I welcome you to the web page of the Eloy Elementary
School District #11 in Eloy, AZ. The district has been in
the celebration stages for over a year, having just
celebrated our centennial. (1897-1997)
As a descendent of the family who started the district, it gives me great honor and pleasure to be at the helm at this critical juncture in time. The district was started in 1897 and is rushing towards the new millennium with a rich history and tradition that will be sure to carry onward with each succeeding generation.
We have a Governing Board that is dedicated to the students of the district and in helping each student meet their academic and personal goals. The district is currently on an August-May school year calender. All district employees are helping our students to attain the skills necessary to compete and excel in secondary school.
We look forward to this school year and all of the challenges and rewards that come our way!
Richard S. Cariño,