Coursework text

The following is coursework that I have completed or am working on as part of a MA in Instructional Design at San Francisco State University:

ITEC 745 Homepage

  1. Mid-Term Test
  2. Tao Project:Plain/Nicer/Table Version
  3. Frames Exercise
  4. Final Test
  5. Final Project: WebQuest

ITEC 845 Homepage

  1. Semester Project Proposal
  2. HTML Review Exam
  3. Simple Form
  4. Complex Form
  5. Cascading Style Sheet Practice
  6. JavaScript Practice Page

ITEC 895: Texas Windows Initiative (TWI) Website

About | Resume | Portfolio | Coursework | Photos | Links

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Last modified Wednesday, November 8, 2000, 2:37 PM
To receive further information, contact Steven Hall at