the most appropriate upgrading option for a small town water supply through reticulation network analysis, preliminary design and costing. Area Water Meter Installation, July 98 – August 98
Responsible for identifying representative locations in the city, designing suitable meter installation, and preparing tender documents for the installation of the area meters in the Wellington City area to monitor water use in various parts of the City. Part of the Wellington City Council’s Water Conservation strategy. Reservoir Outflow Metering, December 98 – July 99
Responsible for identifying representative sites for meters, designing suitable meter installations, preparing tender documents for the installation of the area meters in the Wellington City area, calling for tenders, evaluating and awarding tenders, and supervision of contract. Temporary Waste Water Treatment Plant, February 96-March 97
Design Phase: Part of the team advising on the design and construction of a experimental temporary waste water treatment plant for Lyttelton Port Company’s dry dock, to treat Tri butyl tin (TBT) contaminated paint waste. Areas of responsibility related to wastewater chemistry and chemical engineering components. Commissioning Phase: Part of the team involved in performance monitoring of the temporary wastewater treatment plant, including characterisation Dry-dock waste containing tri butyl tin and heavy metals. Responsible for preparation of protocols and procedures for environmental sampling, investigative physical sampling of liquid effluent, hazardous wastes and ship paints, arranging laboratory testing and reporting of results. Land Disposal of Biosolids, Feb 98 -
Assessing the extent of the issues involved and carrying out design calculations to determine the adequacy of existing design. Carrying out economic feasibility study of application of biosolids to potentially available plantation forests around Nelson area. Design of Air Valve Venting System on Wastewater Main, Sept 98
Designed piping systems to collect discharge from air valves on 1371 mm CLS effluent pipes in Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant. Other selected projects in Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Engineering area include:
Contaminated Land Investigation, May 97 - August 97
Assessment of contamination at a timber treatment site. Responsible for supervision of drilling contractors, preparation of drilling logs, sampling of soil and ground-water, arranging laboratory analysis and preparation of the assessment report. Other relevant projects include:
Assessment of Environmental Effects and Preparation of Air Discharge Consent Applications Jan 96-
Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) as per the requirements of the 4 Th. Schedule of the Resource Management Act (RMA), particularly with regards to air emissions, for a number of industrial facilities including Incinerators, Spray Booths, Foundries and Boiler Plants. Also peer reviewed reports. Under RMA, typical AEEs concerning discharges to air involve, identifying and modelling discharges and air dispersion, assessing the effects of discharges on the environment, preparation of a report and completion of an application. This may be followed by quasi-legal process required under the Resource Management Act 1991. Clients: Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF Invermay, Ruakura and Palmerston North), Guardian Assurance, Sun Alliance, Tower Corporation, Gillies Foundry and Engineering, Giltech Precision Castings, MECCA Foundry, Warren Woodturners, Whitcoulls, Christchurch College of Education, Transmissions and Diesels Ltd, Ministry of Education and Nelson-Marlborough Health Services. Peer Review of Assessment of Environmental Effects, December 98
The Skope Industries Limited premises in Princess Street are used for the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment. Peer reviewed AEE report for Skope Industries and also carried out process calculations for a complex part of this process. Stack Emission Test Management, July 96 - February 98
Project management of complete emission testing programmes and laboratory analysis, including selection of contractors, and writing contract specifications for emission testing. Other projects in this area include:
Cleaner Production in Manufacturing Industries, August 97
Developed questionnaires / checklists for carrying out Waste Minimisation and Cleaner Production Audits in Manufacturing Industries. Peer Review of Waste Minimisation Study, May 98
Peer Reviewed Waste Minimisation Study report involving Ultra Filtration (UF) and Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) pilot plant trials Boiler Efficiency Study, ECNZ, September 96
Part of the two member team involved in the assessment of practical boiler losses and formulation of algorithms for calculating the efficiency of single boiler heating system installations. |