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The IBS Expert presents

- The IBS Paleo Diet -


This diet is under development and it will be sometime before it is fully online.

I am creating a version that a supermarket shopper can eat,
will give a brief outline and here are some recipes...

This is like the diet eaten by your ancestors several thousand years ago before they became crop farmers and eaters of cereals, legumes and root veggies. They had no IBS. They ate meat, fish, eggs, seafood, dairy, fruits, above ground veggies, herbs & spices, teas, nuts and seeds. They ate them in season and preserved the excess produce.

  • Meat was from all types of animals including insects and reptiles. It was eaten largely in cold weather. The organs were eaten raw (liver etc.). Animals were hunted when they were fat and the fat was prized more than the meat. Marrow bones were cooked and craked for their fat content. Meat was cooked and eaten with broth & sufficient fat. The rest was dried (biltong etc.) for snacks on hunting trips and similar. Large fat animals were made into Pemmican. This is cooked, dried powdered meat mixed with fat and it keeps without refrigeration. It is a superb food for travelling and hunting. If they lived in permafrost areas (Inuit) then excess meat and fat was stored underground in rock caches where it gradually became mouldy like blue cheeses. Meat could also be preserved with a combination of drying, smoking and salt (bacon & ham etc.).

  • Seafood was much the same. Fish roes, eyes and livers were eaten fresh immediately the fish was caught. Fish frames were made into broth and eaten with the flesh. Excess roe was preserved. Excess fish was dried as meat was. Fish was buried underground and allowed to ferment for several months, then eaten. If marine animals like seals, walruses and whales were available, then these have large fat supplies on them and were greatly prized. The oils had many uses. They were eaten, used for lamps and cooking stoves and many other uses. The Inuit on summer hunting trips, took dried fish and a pouch of seal oil. The fish was dipped into the oil before being eaten.

  • Eggs were prized, but largely the yolks which have about one third fat content. Yolks were eaten raw and the whole egg cooked. Eggs were from wild and free range birds.

  • Dairy from all types of animal herds was drunk fresh and never pasteurized! But mostly it was made into cultured forms that are easier to digest and keep longer. Yoghurts, related fermented milks, butter and cheeses. Cheese could be eaten fresh and unsalted, or salted and stored until moulds had made them tasty and sharp. There were no 'low fat' options!

  • Fruits were gathered in season and eaten fresh. Excess was dried or made into alcoholic beverages (wine).

  • Nuts and seeds (also olives) were greatly prized for their high fat content (60-70%). They were eaten with fruits and the excess was stored.

  • Veggies, teas, spices and herbs were gathered from wild plants. They complement the animal foods and help to digest them. They could also be fermented or dried and stored. Black tea, sauerkraut and kimchi are examples.

This is just a small selection of the ways in which your ancestors ate their food. Their life was hard. There were many dangers to be overcome in their daily life and no Supermarkets. To eat you had to hunt and gather. BUT they did not suffer from IBS, IBD, Crohns, asthma, auto-immune disorders, Alzheimers, heart problems, cancer etc. etc.... These diseases only appeared when cereals, legumes and root veggies started to be eaten in quantity. They ate high fat, low fibre diets, and NOT low fat, high fibre diets. 

Dairy... Supermarkets have only poor quality pasteurized products. I do not recommend these. All my trials with these gave poor results. The best dairy is got straight from the animal or the farmer. I recommend you eat only these milks and eat them alone with no other foods. Bright yellow butter from free range grass fed cows is a superb food. Clarified butter (ghee) is even better.

Cooked Meat, fish and eggs... they should only be eaten in small amounts, in cold weather (below ~10C), with sufficient fat accompanying them, with broth or gelatine, sour teas, salt, garlic, onions, herbs & spices. The ratio of fat to cooked protein is between 2 and 3.5
Those with difficulty digesting fats should use a ratio of 2
Eat a maximum of 100g of meat or fish per meal and eat 40g fat/oil (ratio 2) to 70g fat/oil (ratio 3.5) with it. Satisfactory meats are game, free range goat, venison, beef & red meat from birds. Mutton and lamb should only be eaten when it is extremely cold. Avoid farmed seafood, chicken, & pork. Eat eggs with garlic & salt.

Dried meat & fish... small amounts can be eaten as a snack. You can try the Eskimo trick of dipping it in oil or melted butter before eating if you like. Those with difficulty digesting fats should not try this.

Special animal foods... raw shellfish, raw liver, brains, organ meats, marrow fats, meat broth, and fish stock, should feature in your diet.

Fruits... these should be seasonal & tree ripened. In hot weather they are eaten raw. In cold weather they can be cooked and eaten or made into teas. There are three basic fruits types...

  1. Raw fruits that are sweet and sour. Examples are berries, stonefruit, kiwifruit, pineapples, mangoes, papaya, tamarillos.

  2. Raw fruits that are sweet, astringent & sour. Examples are apples, pears, guavas, pomegranates, blueberries, cranberries,  quinces.

  3. Cooked fruits. These are sour & sweet. When cooked, fruits become much more sour. They vary... apples are very mild, gold kiwifruits are slightly sour, green kiwifruits are sour, plums are very sour and berries are very, very sour.

Nuts & Seeds... these should be freshly cracked. Most processed nuts are either cooked or heat has been used to process them. Avoid these. Raw almonds, skin on, are safe.

Teas, Herbs & Spices... these have special properties that can be used to help digest your foods. Only drink/eat them when you need to. Never eat them just for flavour.

Honey and Sugars... Paleo man never had a supermarket or a beehive. Sweeteners were highly prized treats. Use them sparingly. New honey is sweet, straight from the beekeeper in late spring and best eaten in hot weather. Old honey (six months or more old) is pungent and is eaten in winter.

Water... no filtered and chlorinated water supplies existed in Paleo times. Do not drink these. Go to extraordinary lengths to get rain or spring water that tastes great and is not treated. Do a test. Obtain a glass of high quality rain or spring water at room temperature, then fill another glass with municipal tap water. Taste each one.

Difficulty digesting fats... if you have a history of severe IBS with fat in your BMs then you may have IBS-B. Do not eat too many nuts and use acid fruit juices to assist you to digest them. Eat emulsified fats as mayo with egg meals. Butter is best eaten soft mixed with a little honey or raw sugar. Eat unemulsified fats (oils, clarified butter) with cooked meat/fish/eggs in a ratio of 2g of fat per gram of cooked protein.

Food combining...  

  1. Eat only one sort & type of animal food per meal. Eat eggs, but no meat or fish. Eat beef but no goat or venison or egg. Eat one type of fish but no egg or meat.

  2. Do not eat fruits, veggies or nuts with animal foods. Eat a meat, fish or egg meal and accompany it with water, juices, honey, teas, herbs and spices, but no fruits, veggies or nuts. Eat a fruit, veggie and nut meal, but no meat, egg or fish with it.

  3. If dairy proteins are eaten, then one type per meal should be eaten alone without any other foods, except water/juices/honey/teas/herbs/spices. So eat yoghurt alone, eat cheese alone and only one sort of cheese.

  4. Eat melons alone and not with other fruits.

  5. Never heat honey.

Order of eating... drink water first, then fruit juices & teas with Vitamins, then fruits & nuts OR meat/fish/egg, then fats, then any black/green teas.

