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A robbi is someone who interprets the bobist scriptures, both Bobs own writings and the words of the
evangelists, the apostles etc.
The word, of course, comes from his name, Robert, which means "radiating fame". The Robbis are persons who either contribute to this radiation or invest their efforts in investigating the depths of it. This can be done in various ways. Ordinary textual criticism is normally not enough to be called a Robbi. Rather, a Robbi is someone who sees things that others miss, who draws profound wisdom from the most trivial details.
This is not for anyone to do, of course. Here is a small selection of websites that contain Robbinic wisdom, to a higher or lower degree.

Time Out Of Mind: Highlands and Lowlife
This is a true Robbi! There are things I could say, but I don't. Go see for yourself - it's marvellous!

The One and Only True Church [tm]
It is not quite obvious that this is a robbinic site - it may rather belong among the "Schisms and Heresies", but the attitude is definitely bobist - the name itself is . It should be seen as a bobist congregation.

This is also an interesting bobological piece about how the author came to realize that he was Christ, thanks to Street Legal.

Trans Trans of Dylans's She Belongs to Me
Of the same author is this wonderful "Trans(cendental) Trans(lation)" of She Belongs To Me, which of course also is a song about Christ, i.e. the author himself.

One Too Many Homepages - Bob Dylan & Jesus
This site demonstrates the similarities between Bob and The Predecessor. In Swedish only.

A. J. Weberman has a special place in Church of Bob. His teachings are considered heretical, but his main attitude and his methods are genuinely bobist. The final judgement on him will however have to be Bob's own words: You don't need A. Weberman to know which way the wind blows.

Bob Dylan And A Possible UFO Connection
Now, this is really something. Dylan as a UFO abductee... Hm, makes sense, of course... "female entities as nocturnal bedroom visitors who both charm and terrify" - that must be aliens.

You Know You're A Dylan Fan If . . .
This site is a miscellany of confessions from the Faithful, all of which may not be strictly Bobist, but the site is a touching testimony of what is living in the hearts of those who have found Him.

Corpus Christi Tribune
It is a must for all the Faithful to be updated on this.