General Facilities

 Computer cente  Library  Language Cente  Sport and art  Religious facility  Bank and Post


Computer centre
This unit department provides service to computer access for education, research, communication as well as administration work.
For for information about this unit, please contact to Puskom Unibraw.

The main library of the Brawijaya University is located in a two floors building which coveres 5000 squares meters area. The collections , which are 210.954 copies of 72.651 title, consists of:


The library provides service to about 16.471 students and 1200 lectures within university. The library opens 10 hours per days.
For more information about the library, contact to Unibraw library.

Language center
At the moments, this language center provide a service to improve the English language proviciencies for the university staf and students. Besides regulars classroom, it also provides self access center. The materials collection consist of books, video and audio cassette.
For more information, contact to Unibraw Language Centre.