Schedule of Events
Here are the current activities that we sponsor in New York City.
Psychology Discussion Group
Our Psychology Discussion Group, which is open to the public, meets at the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center at 208 West 13th Street. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. There is an admission charge of $5.00.
Peer Counseling
Many members of the Center offer peer counseling based on the psychological insights of Paul Rosenfels. To arrange for an appointment, email the Center at .
Closed Discussion Groups
The "closed" (i.e. not open to the general public) discussion groups meet every eight weeks or so on an alternating basis. The Personal Growth Support Group meets to discuss our interpersonal successes and failures, free of psychiatric judgment or technical jargon, and as equals. The Paul Rosenfels Study Group meets to discuss the theoretical writings that are used as the intellectual foundations for all the services we provide at the Ninth Street Center. See below for upcoming dates.
There is no admission charge for either of these closed discussion groups, and you can attend any combination of groups you desire. To join, and for exact times and locations, please email the Center at .
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