4010 Ridgelea Drive
Austin, Texas 78731
Work Experience:
- 2001-Present Web Developer,
Austin, Texas.
- 1998-2001 Social Science Teacher, Wallenberg High School San Francisco, California.
- 1999-2001 Freelance Web Developer San Francisco, California.
- 1999 Web Designer, Robedob LLC San
Francisco, California.
- 1999-2001 Air Courier, World Courier,
Inc Worldwide.
- 1995-Present Freelance Travel Writer/Photographer, Worldwide.
- 1995-1998 Associate Editor, Weissmann
Travel Reports Austin, Texas.
- 1992-1994 Urban and Regional Planner, U.S.
Peace Corps Mbabane, Swaziland.
- 1990-1992 Transportation Planner, Texas
Department of Transportation Austin, Texas.
Web Development and Instructional Design:
- Two years Web development experience, for Web design firm and freelance.
- Webmaster for Texas
Window Initiative Web site.
- Project Manager and Instructional Designer of Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
- Experience with PC and Macintosh, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Dreamweaver, PhotoShop, HomeSite, BBEdit, ImageReady, Illustrator, PaintShop Pro, Fireworks, QuarkXpress, Flash, SAS.
Teaching and Curriculum Development:
- Taught Social Science courses at well-regarded, college-preparatory high
- Worked with a team to develop and implement interdisciplinary thematic lessons.
- Employed hands-on learning techniques and simulations to reach diverse student
- Presented variety of adult-education seminars to groups of 10 to 150 persons.
- Trained and supervised professional-level employees in research and planning
Marketing, Sales and Public Relations:
- Promoted and sold products at national trade shows and expositions.
- Developed advertising campaign resulting in 70% increase in target responses.
- Negotiated with foreign governments for country tours and product exchanges.
- Managed external communications with foreign embassies and public.
Research, Writing and Editing:
- Researched and wrote international travel guides, for online and print media.
- Wrote and photographed feature stories for AOL's Travel Channel.
- Edited freelance correspondent contributions for content and accuracy.
- Created editorial style guide and templates to improve consistency, adopted company-wide.
Administration and Management:
- Developed and managed extensive travel information database.
- Hired and supervised a network of 100 foreign correspondents for information collection.
- Budgeted and developed payment contracts for correspondent assignments.
- Secured $50,000 USAID grant to fund an urban planning training program in
International Experience:
- Experience in more than 60 countries. Resided: Bahamas, Canada, Swaziland, USA.
- Work-related travel: Chile, Cuba, Israel, Malaysia, Peru, South Africa, Sweden.
Volunteer Experience:
Language Skills:
- Proficient Spanish and SiSwati, Basic Portuguese and French.
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Last modified Saturday, August 25, 2001 9:55 PM
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