We occasionally read T.H. White's The Once and Future King. It is a grand book, written in the era of WWII, and strives to show the insanity and inanity of war. Below are some links which may make your reading of this modern classic a bit more understandable.
England Have My Bones is the definitive site to learn all about T.H. White.
Very SHORT Summary of the book here and a brief glance at the Themes and Characters here.
Arthur and the Grail by Dan Townsend
Another good site for Arthurian information is the Saxon Shore, which--if nothing else--has some very mystical graphics!
Arthuriana is a scholarly site with loads of Arthur and related stuff. So is Britannia at which you can learn more about the historical King Arthur.
Arthurian Resources is a comprehensive site with details on almost anything of significance about the legend.
An A to Z Glossary of Arthurian people and places--good place to start!
Many of the stories mention Arthur's "Round Table." Legend now has it he received it as dowry when he married Guenevere and that it was built so that no knight would have higher rank when seated there. Probably, The Order of the Knights of the Round Table was a religious and mystical organization which held rituals and meetings. Click HEREfor a glimpse of this meaning.
Or you can go to Was the Table Really Round? for my own thoughts.
Many bibliographies about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have been compiled. These are more scholarly and these are for younger readers.
Almost all the stories about Arthur deal with the search for the Holy Grail. The invention of the Grail is a mystery in itself. Some say it was the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper and brought to Europe by Joseph of Arimathea. Others, as Wolfram von Eschenbach in his Parzival, claim it was a stone which fell from the heavens. Whatever the origin, the Grail was said to offer--variously--eternal life, eternal food, healing from illness, or the working of other miracles. Many scholars believe the Christian connections arose from Celtic legends, but other origins have been put forth.
For a comprehensive look at the object which made men whole Biodog has a great page.
Now we can all be knights and search for the Grail. Take the challenge and ride with Percival and other knights in a Quest for the Holy Grail.
The Internet Movie Database has all the information about Excalibur, my favorite movie about Camelot and the legends of the King. It is more mystical and wondrous than any other version I have seen. The performance by Nicol Williamson as Merlin is treat and the movie can be recommended for the cinematography alone.
Director John Boorman filled the story with Merlin reciting a spell. Go here to learn the Charm of Making and its English translation.
This is a mystical review of the movie with a reading on many levels. While the Cult Films has a more mundane but very favorable review.
And for those who like a laugh with their bloodshed, I suggest the text for Monty Python and the Holy Grail. One of the funniest movies ever (I have seen it 60 times).
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