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A Bird's Eye View of This Site

Following is a hierarchical list of all the unique pages comprising this site. (If a page is linked from more than one parent page, it is only shown under the most relevant parent.) If your browser uses a different color for recently-visited pages, you'll see at a glance which pages you've seen and which you might still want to check out.

The Ninth Street Center Home Page

  1. Introversion and extroversion
    1. Quotations about psychological polarity
    2. A timeline of polarity awareness
    3. A bibliography of psychological polarity
  2. Homosexuality
  3. Personal development
  4. Interpersonal creativity
  5. Social progress
  6. A science of human nature
  7. Infrequently asked questions
    1. Why can't I say home and just hope for a better world?
    2. Does psychology begin with a radical premise?
    3. Why are people like computers?
    4. When can an examined life tell you more than an unconscious mind?
    5. If IBM is a person, why isn't my cat?
    6. Can I have a lover and not know it?
    7. Garrison Keillor: "Why shouldn't you live in the past?"
  8. The Ninth Street Center
  9. Paul Rosenfels
    1. Paul Rosenfels and William James
    2. Paul's writing style
    3. A thumbnail sketch of Rosenfelsian semantics
    4. A Rosenfelsian glossary
  10. Peer Counseling
  11. What our members think
    1. Frank Aqueno
    2. Laurie Bell
    3. Nick Cirabisi
    4. Robert Fink
    5. Carl Luss
    6. Kim Mulcahy
    7. Edith Nash
    8. Walter Ross
    9. Tony Rostron
    10. Larry Wheelock
  12. What people say about us
    1. East Village Counselor [1968], by Seymour Shubin
    2. Creative Psyche and Homosexuality [1972], by Herb Spiers
    3. The Ninth Street Center [1973], by Doug Feldman
    4. Hot Nights at the Ninth Street Center [1974], by John Paul Hudson
    5. New York's Dr. Paul Rosenfels: Building the New Gay Society [1974], by John Paul Hudson
    6. Paul Rosenfels' Freud and the Scientific Method [1981 review], by D. F. Lawden
    7. Gays Go Free at Ninth Street Center [1983], by Judy Chicurel
    8. The Best in Human Nature [1987], by Jay Bolcik
    9. The Secret Lore of Gardening: Patterns of Male Intimacy [1991], by Graham Jackson
    10. Dean Hannotte's We Knew Paul [1991 review], by Tom Steele
    11. Paul Rosenfels' Homosexuality: the Psychology of the Creative Process [1992 review], by Ian Young
    12. The Living Room Mysteries: Patterns of Male Intimacy Book 2 [1993], by Graham Jackson
    13. The Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory [1985], by Ian Young
    14. Sexuality, Society and Individual Growth in D. H. Lawrence's Women In Love [1996], by Michael Ballin
    15. Do Ask, Do Tell: A Gay Conservative Lashes Back [1997] Bill Boushka
    16. Paul Rosenfels and the Creativity of Gayness [1998] Bob Ledwidge & Jane Wallace
    17. Paul Rosenfels' Homosexuality: the Psychology of the Creative Process [1998 review], by Bill Boushka
    18. Dean Hannotte's We Knew Paul [2000 review], by Walter Godsoe
  13. What we're working on
  14. Our publications
    1. Psychoanalysis and Civilization [1962]
    2. Love and Power: The Psychology of Interpersonal Creativity [1966]
    3. Homosexuality: The Psychology of The Creative Process [1971]
      1. The full text of the 1973 Foreword (6Kb)
      2. The full text of Dean Hannotte's 1986 Introduction (33Kb)
    4. The Monographs
      1. Subjectivity and Objectivity: Further Aspects of Psychological Growth [1974]
      2. The Relationship of Adaptation and Fun and Pleasure to Psychological Growth [1975]
      3. Psychic Exhaustion and the Growth Process [1976]
      4. The Nature of Civilization: A Psychological Analysis [1977]
      5. The Nature of Psychological Maturity [1978]
      6. A Renegade Psychiatrist's Story: An Introduction to the Science of Human Nature [1979]
      7. Freud and the Scientific Method [1980]
      8. Letters to Dean [1981]
    5. We Knew Paul: Conversations with Friends and Students of Paul Rosenfels [1990]
      1. Introduction to We Knew Paul
    6. The Ninth Street Center Journal
      1. Rick Shupper: [editorial]
      2. Dean Hannotte: [editorial]
      3. Dean Hannotte: "Homosexuality: Civilization's Secret" [essay]
      4. Dean Hannotte: "The View From the Center" [column]
      5. Paul Rosenfels: "John Hopkins' Find Your Way Home" [review]
      6. "Conversations With Our Counselors" [interviews]
      7. Bob Fink: "How Does Peer Counseling Work?" [essay]
      8. Dean Hannotte: "May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude" [review]
      9. Paul Rosenfels: "Society's Fear of Homosexuality" [article]
      10. Paul Rosenfels: "The Bridge [1949]" [fiction]
      11. Jurgen Schmitt and Tony Rostron: "Interview with Paul Rosenfels [1974]"
      12. Laurie Bell: "Letter to Paul Rosenfels"
      13. Dean Hannotte: "Improvement, Perfection, Development" [essay]
      14. Frank R. Aqueno: "On Choosing a Homosexual Lifestyle" [essay]
      15. Robert Rose: "Daring to be Deviant" [essay]
      16. Dean Hannotte: "Dayshine and the Winds of Death" [fiction]
      17. Paul Rosenfels: "THIS I BEHELD: A Psychological Analysis of the Growth of the Masculine Ideal in Civilization, with Application to Selected Writings of Homer, Shakespeare, and Joseph Conrad" [essay]
      18. Carl Luss: "Correspondence with Paul Rosenfels, with Additional Remarks"
      19. Edith Nash: "Some Reminiscences About Paul" [memoir]
      20. Dean Hannotte: "Ernest Becker's The Lost Science of Man" [review]
      21. Paul Rosenfels: "Principles of Psychological Growth and Social Change" [essay]
  15. A photographic scrapbook
  16. Schedule of events
  17. How to contact us
  18. Search this site
  19. Other sites we like
  20. Get a bird's eye view of this site [i.e. this page]

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