There are so many of them! I could have
listed hundreds more but I think that this will do for
now. There is only one safe variant of the C word (that I
know of). It is Maize Cornflour.
Second the L word.
This is just as bad as the C word. Never let it pass your
Again I list some of the
huge number of forms of this awful obscene word...
Broad Bean
Haricot Bean
Kidney Bean
Lima Bean
Soy Bean
Baked Bean
Bean Salad
Mung Bean
Adzuki Bean
Garbanzo Bean
Bean Sprout |
Pea Flour
Pigeon Pea
Split Pea
Blue Pea
Yellow Pea
Green Pea
Cow Pea |
Red Lentil
Brown Lentil
Green Lentil
Masoor Dahl
Lentil Sprout |
Rajma |
There are just a few safe L variants that I know about.
These are peanut, tofu and soy milk.
The above two words are the
worst possible ones to utter to the IBS bully. There are
some more words that you should also avoid if
possible. These do not upset IBS nearly as much as the
first two though.
sweet potato
jerusalem artichoke
yam |
daikon |
wasabi |
It's not a good idea to
mention these words to IBS, but if you just whisper them
occasionally you might get away with it. Some of them can
be juiced (carrot, ginger, beetroot).
It then becomes safe to let them pass your lips.
These are foods that have
been prepared by someone you do not know and stuck in
packages for you to buy. They often have lists of
ingredients on them as long as your arm. Most of these are
numbers, letters
& other nonsense.
Avoid these foods. There is usually an ingredient in them
that will upset IBS. There will be a few that are safe but
you will have to search for them. The author has found
nougat and turkish delight (good stuff - not crap) to be
worth investigating. Also dried meats, dried fruits, fruit
leathers, nuts & seeds.
Now we look at the words
that IBS likes. Of course it is not quite that simple and
you need to study the IBS diets to learn how to string
these words together to keep him nice and sweet.
- Above Ground
He likes all of these as
long as they do not have any tough fibrous bits left on
them. He is particularly fond of cooked onions (fried in
butter), cooked mushrooms, asparagus and brocoli. Fresh baby green
peas and beans are OK, but not if they have become old
& starchy,
and no broad beans! Salads go down well in hot weather but
avoid the bean, radish & lentil sprouts!
Use alfalfa
& fenugreek sprouts instead.
He loves all types of fresh
ripe fruits and dried fruits, especially when eaten
together with nuts. There are some fruits he likes more
than others. Banana is his favourite. Lemon, lime &
grapefruits are favoured, also kiwifruit, pineapple,
papaya, tamarillo & fig. Grapes, oranges, mandarins,
mangoes, stone fruit and most berries go down very well. BUT be careful with
astringent fruits such as apple, quince, cranberry,
blueberry and guava. These can upset him. Also cut off any
bitter skins.
- NUTS &
All types of nuts are
fantastic, especially when eaten with fruits. His
favourite is Almonds. Sunflower & Pumpkin seeds seem
to be OK too. If he has trouble with fats, keep nuts and
seeds to small amounts, and omit them if problems occur.
All sugars are good but
they should be eaten in small quantities as large amounts
can upset him. The best ones are honey, raw cane sugar,
maple syrup, jaggery, golden syrup & treacle. White
sugar is OK but he prefers the others. Nougat and Turkish
Delight are his favourite sweets. Best Belgian bittersweet
dark chocolate is his
preferred fix but take care with chocolate if he cannot
process fats well.
- FATS -
These are all excellent and
keep him nicely greased up. However the syntax and grammar to use
them correctly is a little bit complex. Consult the diets for the
details. He likes animal fats best, especially butter and
meat fats. Next come fruit and nut oils like refined olive
(avoid extra virgin olive, it's too bitter),
avocado, coconut, almond, apricot, walnut and macadamia. Sunflower
and grapeseed are OK but avoid cereal, bean and non-edible
seed oils such as safflower, canola, soy, rice bran and
wheat germ. If he is having trouble with fat digestion
then feed him pre-digested fats. These are emulsified
already. You find them in cream, almond milk, coconut
milk, avocados, egg yolks, mayonnaise, butter etc.
