Kent's Mythology Links
Many links to mythology--Greek, Roman, Norse, and others. This page will grow with time!

General Mythology Links
Myths & Legends offers the most comprehensive site I have seen concerning this subject. If you like frames, click HERE.

Bust of Zeus from ancient Greece
Greek Mythology
- Bullfinch's Mythology is a great place to start! All of Greek and Roman (and a little Norse) mythology you can handle!
- Medea: The Musical sponsors a huge site which contains both elementary and scholarly information. A Discovery Channel pick!
- Portland State University offers a look at Greek Civilization. Find out what life was like in ancient Greece. For middle school students, but VERY informative!
- The Encyclopedia of Mythology provides an overview of many mythologies (even voodoo!) Good source!
For more info on myths, go to Luminara's Myth-tery Page. (It is a bit weird but some good links!)
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey--The quintessential Greek stories! Join discussion about these classics.
A quick primer about Homer and other links.
The search for immortality--a look at the search for everlasting life in a variety of myths. Focuses on Odysseus (Ulysses).
A cool site which compares Greek and Norse Mythologies. Check it out!!

Odin and his ravens, Thought and Memory
Norse Mythology
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