Man Of My Dreams

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder Where you Are?
Mmmmmmmmm.......Do We Ever Wonder?

In isolation, thoughts yonder beyond the horizon. Exploring deepest thoughts.
Searching the abyss. Gazing...Eyeing...Looking for Something Someone Somebody?
Something to hold unto...Someone to love and be loved...Somebody i can 
call'MY LOVE'

Mmmm...A wonderful sentiment...

Dreaming that someday, somehow and somewhere we will find someone special. Patiently we await for that day to come. Someday it will. Somehow it will happen. Someday we will meet.

Oh I wish and dream of my love to sweep me off my feet. Carry me to his threshold of devotion. Holding me so tight, like there is no tomorrow. A sigh he will only hear from me. A sigh of wonderment, completement, and a sigh of fullfilment. With open arms i follow YOU. With open heart i follow THEE

Simply Me<>A 'Lil Story of Luv
Letter To My Love<>Ruins of the Heart