He loves all of these
except those with thickeners and stabilizers in them. Give
these ones a miss. His favourite is clarified butter
(ghee). Others are butter, greek yoghurt, all cheeses,
cream, good sour cream (read the ingredients), good ice cream
(read the ingredients), buttermilk, full cream milk. Avoid skim
milk dairy foods and any with additions like
fruits, seeds, nuts, veggies and herbs. It is often not
clear what these ones contain. Add your own fruits and nuts
etc. The best ones are from grass-fed animals and the fats
are bright yellow in these. You get them from places like
New Zealand, South Australia and the Swiss Alps. When
dairy fats are white, then the cows have been fed in sheds
on processed foods. The dairy from these is deficient in
important nutrients.
- Meat - Fish -
Seafood - Egg -
These are some of his
favourite words. He is very fond of fatty red meat and all
seafoods. He likes them cooked or raw. Sashimi and
raw shellfish are
really appreciated. Salami (top quality), bacon and ham
are favourites. He loves egg yolks, particularly when
made into Mayonnaise. He likes his egg whites made into
pavlova & meringue and served with whipped cream and
fruit. He loves hard or soft boiled eggs, poached or fried
eggs, bacon & eggs (with chops &/or steak if you
like), omelets, quiches (no pastry!), egg nogs
and eggs Benedict. The best animal foods are from
grass-fed free range animals like those from New Zealand,
wild caught seafood and free range hens. His top choices
are mutton, lamb, sashimi, raw shellfish and egg yolks.
He has been known to appreciate a sardine or tuna salad (when
Pickles -
Relishes - Vinegars - Jams - Conserves
These are generally well
tolerated, but watch for those with fibrous veggies or
thickeners or stabilizers in them. Give these a miss. He
likes olives, capers, gherkins etc. Be careful with
excessively hot pickles and strong vinegars.
- Spices &
Herbs -
Some of these may be a
little fibrous so be careful. Care with any astringent
spices (cinnamon), bitter herbs (teas & green herbs), and hot ones (chili). Fresh chives are
- Drinks, Teas, Herb
Teas & Coffees -
These are generally all OK
but most have special properties, so ensure that you know
what they do to you. Laxative teas may be useful (if you
are that way inclined). It is better to drink them without
milk and sweeteners as then you can taste them and their
properties are not modified. When they are good for you,
then they will taste good. The author finds black tea very
good in hot weather and lemon & honey drinks tops in
cold weather. Most fruit juices are OK. A special mention
goes to grapefuit, orange and grape juices. Avoid apple
and cranberry. These are astringent.
VITAMINS & Minerals -
Vitamins may be necessary,
especially on the high protein diets and when fresh fruits
are not available. To digest proteins a Vitamin B complex
is essential and additional Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) is
good. If your fresh fruit intake is low a Vitamin C
supplement is a good idea. Mineral supplements are not
required. The animal foods provide your minerals. Especially
sashimi and raw shellfish. Keep your salt intake to a
minimum. There is plenty in the animal foods and no extra
is needed.
Yes, he is very fond of a
wee nip (or two) on a cold winters night, a glass of vino
with a meal and a cold beer on a hot summers day. But be
careful, he can drink you under the table and when you are
blotto he might just kick you where it hurts.
Keep your sentences short
and simple.
Large ones with lots of complex words upset him.
He likes the word Relaxation and likes you to practise it.
Well that's the basics.
Easy eh!
Now that you know IBSperanto, you can start on one of the
These all keep IBS very happy and he will not bash you -
The Easy IBS Diet
uses a very basic form of IBSperanto and is for those
of you who, like IBS himself, do not want things to be
too complicated. It does have a few fish hooks though.
The IBS Paleo Diet -
is an ancient dialect of IBSperanto. It is the like
the one eaten by your ancestors several thousand years
ago. It is a high
performance diet with no side effects.
Lowcarb Diets -
there are many of these available and as long as they
leave out cereals and legumes, you should get good
Carbohydrate Diet - has a good track record.
Diet Healing Plan
Starting on these diets
is a bit like learning to drive a car.
You take lessons,
you practise, you make mistakes, and you fail the test a
few times.
Of course, then IBS (who is like a driving instructor from
hell) is likely to bash you.
But don't give up, you WILL succeed.
Bon appetite...