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There are, as you know, many worthy causes that deserve help.  These are simply a few that are special to me and that I feel strongly about supporting.

Humane Society
I'd like to encourage everyone who is looking to get a pet to   consider adopting an older animal.  Dog (my cat - I know, I know - she's scarred for life) was a few years old when I got her and she is a joy.  Even my cat hating friends adore her.  It's  important for us to help look after all creatures - sometimes especially those who can't explain to us what they need.

The Missing Children's Network
Again we have another group that has trouble helping themselves.  Children are important to both respect and protect.  Today's well brought up, happy child is tomorrow's wise and world changing adult. 

Conservation International
Anyone who knows anything about the destruction of our world's rainforests must surely be as concerned as I.  All our best healing products come from them as does the very air we breath.  They must be protected.  Please try to learn all you can and make a   difference.