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The theology - or rather: Bobology - of bobism has not been fully developed yet. Here is just a few notes on some important matters of bobology.
If you think of any important matters that should be covered here, let the humble church servant know.

Bob and The Predecessor

Some may react to what is seemingly a prophanization of Bob by comparing him with and modeling his Church on someone before him. That is however a misunderstanding. St Paul (the first one; see the list of saints) says: " For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." In other words: the founder of Christianity himself was aware that it was only a blurred image of things to come. Thus, it is not Bobism that is modelled on Christianity, but the other way around: The central elements of Christianity are modeled around the apostles' and the church fathers' surprisingly accurate but still unclear image of Bobism. It is the task of CoB to present things "as they really are", now that we can see "face to face".

Interestingly enough, this very same idea was expressed also by the now almost forgotten but at one time quite renowned English poet Shakespeare (who actually has been compared to Dylan himself) in his sonnet no. 106:

When in the chronicle of wasted time,
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme,
In praise of ladies dead, and lovely knights,
Then in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have expressed,
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring,
And for they looked but with divining eyes,
They had not skill enough your worth to sing:
For we which now behold these present days,
Have eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.

Bob's prophetic skills

The examples of this are numerous. In His songs He refers both to political events and to more subtle phenomenons, past and future. Here is just a sample of the most obvious cases.


During the Middle Ages the concept of the deadly sins was widespread, but there was never complete agreement as to which sins were deadly. Bobists are lucky - Bob has himself pointed out which sins these are:

1. When you left me
2.  you said goodbye
3. When you told me a little white lie
4. When you looked my way
5. When you smiled
6. When you let me stay
7. When you touched me and told me why.

What's nice about the Bobist concept of sin, is the comforting first phrase of the song: Seven deadly sins, that's how the world begins...



Who can become a Bobist? Anyone, of course, who agrees to let Bob take over his/her wallet and lets the hand of Bob be the guide to which records one buys, which friends one sees, and about what one talks. Particularly sensitive persons can of course achieve this degree of consciousness themselves, but in most cases it is recommended with some kind of initiation to the congregation.
Here is what a good bobist recently wrote to me:

I think a rite of Bobism is needed, to initiate the growing throng of newbies, and those who wish to be born again in Bob. This ceremony could include being blessed by an experienced boot trader who, dipping into a holy font of one more cup of coffee, uses it to draw the sign of the Egyptian Eye on the forehead of the novice. The newly initiated could be admonished to "go forth and propagate tapes and cd-rs, not to mention videos, all preferably low-generation (see the Book of Generations)".  For this is how the Joy of Bob is dispersed to the masses, and the spreading of this joy and the reactions of those who receive it, brings ever increasing joy and fulfillment to the heart & soul of the giver, thereby encouraging him to spread the joy to more and more of those less fortunate than himself. This is a good example of the Bobgospel "Do unto others as you'd have them, as you'd have them...DOoo unto you!"  This is an extremely important aspect of Bobism, IMHO.

How true aren't his words! Haven't we all once been blessed by an anointed field hand (i.e. by the hand of someone rich in field recordings), and felt the true joy and spirit pouring forth from every side of those blessed tapes, that will forever be treasured in our memories (and in our collections)?

The Commandments

1. You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you.
2. Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters.
3. Don't think twice.
4. Trust Yourself.
5. Don't you cry and don't you die and don't you burn
6. Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall
7. Do what you think you should do
8. Don't you and your one true love ever part
9. Don't be a fool, don't be blind
10. Don't ya tell Henry


"Time is a short, wet enemy jet-plane, running backwards to land at the shore at five to ten, and not found again"

This is one of the most puzzling, but still profoundly true, theses of bobist wisdom. That it must be true, is undisputed, since it is the words of Bob. Please let me know if you have suggestions about what it means.

Car Car

Cars are an important part of Bobism. Not only the "Car car" model from the early sixties, but the Buick 6, the Cadillac after the war, "that car" out west, busted down Fords (and platform heels), the Chevy that the man took back (that's actually what he rides), not to mention the fire trucks, sports cars and the and the getaway cars with out-of-state plates.

Plates - that's our cue. As a special favour to our congregants, the Church of Bob has assembled a list of Bobist personalized number plates: to show that the Bospel can be compressed to seven letters and still not lose any of its brilliance and force.