The Second Time Around

I remember you walking down Arab Street. Your handsome face smiling as the cold strong winter breeze whisked your hair. You didn't seem to mind as the potent wind cluttered your once immaculate hair. Instead, you let the breeze scent the maleness of you. I felt a pain thrust upon my virgin heart. "A pure maiden have the very right to scent your maleness, not a lifeless wind!", i said to myself with fury. I could not understand why i felt pain from my very heart. A pain that was so foreign to me.

I asked myself, "Is this a pain of jealousy or just a pain of being so lonely?" Am i crazy to feel jealous from a wind that is so lifeless and immortal. Why am i jealous? This question struck me like a bold of thunder. From then on, i realized i never really fell out of love but once again i have fallen in love with you the second time around.

I was just behind you waiting to be noticed. I know you heard me laughed 'coz i saw you looked back but then you turned away with harshness in your face. Like i ruined your lovely day. I was more hurt knowing that man i loved turned his back away from me. Anger flooded my pure innocent soul. I looked down in bitterness but when i glanced again to you for the very last time, you were gone. As if the wind brisk you away from my wondering eyes.

Farewell...My Lost Love...

BY: Robelinda Bajar

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"....Could this be true? Is this just another sweet phrase softening the hearts of many. Shall i let myself dwell in an empty world?

Simple Me<>A 'Lil Story of Luv<>Man Of My Dreams
Letter To My Love<>Ruins of the Heart