The clothing bank is open from 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday. We accept clean clothing donations daily. There is no cost for this service at the Center. Gently used and new clothing are available. Children need to come accompanied by an adult during after school hours. Teachers or school nurses can call the center for questions. Ramona Mercado is the volunteer incharge of the Clothing Bank. We do carry a small assortment of adult male and female clothing as well as baby clothing. We participate in the Arizona state Child Seat program. Occasionally we have car seats available for parents of new borns and toddlers. Parents and community do not need a referral to access the clothing bank.
Various organizations sponsor parenting classes around our community, please call to find out time, dates , and location of classes. If you are a service provider and would like to get on the list as offering this service to the community call and leave the information with Veronica Tafolla.
Bring your talents to the Elementary School. We are looking for volunteers to be bus monitors, cafeteria helpers, playground helpers, helping teachers in the classrooms, helping the custodians, and also in the Family Resource Center. Help us log more hours this year then we did last year.
During the school year several workshops will be available to all parents of students at Eloy Elementary School District. The following is a list of topics for the workshops. If you have specific topics you would like to have available please contact the center director, Mrs. Jordan for assistance.
As a district we are working hard to Promote Reading in District Education, (P.R.I.D.E.) Come help us read to our students everyday. Last year community members were invited out to read to students at Intermediate School. We have initiated (DEAR, Drop Everything And Read) on each campus. We are in dire need of reading materials for the students and staff for this extra time on reading. Our Youth Townhall dealt with improving Reading and how to assist students in becoming better readers.
The Eloy Family Resource Center is the second oldest Center in Pinal County. We are located in Eloy Arizona and have been here since 1988. Many VISTA volunteers have helped to make this Center an integral part of Eloy Elementary School District #11
Maryalice Jordan, Director
Office phone (520) 466-2120
Last Revised:Sept 11 1998
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