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The IBS Expert presents...

The Cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

- a brief explanation -

The Cause of IBS - complete scientific explanation written simply...
(50 A5 pages - PDF file 450kB)

The scientific paper...

Science Direct Database...
The small intestine and irritable bowel syndrome: A batch process model.
Medical Hypotheses (2008), 71:781-787, Brian C. Dobson


?So how is IBS caused?

***IBS is caused by a failure of the nervous system
to correctly control the processes of the small intestine***

Here is a little more, beginning with a really simple explanation…

You have IBS because your small intestine does not work properly. Now how do I know that it is the small intestine? After all, many doctors say that it is the large intestine (colon) that is at fault. Well I have been researching IBS for many years, done lots of tests and investigations and found out how all the symptoms of IBS are caused. You cannot create IBS by a postulating fault in the large intestine, but you can create IBS with faults in the small intestine controllers.

I give you examples...

  1. Bloating... those with IBS-C and IBS-A get bloating soon after eating breakfast. Now there are two types of bloating. One type is severe and painful (with cramping) in the upper-abdomen, the other is not so bad and is in the mid-abdomen. The food has not had time to get to the colon but it has had time to get to the beginning of the small intestine, just after the stomach. It is here that the problems occur and the structure of the small intestine creates the two types of bloating.
  2. Diarrhoea... those with IBS-A and IBS-D have loose bowel motions (BMs) soon after arising in the morning. Sometimes these can occur during the day as well. These BMs often have raw bile salts and enzymes in them. They burn and irritate the anus. Now the job of the last part of the small intestine is to remove all bile salts and enzymes before the food is discharged into the colon. So what are they still doing there? The last part of the small intestine is not doing its job properly.

Now there is nothing physically wrong with the small intestine. It seems perfectly normal. This is one of the ways doctors diagnose IBS. Everything looks OK but it does not work properly. Your IBS is being caused by one or more of the FIVE nervous system controllers that manage the intestine. The fault can be far away in the brain or spinal cord, so the doctors give up and tell you that you have IBS...

"It's IBS. Sorry mate, cannot do anything for you. You have my sympathy".

Now sympathy is nice but it does not fix IBS! In fact the fault in the nervous system cannot be fixed (most of the time) and because there are so many controllers, it gets complicated. Yes, there are lots of types of IBS and lots of symptoms.

Now even though it cannot be fixed, you CAN learn to make friends with IBS. You do this by letting only the foods that he likes pass your lips. This is the language I call IBSperanto. When he is your friend, then he becomes very useful indeed.

If that was enough then read IBSperanto and/or proceed to the Easy IBS Diet and eat it.
IBS will immediately cease bashing you and instead start to help you.
There will be no more pain, no more gurgling, constipation or diarrhoea.
Now the Easy IBS Diet is not a particularly healthy one (although it is much better than your current diet), so for those of you who are motivated and want the best health outcome,
there is the IBS Paleo Diet. On this one you will sing!

OK... Now if you would like to know even more about IBS,
then here is a brief attempt to explain the scientific stuff...

The small intestine is the part of your digestion that joins the stomach to the large intestine. It is the engine of your digestion. It digests all your food and absorbs the nutrients, so when it stops working correctly, you get very unhappy. It has three parts… in order, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum. Food is processed in batches, and each part has a brain controller to manage the movement of food soup. There is a fourth brain controller for managing the addition of digestive chemicals. These are bile salts from the gall bladder and enzymes from the pancreas.

Here is a diagram showing the four brain controllers and the digestive system...

The enteric nervous system (the nerves in the gut) has a backup role. It is the fifth controller. It takes over when any brain controllers fail. It cannot do the job of the brain and instead just moves food along. The speed at which it moves food depends on what you have eaten. Cereals and legumes cause high speeds, root veggies cause medium speeds, above ground veggies and fruits cause low speeds, nuts and animal foods cause very low speeds. Now normally your small intestine moves at low speed. This means that when you eat cereal, legume and root vegetables, if the enteric nervous system is in charge, then food goes too fast.

Now, the brain controllers often fail. IBS is a very common digestive disorder. This failure can be due to a neurotransmitter deficiency, a toxic insult to the walls of the small intestine, a failure to develop the nervous system fully in infancy, or pressure on the nerves in the neck area. There may be other causes. When one or more of the brain controllers fail then the enteric nervous system takes over the part(s) that have failed.

Now when a brain controlled part, follows a part controlled by the enteric nervous system, and you eat cereal, bean and root veggie fibre, then the too fast speed generated by the enteric nervous system, is sensed by the brain controller and it blocks the intestine. It is programmed to manage the speed of food so that it goes slowly. This barrier causes constipation, bloating and cramping.

Now if bloating occurs as a symptom then you have IBS-C or IBS-A. There are actually six types of IBS-C and two types of IBS-A. Here are three diagrams showing how some of them are caused...

IBS-C (severe bloating) | IBS-C (slight bloating) | IBS-A

When the final part of the intestine is controlled by the enteric nervous system, there is no brain controlled part following. Now food soup containing cereal, bean and root veggie fibre is moved fast into the colon. The food has not been digested properly and can contain fats, raw bile salts and raw enzymes. These cannot be tolerated in the colon and it is evacuated poste haste, causing diarrhoea.

Now if diarrhoea occurs as a symptom then you have either IBS-D or IBS-A. There are six types of IBS-D and two types pf IBS-A. Here are two diagrams showing how some of them are caused...


The control systems of the small intestine are all automated. They are part of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is influenced by adrenal hormone levels. When these hormones are high the autonomic nervous system is at a high level, and when they are low the autonomic nervous system is at a low level.

There are natural daily fluctuations in the levels of adrenal hormones. They are high in the morning soon after arising, and cause the valve at the end of the small intestine to open (the morning rush), and the strength of any barrier is strong (bloating and cramping). Overnight adrenal hormones drop to low levels, and the autonomic nervous system is relaxed. This causes the valve at the end of the intestine to close firmly and any barrier to relax.

IBS causes stress. Stress is also caused by modern lifestyles. Stress raises the level of adrenal hormones, and the level of the autonomic nervous system. This makes IBS worse.

There is no possibility of a cure for IBS (except when a displaced neck vertebra is the cause), BUT you can remove most or all of your symptoms by changing your diet. This involves removing the offensive plant fibre causing your IBS, and slowing down the part(s) controlled by the enteric nervous system. You can also learn to influence the autonomic nervous system, and reduce your symptoms by doing Relaxation Therapies.

Now if that was not enough and you want the FULL MONTY...
then click here... The Cause of IBS for a 50 A5 page PDF file (450kB).
This is a complete scientific explanation, but written simply so that most can understand it.

If you are of a scientific bent and would like to read my paper
which is a concise and rigorous explanation of IBS then go to the
Science Direct Database...

The small intestine and irritable bowel syndrome: A batch process model.
Medical Hypotheses (2008), 71:781-787, Brian C. Dobson